Rates- 25 cents a line., AdvertiseRnents mun in ail three papers. MINIUM CHARGE ONE DOLLAR. Average of five words to the Une. No black face type used. 20%/ discount on ail cash adverttge- ments when brought to 'our office. at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., .Winnetlça. 10% dlsecqunt on 'a» advertlsernents run four consecutive issues. Classitied advertisemente wlll be ac- Deadlne tr Insrti*)ns cepe up to Tuesday 9 P. M. for WILMETTE LIFE or ail ' three papers; Wednesday 9 P- M. for, WIXNETICA TALK and Thursday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS., Telephoties: Wlmette. 4300; Winnetka. 2000 (Wlnnetka 500 after 6 P. M.), Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 5687. 8 LOST ^NoD FouND, JLOST--OXFORD GLASSES IN' ROUND black case. Phone Wlnnetka 918., 3L27-ltp LOST-ý-PLiATINUM AND SAPPHIRE bracelet, Reward. Phone 'Keniilworth 2894. . 3LTN27-ltce JOHN T. ROSBERG TAILORING AND FUR WORK IN ALL BRANCHES , :. VERtY REASONABLE 830 Park' Ave. Wilmette 25!)o - -16LTNZ27-àtp 'MANUriW-A ÉBAIS. ROTTED COU- post. No lumps or sttraw. Ideal for dressing lawns 'and gardens. Almost weed' free. 2 yds.. $6, 3% yds. $9. George S. Mcîntyre, ph. Wllmette 3415. 16LTN26-4tp BEFORE WINTER. COMES HIAVE your roof, chimney. gutters, sldewalks, storm windows, in good conditioni. Call John Vidon, Wihnette 2033. Work done cheap and satisfactorlly. 16LTN27-ltp ELECTRIC W F, L D I N G, BOILER Welding, automotive machine shop and parts jobbel's. PAVLIK BROS. PHONE KENILWORTH 280-820 16LTN25-26tp ELITE WINDOW CLEAXNERS JResldentlal and apartmeflts. Interlor cleaning. Storm sash put up, brokenj glass repiaced, gutters cleaned. Esti- mates cheerfully given. J. Kitchen, 'Wtnnetka 415. 16LTN27-2tp MAPLýE AND- BIRCH LOGS FOR fireplace by ton or çord. Shipped Étraight froin' Northemn Wisconsin. Weil seasoned., $11.25 per ton1 del. Phone Davis 7625. 1-6LTN2 7-1tp .Rats, Roaches,,Etc. P. J. UEDELHOFEN, EXTERMINAT- ing engineer. Ph. Wllmette 3867.*I 16LTN17-tfe Ij3DESMKN >COLLETTE SOEURS DRESSMAKERS Gowns-Wraps-Suits--Coats Ma de to. Order-Restyled-or Altered Ç33 Bîni St. Winnetka 101 22LTN27-4tp DRESS MAKING I, DESIGN AND MAKE DRESSES IN your home or mine. Reas. Also remodeling. Ph. Wilmett'e 2158. 22LTN27-ltp) 29 HOMEý MADE FOOD PRtoDUCTEa Hoinerade Fruit Cake XMAS C OO KI ES, CAKES, PIES, rolle and open sandwiches. Order. early. Ph. Wil. '2884, Mrs. Shedden. 29LTN25-4tp 34 LAUNDRY WET WASH-, ROUGHI DRY, fr HYDRO FAMILY FINISH AT A SPECIAL PRICE WILMETTEI 3687 34,27 -ltp EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK to do at homne. Caîl and deliver. Shirts our specialty. North Shore ref. Ph. Wilmette 1351. 34LTN26-4tp 38 IWMASSAGE SCIENTIFIC 'MASSA4GE, ELECTRIC bath, ultra violet, infra red. Singlé. or course. treatments for mnen and wonien.. Gre. 1642., 38LTIN27-ltp 40 MUSICAL INStRUMENTS BEAUTIFUL NEW BROWN MAHOG- any grand piano, îsmall size ;'very low prlced. if sold, at onice;, terns., Call Wilrn@tte 627. 40,TN27-ltc 41 NURBaNG PRACTiCAL NURSE, EXCELLENT north shore references. $20 per weev<. For intervieW phone University 2758. 