Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Nov 1933, p. 14

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The articles appearing in the No- vember 17 issue of your papers relative to the meeting attended Mon- day. Novemiber 1.3, at Winnetka' by representatives o-f various. Village boards of. ail north shore villages, to consider whether or. net Opposition should lie sponsored hy them tO the inuch discussed 15111ç tax reduction case soon teo be heard by County Judge Edrnund. K. Jarecki, 'were, no doubt, read and, discussed by maniy of our local property o wners.. As wa sfsated, there were differences of opinion voiced by those attending the mieeting, and, one ould, presume froin reading the articles mentioned, that due te no, unified opinion, that those who obWeted. to the, mucb- needed cut had determined to do sol pa'rtly, at least, on the -grounds that thie-15% reduction, if conifirmeëd, woul d unbalance budgets and that credits of our local municipalities would be impaired. Tt is -truc and granted,ý that the credit Of -ail of the north shore vil- lages bias been well maintained, and' is now perhaps as highly regarded as any comimunity in Cook county, tbanks to the eýfficient management of our.local officiaIs during tbe past. lI1àit, not also truc,,bowever, that in 'the paýst Imany3 budgets Of -Our. local govertnments have been un- balanced many limes, by the non-pay- ment of the excessive taxes Ievied, and othcrwise,' without encountering any 15% reduction is assessed valuia- tions of local properties? It is probably also true, that each time a budget lias been utnbalanced, that efforts were made the succeeding year for a rebalancing, which also neccssitated further economies on the part of the taxing bodies. We have ilearnled te do- tho se things silice 1929. It may als9o hé true then, that the unbalancing, of budget,,s in the past, as well asat presenti, may ble the reason that certain economies are affecte&. that shouldý be. effected that would perhape otherwlse flot be acconmlished. These efetdecononle., sooner 01r later, M-ill produce a tax bill that the average property owner cani pay, and when this' lime cornes the tax buils wiiI be cheer- fuily. paid and there wtll be no necessity for a lot of the tax anticipation warrants that now make 1fe so miserable fer jdrapes were 'purcnaÈeçl for some $500;! a new gas range and egectric refrigerator Were pgrchased for nome $450; a land- scape gardener received work of. about $50; :an attorney living i-Our coni- munity received a tee for bie services and a local realtor recelveda commis- $ion. on the sale of the property. in ail, perhaps 'a score of people benefitted dlrectly and, many more lndi rectly. Help. tô restore thie' marketability of jat onie hundred such homes as this by approv- ing the 15% tax reduction and iowe ring, the tax bills and a hundred score, ef people will benefit, and, we whll be. fur- ther on Our, way out of this depressIon. .WMouldn't It be wQýrth, trying to re-, balance, a, budget for this year, whlch may have to be re-balanced any WaY, Il we côuld help to put men to work by dolng so? Lets ask reconsideration of our woèrthy and- conscientious member»5 of the. varlous ,vilage boards before they offer any protest against the much needed 15% cut ln the assessed valua- tions on the homes 'that we hope to be able to still possesa when. these trying times are ended. *es-bgaMl wsed for reconsidèration on this sublêêt, £nd even the Supreme Court of the State ef liii- nofis bas reversed a former decision on this mnatter. Perhaps. after further con- sideration. those, village officiais who are now.opposed 'to the proposed tax re- duction wiil' aiseo have a change of heart. -E. Sa.wyer Smith. SHERIDAN ROAD MARKERS Editor, WJJ<Mm LÎPE: This. letter (appendcd) written by1 Mr. Lyons, to whivb 1' desire to add1 a few li nes, is very interesting. Hie bas reached' the conclusion af- ter 'a careful survey, 'tbat if the dimarkers" were remnovcd froin Sher- idan road from Evanston to W'atke-t gan, the real estate Iying in the area« between tliese' two cities and the1 raitroad rights of way and Lake1 Michigan, would have an increased1 value of over ten 'million dollars. If the niarkers, then, were reniov- cd, ecdiand cvcrv homesite, in this.! arca. would bave a greater valuation. than at present.i The North Shore Property Owners 1 'association is endeavorinir to have 1 Ihave enougn data at nana to give you a reasonable approximation of the effect on the cash market value of property on. both sides of Sher- idlan road and on contiguÔus property between the Northwestern railway and the lake. This estimate, includes the property affected in Evanston, Wilmette, .Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glencoe, Highland Park and Lake Forest, and included ini the. towns. namedi Of course, .are :H-ubbard Woods and' Ravinia. If the markers, are removed, wcst and the, property on Sheridan, road and contiguous to it permhitted free acicess to the present Une of Lake, Michigan and through traffic conse- quently. diverted to Route 57 oôr other north and south highways lying west of the Northwestcrn. railway-, .I .amn of the opinion that the p roperty east of the raiîway and 'along. Sheridan1 road itseif will, be benefited in. actual market value not less than.$lO0,0006 and probably more.- This opinion is based on faniliarity with the prop- erty and traffic conditions and on a cotuparison of prices obtàined 'for residential property wbich 'is protect- cd from through traffic as compared with prices for residential property lo- cated on traffic streams. To illustrate- property on the west side of Sheridan road at Keniîworth bias been slow to seil and to improve. Values on Sheridan road as proven by sales have beeui frorn 40 to 50 percc.nt lower' than for sîrnilar lots one or two blocks' away f roin the traffic. This is also true in Minmette 'and Glencoe. Tçu rernove thé through traffic en- tircly fro1i these high grade residen-' tial areas.would be extrcniely beneficial1 and result ini rcnewed demand and9 better prices, and, this fact applies to cverv Oo-(f 'thec'municipalities nientioned abo-vte. Vours v'ery sincierely, Ernest H. Lv9ný,. AN OPEN LETTER Hie 'Novemnber 20, 1933 HsExcellency Henry Horner, Governor of Illinois, and drunkenness would pre fer 'to be a littie off, of the street leyel. J3efore screens can be erected and windows, painted the saloon floor must be threc feet. above or below "ground. level"- flot sidewalk level. . At many À. the sidewalk, may be two fëeta Mii* ground level, and aIl basements tbree feet below. A piublic déclaration of an intention to reestablish the saloon would inspirje confidence in the, common honesty and courage backc of the project. But the people areflot1 so dumb as to be de- ceived by -the hands of Esau. Tbey wil11'beliéve that the proposed law was draftcd by a,,committee representing the liquor industry. It must be entircly satisfactory. to saloon keepers. WVithi great respect I amn, Sir, Your obedient servant, Edw.,inH-e dr ick 'A RIDDLE. W"ilniette, 111. Nov. 20, 1933 E.ditor, WiUitrn LwË: Recently, on the front page of the Chicago Tribune, appeared the news that North Carolina, South Carolina and Wilmiette voted themnselves dry. What the Governor of South Caro- lina will 'say to the Goîvcrnor ofý North Carolina and to the 'Mayor of' .,%Nilmette reniains to be ascertaine.d. Respectfully, Mrs. X. It Drui. Firemen Answer 6 Catis; Loss From Fires Slight The Wiîmette Fire departrment re- sponded to six alarms in the week ending Tuesday, November 21. Threc of the runs were made to extinguish automnobile fires. Two of the automobile fires occur- red on Wednesday, November 15, one' of the.cold day.s last week.', Both- ru ns we re made in themorning, one at 7:15 o'çlvck and theý other at 7:40 o'clock. Onie of the cars was dm aged to the extent of $25 or $30. Firt' Chief W\alter Zibble reports. The firenmen also mnade two runs 111 ýrou, mthàtwe woul 0 present fog ofai ai3ytblng we ecould xes as i 18sale and the law thereby conuplicd with. c'-" r W Ltaxeup LmeV wUI rx Inis itn 1Yargued fa*iiar with the north' shore traffic But in order to get a drink of wh iskey hdIf.H sa rsn tdn 'reai estate situation, and have bought and sold the customer does flot need to, buy at the Seabur.y Western. Theological ty it would a' great deal of property on the north wbat is' offered. "semninary in Evanston,. and upon bli reasonable shore and! partiual ln the lake And what is to prevent covrig g uai next jn wiIl be assign- mieon titan and on Sheridan road. tbe bar into a high table cafeteria style ed to work among his own people' In ,îust eon- As yet I bave flot completed an wherc-ý people' may stand white. pre- oouu

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