Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Nov 1933, p. 42

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uimty tHo vember "Zoo in EVANSTON'S: PERFECT SOUND THEATRE RARGAIN MATINEE DAILY opei 1:30 p.Mu. cent. 15e Mon. te Sat., to 0.:30 nec EVENINGS and after 2:30 an suadays Last -Tin.,TodaY-Noav. th James BeaJo nneaatt Herbert Muadia "Arizona to Broadway" Fri., Sat., Nov. 10-11 Zazu Pitts-Una M.rIoe Slas Sunnuervili. «HER FIRST MATE" Their Latest Comedy Sereain Su m., Nov. 12- 13 "MHIS DAY AND AGE" T..«, Nov. 14-On. Day Only Marion Nixon-Normn aFoster Heatmer Angel "PILGRIMAGE7 W.d, Thurs, Nov. IS-16 K.y Framcik.-Lyle Talbot DINNER CONCERTS TWILIGHT MUSICA - W. wtt! b. gIêd f. show auri for win.r occupaiscy. guished the tast of the silent pictures, and, used a minimum >of. dialog. TÉhritl- ing picture, while WO-rds t.end wings, - not fetters, to.an exciting plot. Gene. Raymond, -Loretta Young, 0.. P. Heggie and Wally AIbright have the îrincipat rotes in this unusual pic- ture, directed by Rowland ýV. Lee. Larg e:Cast,,to Present Play at New Trier High, By Coi-anDavis The entire speaking, cast ,of "If.I Were King," ýwhich will be presented by.th.e New Trier Dramnatic' club at New Trier, High scbool 'Friday and Saturday nights, N ovember 17 and 18.t was announced this week as foltows: Louis XI.-...... Bob Merýlilin Lady Katherine ... Pauline Newton. Francois Villon, .......AI Brown Huguette .. Ruth Wilians, Noel le Jolys ..........harles Broad Tristan .................... Dick Oison olivier ................JmLightbody Thibaut D'Aussi gny ..,Ned Shaplker, -Mother Villon ......... Caire Ellen Nîx Collin de Cayeulp .......... Bud Eider Casin Cholet........... Bob fllshop Jehan le Loup .... Bob Mehren Rene .......... Gerard Brooks Guy Tabarie ...... ...... Bob Eastman -Robin Turgis ..-....ý...... Paul Baker Jehalineton .......... Mary, Jane Faivey Blanche...... .. ....... Wanda Hanson -Isabeau ................ Muriel HWmnel -Guillemete . .......Kathryn Rounds1 Denise . ..... ------. Betty Bari' The Queen .... ..Athea Murphy] Montjoye......... Coram Davis Toison d' Or . ........ Bud Thackery An Astrologer ... .... -..,. Elwood Glass Captain of the Watch John Phillps Trois Echelles ..... Tom Wright Petit Jean. ..............Jimmy Zinner The Pages......... Fred Strauss and Jack Freeman. - Ail Seat. Reer#ed Att, seats for the play will be"- re-l served. Tickets are on sale. now at high school. They may be obtained at the information desk in the main hall from 8 to 8:30 o'clock in the morning and from 3 -to 3 :30 o clock w'.d by Dancing, Excepf Sund.y 6 fa 9 a BaIIroom Sundays 5 fo 6 Fs, and ktchenettes et spocial raies ,W. M. DEWEY, Menagtng Director Dotuglas' Fairbanks, Jr.,1 and KatIharine Ile pbu-rnfi star iii "Morits- "'ig G/ai-y"l at thé Wiliiie-tlc Iheater Siunday to Wednesday. Nozember> 12-15. V iss- Hepburn-i, the flery heroinc, is the sinall-toiLi girl îwizô -"jiust kitozcs" Broadîwa3, eau't gel along wvit ho ut ler.-- Valencia A ttracts With Varied Films An adventure yarn about slicking the -sickers--that's - Arizona to Broad- way," Valencia theater attraction fea- turing James Dunn, Joan Bennett andl Herbert Mundin today (Thursday). r "lier Flrst Mate," comedy scream at the Valenicia Fridav and Saturday, No- vember' 10 and 11, shows ZaSu Pitts trying to make, a big-time mariner out of Sim Sumtnerville who's supposed to be first mate, but who is really self- ing. peaniuts,.on the Albaniy night boat,. A challenging picture that everyonie wviI talk about, isi "This Day and Age," schieduled for1 showin g at the Valencia Sunday and Monday-, November.12 and 13. Cecil B. DeMille bas produced a grirn but gripping picture of boys wvbo maut a gangster when the police fail.- Charles Bickford, Judith Allen , andý Dorothy Wilson is a jpsychic detec- tive in "Before Dawn" with Stuart Erwin and Warner Otand. The spine- tingling niystery- presents ber 'as a spiritua!ist,:who solvés, the eerie. crimes of -a ps$ychologiet crazed for goid. Depressions may corne and deprés- sions may go but'the world was al right at the Wonian's. club of Wil- mette last Tuesday and Wednesday evenings when the Chamber .of Commerce ýpresented, "The Wortd's Al Right" for the bene fit of ,charity. The production this year was -a de-, parture fronri. previous performances. Wt was not nearl1y so, large and it .vas more .dignified and -unified. Thie in- cidentai prograni, numbers worked tihemselves logical ly around the plot of. the play, which was good. Broadcasts Good Cheer The scexie of the play was the broadcasting rooni of station WAR,. wbose calI letters were World's Ail R igilt. Jimmy Waddett,, proprietor of the. station, is worried because no onie.will buybis programs . His. art- ists. wbo have 'lot been paid for sonie tizne, are threatening to leave, and bis bill collectoris are hiounding him for mnoney. Finally, w.%hcn things, are at their worst joe, the office -boy, saives tht day with bis *'act," a nd as a resuit a contract for $27,500 is miade with Mr. Dinkeli. B. L. Keeler. as Jimmy WVaddel was a. splendid manager of the radio sta- tioni, fast nioving and fast tatkinig. He *was supported -by .jane (Sue Mick) bis fiancee, jand Joe (W. B. *13a1" Robinson), the office boy. At- tractive 'and charming Miss Mick ptayed bier rotle witb grace and ac- complishment. Mr. Robinson, who is well known to Wilinxette audiences, was an amusing and tboroughly Cil-. joyable office boy. Ernest C. Cazel as Mr. Dinkeit, in bis frock coat and Iiigh silk bat, played welt bis .rote of a. sauve and polished milli onaire. Phil Hoffmann., as- tbe bill collector, while not afforded a leading rote, functioned >With fine' realismi. So ni1ucb for the'. immediate cast in thé- plot of the play.. var4ty of Numubers The, program numbers were vani- ous, ranging from the patriotic, the- humorous-, old fasbioned, and miod- erm. Sorne of the popular numbers. MY, TIIOSE RELATIVES!1 "Close ' Relations" is the interesting- title of a comedy scheduled for show-, ing at a local theaterý four days nextý week.

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