Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Nov 1933, p. 43

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Katharine Hepburn, perhaps the screefl's most intertsting personality, stars ini "Morning lory" at the Wil- mette theater Suinday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednésday, November 12, 1.3, 14 15. Miss Hepburn portrays a small- .' to-wn girl who be- Hieves in besif and knows se1 hehasà the talents to be- corne a great act- ress. In stirring. f ashion ' the film' depicts her fight Kay Hepburn61 to win recogition. Wilie "Morning GlorY7 is .really K[atharine's show, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.,' deserves applause for giving the best performance of. is carèr-"s'o emotionally fine that, in moments, he threatens to overshadow Hepburn in his tremendous sincerity, and, the strcngth of the tide that sweeps throughi hin. Adolphe MNenîjou. as the Broadway producer, portrays a, fascinating mai of the world. Others in the cast ini- clude 'Mary 'Duncan, Ftredric SantleN. C. Auhrey Smith, Tyler Brooke and Richard CarIe. What happens when adirector writes bis own story? \Vilmette patrons wilI, find out when. they1 see "LI.aughiing at, Life" Thursday and Friday,- Novemn-- ber 10 and 17. Ford Beebe wrote a, story fiTf of dash'and action-tben lie directed it, with Victor Mclaglen in, the leading role of incorrigible. adven- turer wvho rushes from dcanger to dan- ger. Tfhis critic predicts the audience bvl e soï.nterested in the plot that it will be sorry the picture ends 50 50011. McLaglen, that hig roustabout, is ably supported hy the following cast: WViliiani (stage) Boyd, Lois WVilson, Regis Toomey, Ruth Hall. Noah Beery.. Frank Darro. Henrv B. Wat- hall, Tully Màrshiall,. J.. Farrell ac l)onpld and other S. tured Plaver iii "leqadlline So r" at the Wilnîette theater' Friday and. Sat- urday of, th is week.. William (,argan is the heroic nevvsreel niati ont to res- cue reporter Frances. Dee. Brisk ac- tion features this fine thriller wilichi ofËfers entertaintnent with a newv twist.. Hl. P. Eleven Faces "Paddy, the Next Best Tbing" will del igbit alI Janet Gaynor admirers a t the Varsity theater Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Noveniber 10, Il and 12. Janet Gaynor whom bher faniily named, Padd>rc, as the next best thing totbe, b)oy. thiat- had beenà wanted, brings whivrsicality aud charm to the- por-I trayal of-ber role. Margaret Lindsay, a Janet's older sister;-,wealthy Warner Baxter wbhom Margaret, is supposed to.marry; Har- vey Stêphens, the man wvhom Margaret' loves,' and Walter Connolly in, his heart-tugging portrayal of _Paddy's father, are aIl excellent. Star-tossing critics are runni ng out of amtrnuition-they',ve put so many stars after. "Lady for. a Day." attrac- tio)n at the Varsity Monday and Tues- day. Novemb.er 13 and 14. Many critics conisider this film the best entertain-, mettthus f ar this *vear,,buit it's up-to the pub)lic to judge for itself and to enio the picture first-haÙd.,> Characte.r portra\ýàls and clever plot .hold interest in "Lady' for a.Day." You se, apple-woman May Robson is thought a society damne hy her daugh- ter, so a stage crowd throws a party to save the day. Warren William' and Guy Kibhee share laurels withi May Roson. Trackingdown a smooth. lone crook, 1ith suspicion darting back and forth aMong the characters, is the theme of ý'"The Solitaire Man," interesting story at the Varsity Wednesday. and Thurs- day, Novemrber 15 and 16). Mary Bo. land is a riot. Table Tennis Stars to Compete in City, AIl devotees of table tennis (ping pong to you) are planning to spend Friday evening and Saturday after- noon and ,evening,ý November 17 and 18, at' the. Sherman hotel. at the world's championships Amnerican zone tryouts. A host of nationally known stellar players will be on hand trying their best to win the trip to Europe. For the first time a U. S. playe~r- will Douglas F'airbankcs, jr. appears op- posite her. Setting a record of activity almost withqut precedent in screen ranks dur- ing th e past year, Menjou bas played a wide 'tariety of roles. The suave manabot-twn characterization re- mains bis favorite, however. BECOME SAUCER-EYEDý It's beoming difficuit to tell who en- joys animated cartoons ýmore-kiddiesg or grown-ups., Anyway, nearly' every-, one. at the local theaters- becomes saucer-eyed. itb glee- and eagernes wben these action cartoons are flashed, on the screen. VAIfT TH4EATRE EVANSTON-PHONE UNIl. 8N Thurs., Nov.S9 <Last day today) LESLIE HOWARD Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Margaret Linsay "CAPTU1IED" Fri., Sat., Su n, Nov. 10-11-12i ""PADDY" Noxt BoutThlng I Take. advýaptage of Our "~LI'rTLK PICS." Fnî, Set, Nov. 10- 11 Ais. Comeidy ... N. R. A. Resi Sport Reel andi "3 utfle Pigs"q Sun. to Wed.. Nov. 12 t0 15S OrU? ie E;LbRYT fUso "Close Relations-Comedy Mickey Mous. Cartoon Thurs.. Fri., Nov. l6-17 Victor McLagI.n Com.cly. . . Travelogue... Cartoon ... News Sa*urdav. Onivé Nov. 18 *star, and Gross, captamin ast .year .o ore i'.JaitLi~.. valypt-, * the University of Chattanooga eleven. corne the return of these "Two Black Many notable stars, jncluding Hai- Crows-." old Foreinan, Jr., 220-pound tackle ferm. Glencoe, are appearing on the entertaining other elevens whose line- Highland Park teami this fail and ups bristle with important grid âames.

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