41L'1N27-tp reas. es" LOANS * LOANS ON'AUTOMOBILES Confidential service, lega1i rates. MOTOR LOAN CO. State Bank Bldg., Evatnston. Gre. 3200 65LTN36-tfc LOANS We are ln the market for Real Estate mortgage loans. Prompt service., *KNUDTSON MORTGAGEK & LOAN 1167 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 1167 65LTN426-4tp 158 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE COMPETENT HELP 'No charge to employer. Efficient service for North Shore' homes. ..References'investigated. WE HAVE WHAT WE, ADVERTISE Pauline's Emp. Agencies, S 421 Fourth St., Wilmette, Wilmette 2171, Winnetka 2662 68LTrN27-1 të EXPERIENCED HELPý WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE domestic help, ail nationalitles. N~o charge to employers. References in- vestlgated. Under State supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agency, 748 Elm St. Wlnnetka, 3299 HIGH SCHOO.L GIRL DESIRES TO take care of éblidren and assist with housework. Care,:for children eve- nings. Refs.,. Ph.. Wilmette 3068 68LTN27-ltp CA.PABLE, INTELLIGENT Y O U.N Gl woman 'desires position as à -orifi- dential. secretary, companion, or housekeeper. Excellent refs. Green- leaf. 7153. 68LTN27-Ilp WHITE GIRL WANTS LIGHT flOUSE- work and care of children' by hiOui or steady. Go home nights.. Rt-f. furn. Phone Willnette 4921. Ask for Betty. 68L,27-ti) CARE 0F CHILDREN-YOUNG- LAD Y graduate' of .high school, untisualiy welI qualitied, wvill care for children by the hour or, day. phone Wilmette 1891. 68L27-ltp. NURSE. WISHE S CARE 0F INVALID, convalescent or chronic case. Com-, petent, refined- and neat.. N. S. refs. Calli Uni. 6035, 68LT:N-27-ltp GOOID C O O K WISHES POSITI( cooking or general. 'Exceptiona good. cook. Please cali Winnetka '20 69TN2J7-1 CUfAUFFE UR-SINGLE4 AGE 28, ENG. lish. Exp. foreign and doniestic hlh grade cars. Aiso handy around bouse. Reasonabie wages. Uni. 2212.ý 69LTN27-letp RELIABLE WHlTE MAN- WANTS hiouseeleaning,. gardening, w in do w washing or a ny odd jobs. N. S. refs. Wiimette 3254. 69LTN27-Itp EXPER. CHAUFFEUR - MECIJANIC; ail around houseman. References. Phone Morton Grove 1942. 69LTN27ltp) FURNACE. GARDEN, AND HOUSE- WORK BY EXP1ERIENCED MAN, BY HOUR OR DAY. WINNETKA 1552. 69LTrN2î-itip EXPER. VALET, ,HOUSEMAN,- BUT- ler, generai hanldy man. Excellent refs.' Five years at last position. Ph. Englewnod 4082. f19LTN25-4tp EXPERIENCED GERMAN, SINGLE- chauffeur, houseman, gardenejr- -wishes postion. North Shore ref. Phone WlInnetka 3218. Ë69L27-tp EXPER. HOUSEMAN OR.CAREOF furnace. in exchange for roomn. Phone Winn'etka 2017. 691,LTN27-ltp 70 BIT. WYD.-'MAE AWD- VEMALXE COUPLES. COUPLE, WHITE, AGE 31 YRS.ý MAN a.thotroUghly trained'but ler, houseman, valet andý chauffeur;. wife excellent cook or Waitress. 8 years' referencus. Consider only a position that will pay good wages in, return for firstL class COLORED COUPLE,. AGE 40 YRS., 14, Years in domestic' servîce.. A first ciass ail-round 'couple. Good wg e s expected. Wé have what xwe advertise., PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 421 Fipurthi St. Wilmette 2171 70LT27-1te KENILWORTH WELFARE COMMIT- tee w1fihes to place the iollowing workers: t wornen for gen. bsewk. by 'the day. S men, day workers, as gardeners, housemen, or -chauffeurs. References furnished'. if you have posi1- tions open, temporary or. permanent, please cal Mrs. H. B.. Taylor, chair-, man of Employment Commlttee,, Ken- :lwortli 2820. 70LTN26-tfp I SERVED20 PATRONS 'ON THE North Shore last monith.,An outstand-. îlg, achievement in the agency world. I have attained this populari.ty only through my steadfast care in select- ing the fines;t doniestic help in the mnost dignifled manner. 1' represent KER 1 0 .:, 1 the looP. 'ALL KI garment. and vî prices. Blunt, TN27-ltp pin -- -- - *~' Glencoe 1004. 681,27- NG MACHINES DAY WORK OF ANY KI iD ORST. S 0F SEWING MACHINE4S Phone Glencoe 1824. 68L27- ni cleaners repaired. L. F M 8 Oakwood Avenue. TJel'i NEAT GIRL WANTS . GENERý mette 754'or 4368.I housework and plain: cooking. Phc 53LTN27-tf Glencoe 731. 6Ç8LT27-: work. Wages $5 h Wlntj 71LTý-, WANED-CljEAN GERMAN over 25. gelueral housework, $10. Winetka 3497..* 71L agiven. WINNU' 1 ý 1 ýý