last Friday evening. An clectrîc ca mp fire on the stage and a blue flood liglht which illumninated the roo. helped create the appropriate atmnos- phere. The program. opened wvith several leaders grouped around camp fire on the stage swapping yarns about "'Oie Paul Binyvan" and his exploits iii the north woods. Some of the varus brought. roars ýof laughter frorn the scouts., A few camp songs followed the stories. What's Thàî Noise ? lu the Middle of a song a, disturb- ance wvas heard at the entra nce doors, andl the boys turned to see George Bersch and 'Ninston, Long, dressed in lunilierjack fashion, corne groping thbeir way into the room by the aid of a lig ,hted lantern. T1hey explained that they bad just arrived from Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, Paul Bunyan's win- ter headquarters. '1hey bad several stories to tell of .camp in' the* w~inter time. and the latest doings of Paul Bunyan. SAniother treat c ame a few minutes later.. A fifteen-piece Scotch kiltie band swuùng.into the roomn with.bag- pipes playingand, drums beating. T'his band ha4 been. secured -for the oc- cas ion- b) the Curti.s Candy company. A .program of stirring mutsic was en- the scouts for the next fif- teen minutes. Speer Expiai". Plan After the band had filed out, Clif - ton G.ý Speer, scout executive of the .North Shore Area counicil, presented the plan of the Paul Bunyan club and stated .that the goal set by the club wvas to have 100 scouts regîs- tere.d for next. summer's camp by .December 15. Twenty-two registra- tions Were received that Doughnuts were served to the s.couts a-nd,the reunion wma closed by singing, ".Hail, Hait, Camp Ma-'Ka-Ja- Thanksgiving Tour to: 'Capital. Stirs Initerest North shore scou ts are expressîng interest in the trip to Washington, D. C., sponsored by the Lake Mich- igan Beach club Tbanksgiviflg week- annual Icegion, Seven meeting to ne hield in the Pfister hotel, Milwaukee, next Tuesday, November 14. Besides the regular leaders, other north shore residents flot definitely rgistered in the council -personnel are expected to attend. The niajor addresses will be given byý two n ational scout leaders: Dr. George J. Fisher, M. D., deputy chief scout executive, and Dr., Ray O.'Ny- land, directorý of department of edu- cationl,-national council. Early .Ca mp Registratiori Sets New Area Record The, Paul Bunyan camp reunion.iii Highland Park last Friday -ni-ght in- spiried a record for early registra- tion iii the North Shore Area when twenty-two boys sîgned 'up, to spend periods of next summier at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, Scouùts who register for* camp before December 15 ivill save one dollar in the fee for each period for wbichi the boy regis-: ters, it is explained: 'Registration also entitles each boy to mernbership ini the Pauùl Bunyan club. STwenty-one of the twenty-two boys who signed up at camp reunion Fn-ý day are. listed: .Frank- Stecker, John Schopen, ý ill.Larson. Arthur Baldauif, jack Neale. Roscoe, Wilson, Raymioncl Miller, Robert Vavra, jack Roberts. George Priebe, Bennard Schar, Char- les Treptow. Carl 'Thomson, Robent. \Vi1lson, Harold Holstromn, R obert Black, James Black, John Jackson, Robert Jackson, Ted Boughton and1 Richard Kent. Scouters Stili Have Time toEnter lst Aid Course. ýMany -scout leaders attended the first session of the Red Cross ad- vanced first aidI. course at council headquartens Monday ni.gbt. George Scheuchenp.fltig, a -member -of, the Chicago Red Cross chapter of ex- aminers, directs the course. Thert, 1is still time to register in this course 1and receive full crédit,' it is announiced. Plans cal1 for a total of six Monday eveni11g sessions, from 