Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Nov 1933, p. 15

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Expanations Theologieil In dealing witb the problem of good, Versus evil, since the beginning of the humant race mortal tbougbt lbas made the mistake of considering evil personal, and thus bias linedl up good persons on the one band-and evil per- sons on the other. And so in the history of 'aIl races, r eligions teaching ha.s held to sorte phase or other of the, doctrine of salvation for some pecople and damnation for the rest. And this mis interpretat ion' of salva- tion lias corne down the centuries to us today as "orth odox. theology" ini the creeds. and dogmas of, the Chr&istian denomninations. Mary. Baker Eddy, alone,ý since- Jésus, lias furnishl- ed, ini Christian Science, the truc ex-, planation of good, .comprised in both .qntatitity and qualitjy as God and muan, divine, Nid 'and, idea; and of cvil conprised ina supposed opposite, so- ,alled niortal mind and niatter-or niegation of ail that good actually is; and the true explanation of how the goo<l and evil qualities, the real and the tinreal, seemn to mingle in so- calle( i human being.: In short, Chris- tiani Science offers a- complete, con-, cisc,. solution of ail theological prob- leins, a setting., forth of, the oneness an<l permanence of' good, God and niit, and the falsity and imiperman- c'lce of cvil; and. how it: is that ail goo(I qualities of' thoughtf are saved- âlivays. %vhilst evil- qualities are de-, itroved. lit the light of Christiani Science, then, ive learn there, are flot two rncii, a good one and a bad one, a inaterial and a spirituial, but one ,'lotie, ail good, ail spiritual, èven. as lis Father is good, Spirit. W\e also learn that thé false sense of per- son, or personal sense, is rncsmeric, <lceptive. and harmfui, but fo,'itself only, and notý to 'the true sense 1Of !heilig; it ýfailsg to establisb its dlaims, otherwie it would. not be false, but truc, n .ot evil, but good. NOw the liarvecst of humanity is the enid'of the iword--or wordliness-tbe end of the. ialse niateriai . sense of reality and beitng. In this harvest time, God, various roont mnothers, and of home- made candies contributed by the moth- ers. Mrs. Stanley Smith was ini charge of ail the arrangem1ents. The money thus raised will. be used, to give free miedical and dental care to those chul- dren .whose parents are unable to pay for, it. Each year the Welfare department of the P. T. A. distributes baskets of f ood and. clthing to needy f anilies at T'hanksgiving and Christmas ;tinie. Mrs. Emma Stopka. need s help ini this work, and requests those* women who drive cars to cooperate witb bier by calling lier at the school (MWilmette 2780) and, offering the ir services, as chauffeurs. 1'lie next regular nmeeting. of the Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher. asso- ciation will be held Thursday, Decem- ber 21, in the auditorium of the How- ard school., The program, wbiich will be Qhristrnas!Carols eung by the school ebhlidren, le being planned by Miss Mary McKay, supervisor of nîuslc in the Wý'limette publice chools. The Bables Friendly mieets for al ail-day dgew1fg beec 4Plnitdy, Nnv.1n- ber 23, at the boule of Mrs. D. M.'ý Mickey at 1523 Walnut avenue. The Pre-School circle wili hear Mis Miriam Brubaker of the National Col- Iege of Education speak on "The Lýittle Chlld and Hie Entertainflwnt- at the tion of their notbingness) : there shal be wailing and gnasbing of teetb (complete destruction of wrong con- cepts and erroneous practices). Then shall the righteous (right ideas) shine salv Miss Stade lo begiuning new classes, one ln tap and acrobatie dancing No- vember 28, and one ln ballroorn dance- ing, December 8. Call Mes. Benjamnn Jacobson, 1(Wl"lmette 4239) ýbefore théee dates, If you are lnterested ln «entering vour. chiid ln elther of these classes. P. 0. OFFICIAL INJURED William iM. Wagner, 1424 Gregory avenue, assistant, postmaster, bas been confined to bis home .for. the past three weeks, sufferingfro6m ai injury to his knee.ý While, standing, on1 the rear bumper of his automobilei in, the garage at his borne, he lost his footing, and in falling. bis foot caught ini the bumper, severely in- iuring the ligaments of the knee. He is now getting about with the aid of crutches. DAVGHTER NS BORN A daughter, Çarolyn Elizabeth, was born to Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Kent of' Akron, Ohio on 1riday, November 17, their first baby, Carolyn's mother is the former Lillian Doing who was registrar at New Trier High scbool. '-r. and "M\rs. William A. Moul- ton, 235 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, mwill entertain on Thanksgiving, Day Mr. and MIrs. Norman Ford and Mr. and Mirs. William B. Mloulton of Chi- cago. hlm ticar (te Thus salvation is revealed as re- ferring. to tbe buman conscious'ness. indeed to tbe individual human consciousness. However much sal- vation applies to ail mankind, it so applies only as it touches. and, cor- rects tbe tbought and conduct of, the individual. It is evident that inortals are to be saved froni error, frorn sin, discord, disease, and deatb, througb -énrainn f the faise material bc- Smiart Women on the North Shore - demandu that they ýbel wellý groomed. W ugs Scientific Contour. Facials Read the iëWfnt.Adul T2OCI3T.ù~WINN5JKA-II7I SCIENCE AND HEALIR With Key to the, Scriptures By MARY BAKER EDDY Published bY the TRUSTEES UNDER THE WILL 0F MARY BAKER EDDY The original, standard and omly Toxi book on Christian Science Mimd-heil. ing, in one volume. of 700 pages. Library Edition, eloth ..3.00 Veut Pocket Edition, ooze khaki, black. or- binlue o Alil fountain syrups are , made ini the RingTing Candy Kitchens You neyer tasted a iser soda or sundae. Ticket Agency-North Shore Line 417 Lindnu. Aveüiîeù.ý; 107 Fali fHERD> *gDZ<t - St., Boston, U. S. -A, ým 1 M

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