Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Nov 1933, p. 48

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wVest of the Mississippi, and bas pio- neered inin ost movemnents for the improvenient of education and *ther conditions among Negroes. of the Southwest. It lias for rnany years maintained one of the strongest mnu- sic departmnents found in célored schools. .1Sing at 'World'a Fmi.. The maie quartet of 'the college, which is' to1 be in Wilmette next weeký,bas made a number of success- fui touÙrs in the South and bas sung to audiences -in other sections of the country. Trhe group sang at' a mieet- ingof the World Service co mmission in Evanston and. at the Hall. of Reli- gion at A Century of Progress expo- sition'last Juiy. The quartet sings semni-classiés, folk songs and spirituals ini wbat lias been described as "true but.poiished Negro gtyie,"?, Critics havedeclared ha the synchronization and b.ar- mony of parts: and of voices- denioân- strate in a remarkabie way the Ne- gros inimitable singing gift. Members of the qtiartet include Lonny Jackson, first tenor; Edward Groner, second.tenor; -Lacy Ander- son, 'baritone, and. Daniel Runnels, bass,. Rufus Anderson is the pianist. Sing for SchooI T4e students are making the pres- ent tour without personal remiunera- tion to heip the school, because i ba-, had to carry so many students the past year who otberwise wouild have been compeiled to drop ouit. .Thë inrthern enoafementçre hé-- of eaucation ofthte Methodist iEpisco-' pal church, wbjch operates Wiiey and other recognized colleges for Negroes, in the South. Firemen Answer Vari.ety of Summons This Week Wiimette firemen extinguished a blaze in the tooi bouse at the rear of the Shawnee Country club Sunday mornink, The fire resuited in oniy slight damage. The firemen received outstanding ini miitary work. UnIy those men who have a keén interest in military affairs and have a high scholastic average are eligible for piedging. H. Schmidt of 710 Washington street, a senior in the scbool of mechanical, engineering, has nbee been -piedged to Rearniers, .honorary athletic booster fraternity for unor- ganized men. Schmnidt's pledging is a resuit of. bis active interest in stu- dent aifairs and a hiigh scbolastic average.. Wiimette Students Win Special Honors at N. U-0 Four Wilmette students at North- western university received certifi- cates at the .annuai1 honors convoca- tion. Recipients of these certificates must rank in the first 5 percent, of their respective classes. The four students awarded certiý- ficates are:1 Katherine Ellis, 823 Greenwood a-venue, Margel SmaMl, 20-17th street, Jane Thomas, 1136 Chestnut avenue, and Arthur Weldon, 1340 Greenwood avenue. Miss Ellis was awarded the Phi Be- ta schoiarship in mtusic for excellence in scholarship and ability. She is a senior in the school of music and a member of Pi Beta Phi. Al four students were graduated from, New Trier high sch1ool., Cive~ and Mrs. A. R. t'indley ot 535 rier street, Kenilwortb, gave a bard times party Haiiowe'en nigbt in tbe base- mient of the Findiey bome. They bad as their. guests Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swan of Glencoe, Mr. and MIrs. H. W. Heitz of. Rogers Park, Mr. and Mrs.- Norwood Burcb and Mr.' and Mrs.' Horace A. Young of Kenilwortb. Games were played. Mr. Burcb and Mr. Swan carried away tbe costume prizes. Mr. Find- S ATURDAY an itiner, painter wandered into and grac-ed tbe village with sign nette pres- ,n he tnougn adding tnat ne is an orphan and without a bomne. Upon a pusb- wagon that was "fearfully and won- derfully made" were piled al bis worldly possessions, including materi- ais for the painting of signs, extra. clothing, foodstuffs, a first-aid kit and spare parts for the wagon, wbicb he pushes as lie perambulates hither, and yon overý this part of the good earth, stopping at times to paint a sign. Mathew Ffanci Photo' stated, and bas-neyer yet been late. Suspicious persons might hint tbat such a caianiity might be avoided by the simple expedient of changing tbe schedule,.but the reporter was too trusting to think of it. Quite a Coatraptioft The wagon shows considerable in- genuity in addition to, an appreciation, of advertising values. It, is rigged up to resemble, in some degree,* an auto-, mobile. The front is equippcd w'ith headlights and other signal iights, n interestingiy decorated with a pair of deer antiers acquýired ýsomewhiere in Canada. A horni provides means of signalling for a clea r road, and an old-fashioned oil lantern wiIl afford lig4t in case the battery goes dead. anston hospital where ber baby born on October 25, and passed ai very shortly afterwards. Mr. Br er's parents, the Daniel Browers, N mette residents for many years, nowliti g ercede,, Tënà&, was St. Louis, thie Larolinas, and W. way ington, D. C. Xil- Robert Simmons, 1141 Chestnut are ne is visiting. in New' York LY of on1.Weo, 0 it tet office for another vear. The pro- as h- returned Thursday of last week f rom gram will 'be furnished by Lucie a month's vacation in Bermuda. Wynekoop, soprano of the San Carlo -0- Opera company; Margaret Lager- ave- James Ba dger, 801 Fore st avenue, quist, pianist, and Lillian Poeniscb, and returned, Saturday f rom a business clarinetist of the Woman's. Sym- trip t abntn . phony orchestra.

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