7:30 to 10 north shore and city leagues in 1Lv- anston, Highland Park and other sub- urban 'towns, as well as in Wilmette. The games will be played at 7, 8, and 9 o'clock each Friday evening. They are the, only games for which- t he* Recreation board charges 'admis-* sion fees for spectators., This. charge bas been greatly re duced froni that of last:year, it is announiced. Begin Girls' Indoor> Athieties at Sehool The winter1 indoor athletic program for girls, of the joseph Sears school started this, week in the Kenilwvorth Memorial gymnasium. Miss Eliza- beth Macauley, assistant director of physical, education at the sholis in charge. -Tumfbling and apparatus work is held every Tuesday afternoon. after school. for, girls f rom the third to the eighth grades inclusive. There aetwo griups. The first, comnpôsed of third, fàurth and fifth grade girls, meets f rom 3 :15 to 4 o'clock, and the second, composed of the older girls, from 4 to 5 o'clock. Thursday afternoon after school the gymnasium also is set aside for thé use of the girls'. At that time the seventh and eighth grade girls hold their team practices. ANDREW PALM DIES Funeral services were hel last Fri- day for Andrew P. Palm, 3135 Park place, Evanston, at bis late residence. Burial was at Memonial Park ceme- tery. Mr. Palm, who was 73 years old, formerly was superintendent. of build- insand grounds of the Evanston ,school system. He died on October 31. :One of bis sons, Marshall Palm, lives in Wilmette. He is survived by two other sons, Milton of Griggsville, Wis., and Milburn of Evanston, and, by' two. daugbters, May and. Martha Palmi of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Oison, 2145 Chestnut avenue, came home Friday next Montlay evening at 7 o'çIQVk at the same place. From 7 to 7:30 o'clock eaeh Mon- day evening the gymnasium will be open for practice for benefit' of any of the teams who desire it, recreation staff members in charge of the league' ann oun 1ce. Howeveralpractice must cease .promptl1y at 7:30 when the first game is called. The. schedule follows: Monday, November ý13- 7:30 P. n.-Polywoggleà vs. Y. P. C. 81:15 p. n.-Porters vs. .Kudas. 9 p. m.-Brownies vS. C. D.A. Monday. November 20- 7:30 P. rn.t-PoIywoggIes vs. Brownies. 8 :15 p.rn.--Porters Vs. C. D» A. 9 P.*M.-Y. P. C. vs. K<udas. Monday-, Novemiber 27- 7:30 p. m.-Kudas vs. C. D. A 8:15 P. nm.-BroWnleSî vs. Y. P. C. 19 P.;m.-Polywoggles v.Pres Mon day, December 4- 7 :30 p. m.-Brownies vs. Porters. 8:15 p. ni-Y. P.- C. vs. C. -D. A. S9! P. M.-Po1ywoggles vsi. Kudas. Monday, Deceniber 11- 7:30 p.,r.-Po]ywojgls vs. C. D. A.. 8 :15 -P. m.-Brr,ývnieS,, vs. Kudas. 9 p. x.-Pp.ý ters, vs. 'Y. P. C. LUNCHEON GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. James Kindig of Mat- toon, Ill., were entertained at lunch- eon a week ago Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. y: A. Oison, 2145 Chestnut ave- nue. Mr. Kindig came here to con- duct the music for a three weeks' series of Evangelical meetings taking place in Evanston. Mrs. Helen R. Robrer, 1133 Central avenue, is entertaining ber sister, Mrs. A. J. .Gundlach of Des Moines, Iowa, f or severàl weeks. AIl mpde with Waukeshla Sorti.g WitAl. LIGHTr AND DARK B3EER FOX HEAD GINGER ALE CARUONATED WATER Beer at a New Price of $2.50 PE!t CASE Plus usual deposit, ning- at- 5 o'clck at the Pister notel I af ternoon. in Milwaukee.'I___________ Mrs. Ralpb Gronnann of Munster, mnd., formierly of' Kenilworth and Wil- mette, will be l1uncheon hostss Fida to* ber Kenilworth bridge -club., Mr. and Mrs. Thomias Green of In- dianapolis- were dinner guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Megowen of 197 Oxford road, Kenilworth.