Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Nov 1933, p. 33

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daiy,. _ 141 eAiu' . z praKcrs l.l. each organization ivili bc introduced during the luncheon hiour to tell of' the work and aimfs of the organiza- t ions the\ represent. The day is openx to ail women of the village.p .ewing starts at 10 and 'conitin~'u 0 oninto.,the, Middle of the afternoon. M\Lrs. Albert HeId, *the chairman of flic case committee of the Sl;erviceJ Counicil for Girls, ivili presenit the wor.k of heroraiton The Serv- ice counicil,- (the. Protestant Big Sisters) . was founded to assist the aeedy protestant girls of the juvenile i-ourt, forý the purpose of building UP a girl's Morale by placing, lier in con- genial homne cont.ditions, by conntect-j irig her with group activities such ;ta the Y. W'. C. A. or Chuirch., and 1)y Miss Frances Ande rson o! f liti ,qtismtlatng ber pride in conittnumg ý'w ltka, taIcnte'd pisinst' wilpro-z4dc her education. Its> distinctive featuire: tfic usic for the ni.rt aiterooa Li tatassistance, continues as long n4icting fTs cqzoso as the girl's. need, and- may cov er Ki,)ilzioritlh Ticsdav, Novzte ,nber a period1 of years. It endeavors t I-Il. at 2:30 O'CIc'ck. A.1 leure and help her grow up normnally and hap-;1 hib i t ffwern fitr >siture zWi puly and so becorne a valuable and cPlY~t h'porw trustw'orthy member of the coin- - Mu.nitv. It stands as a bulmwark for 111 keCepiiig with i themwie )ithe depençient girls of 'teen-age," wo.alternool, NMiss Anider.soni has, chosen u .ntrained and unskilled, often handi-. tt play, a group oi nxodern numiiibers. capped. by physical and mental de- l' 'hliey are "àN ighit il ill"hy Nie- fects,- are the tragic victim.s of the . main;-,"MaIrch&' by Prokoficif. and a economic crisis. 71reIùde by Raclimaniinoif. Thë Cicag 'ýNornats I . ettr a Ntis FIira Hildebrand ill interpret The hicao Woan~ssheler tnîodriiistic furniture 1w imeans of an 1514-19 WXest Adams street, open1 actual tage set-upj of a nmodern bed- 4laý and nlighit as a free Protestant rooni. The i speaker is ail expÔônent of ,lomle for stranded wouien and chul- a studio which., it 'ss aid, "lias ail un- dren. will lie represented liv Ms derstaiiding of thie modern wilîi dis- i 'biristine M. Kuppinger. The intake tingù-tislies the artist fronîi the craits- t ,f the organization 'is from fOrty'- mani, and whiclh lias devel.oped a style ive different case wvrking agencies. called Aniericaxi modern- li thier The needs and' circumstances of a studfio is Hildebranid represents, niot ýailv o.r individual deterînine the onjly ý e,'frntr cetdbùt 'éligtil of stay. The total of 5.50 famli- tlrough .1i tiidN of design, ail furniture les and sinigle women, cared for last is adapted into idcrixx une.Sý omle 'If ,ear .nlue 259 children, 24,723 1tlie hest known club> and penthouses .Iligh.ts'" lodginigs, and, 71,719 meals. iCiago done lit the i1oderne are Ne cessary clothing andshoswr creations (, the studio x0lost, \ork gsveil, ,and(ladvice,_ en couragem ent. 'Mis.;T-Hildebrand (lescrihes. ànd direction as to their- various préblems supplied. Approximately 0. of' M. ta Sew 1,2() neý%, garments and 2,506 worni St. Francis 1-ousehold Order o f \~erbearticles were giveli out, the M.\artha %will meet with 'Mrs. Peter j. asinat rportrevels~ Van deNorth, 207 Dupée place, on Mrs.Allan M. Rossman' is lunch- Monday afternoon, November 13,toi To Review News Fiction Fvanston Aluninae chapter of Kap- pa Alpha Theta will meet at the hiome oif s ilr T. Grimm, 515'Ros-J yni iroadi Keiltortli, on,*Wednesday. Noveinber, 15. ;Lunchleot-.-will -be. served at 1o'oc. Folloiving a busi- îess meeting, a review of récent fic-' tion . will lie given by L aM.ar Shieridani.ý Warrick. j uncer Pefricia Pormel.., Dfrcfor Noyes School of Rhythm of Chicago 1,125 Mohiawk Road j WiImette Il 12 Redthe Wanýt"Ade TOWN AND CO.UNTRY -CLOTH ES OF DISTINCTI.ON Specially Priced SPORTSWEAR-day. afternoon and evening gowns -(sizes 12 ta 42.) Prices ranginq from 7.95 'o, 29.95. We. also. have a, num beér of more expensive modlels . .. representng unusually attracive values! TIWEEDJ COATS. and SUITS. Plain or fur -trimmed,. included in +his special Iow sales offerng. HATS f rom 2.95 l'o 14.95. HANDBAGPS for day and evening . 2.95 and Up. 7;JE 'SPORTS SHOP' 976 LINDEN AVENUE HBBARD WOODS 'White, decorative !art ob'jects are the smsirt, things to use throughouf your 'homne today. Lamps, Plant Stfa n ds, Card Tables, Centerpioces, Vases- ail in white. bers and their friends of "M churia : Chinese, japgnese, or lR s;iani." His programn is starred on year's, calendar. A dditional Club, New's on Pages 34, 35, 37, - chligo's Ouits;tafdlflg School e 25 Venrs In saine 4cm I Location Enviroiuuent Unsurpasoed -116 So. Michigan BIvd'ý, Chicago, Depf. S: Lalcvi.w Bidg. Opposite Art lnsfitute IWILLIAM P. RAT, Pre$. RUTH WADZ RAY, 4ssoc. INC. 707 Church Street, Evansfon

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