on the North Shore Je Dollr and Cents * Dollrsand Cents, ýIR paper, ink, plates, press work and al ýthe anible things whc.go into a printing estimae. ,But Dollars, and Cents do not tell the whole story. They may for many printers, but not for Lloyd Hollister Ie. E There are' many essentials to our better printing service which cannot be priced in actual. Dollars and Cents' These * are intangible.. yet they mean much to the.ý buyer. (JiKSTi cornes Ex erine Certainly it' s an important item. Yet iti o ekoned inany printing estimate,. Really ther e iý no charge for. it. E Neither do our estimates include such essentials as pride in workmanship.. reputation for doing the job at hand 1-ri/t. care of details.. record for keeping promises . . . reli- ability in making delivery dates. JLL thes~e factors are of imporan consideratimn when.you select a printer. They, save you time and rnoney.They are adef-. inite part of the ratn we suppl your custoiwers. Yet, they canniot be reckoncd in a, rnigestimate in Dolar adCents *1 ; Y" -* .*' - 1-N 1232,36 Central Avenue PntradPulsesWilmaette, Illinois