to an."8 The newness of an "8" toý the majorit of Cr drivrs is clearly Sbonb h question, "6BUt isn't it: more expensive to run? This is1 not a fact. It is not. the, number -of cylinders, but the egt of the car and the efficieny of the engine that determines, the quantity of fuel used. LAKE 8xnzMoTaRS Authorized 4 714, ELM STREET D~alers WINNETKA, 158 and' Virginia Grahamn. They.will visit Ithe settlement on different days and will assÎst- in the various forms of relief and recreationalI work. Compete inSale -O ofTickets for Basketball Games New Trier, High sehool students are engaged in a ticket selling. campa ign for, the basketball seasôn, which opens ýWednegday ýnight, November 29. The alumni team will opp ose the higb school boys, on that, date. In o r d e r to stimulate interest throuehout*'thé towniship, a ticket-selling contest is being conducted among the students under* the direction of Ede-ar B. Jackson, New Trier faculty memher who bas charge of the ticket sales. Trhis contest opened Tuesday of this week and will close Wednesday afternoon of next week. Season tickets for the eight double- header home games may be obtained foi less than haif of what it would cost to attend aIl of these games and pay single admission prices, it is explained. The tickets, wbich are transIërable, mray be üsed by adults or l'y high scbool or grammar school stnvlents. nual, already are well under way. A coniplete staff bas been selected to, take over the large amount of work connected with the publication 'of such a yearbook. Bill Bowen is the editor ini chief,. Helen Bèllows and Dick Hall are as- sistant editors, and Laàuri.e Bottbof is business piana-ger, The va rious departmnental edit ors' and their staffs are as follôws: Circulatjon-Bill Blades, editor, AI Bechtelheimer, jack ' Byrne, Paul Dempsey, Betty Lindstrom, Francis McNulty, Peggy Pârker, Ruth Pav- likl" Dick Scott and Jack Sinding.. Activities-Alice Ebeling, -editor, James Donahue, Phoebe Massie, Ed- ward Rosenheim, jack Long, Mary Jane. Stevenson, Mildred Mullen and Marie Freidlander., Literary..- Louise Cowan, editor, John Mathieson, Beatrice Levinson and Sanford Gifford. Girls' athletics-+Rosemar.V Karnopp, editori Ann Winiscott, Cynthia Walsh, Dorothy Edwards, PriscilLa Hawley and Elizabeth lard'en, ,Boys' athletics-James Kingsley, editor, Motley Bryant, Maurice Bos- ley, Dick Culiez,, Shelley Fox, Perry Crawford, Bob Davis, jack Stein and Woodrow Wilson. Album-Lock Rogers, editor, - Bill Chichester, Harry Minor, George, Stokes, Marjorie Truesdale, Carol Jean Wellbeloved and Hazel White. 1Organizatioz,8 - Ruth Anderson, editor, Jane Bryson, Caroline Cal- loway, Kathlyn .Holway, Tom Hilde- brand, Bill Katz, Cy MacKirnon and Rvm nuid place in the utclet-selling contest md ýa $1 prize for fourth place. A f ree basketball ticket will be given each boy and girl who selis six or more Ïckets. In addition to the gamne with the lumni next Wedniesday night, there Mill .be home gaines with Senn and f yde Park of Chicago, with Lake For- st academy and with Proviso, Oakc lark, Deerfield and Evanston of the. uburbaii league.1 Happ>, Virgnia Jones, Louis Klein, Carol Lynn and Dick McLaren. Typing - Phyllhs Crton, editor, Ethel Jane Moe, .Hçlen Anderson' June Mauland and tMary Katherine Johnson., Snapshots-Alice 1Holloway, editor. AIU students who have signed to be- corne members 'of. the snapshots staff are eligible provided the pictures they submit are accepted. -A er *tising-Ali who signed for the De O.TOLOFF UNI. 2178 518 Davis St., Evansion STI I rs is, the taculty sponsor. Iof eachmonth. Ai S, formed for the purpose i k as been hearil topics of current interest. Jissues. of p. ,er. ii. c~. r. The. club d Tuesdays igs thus far on cmrent