A M 8 E A, C * * * .andm the Moon catches you SUN BATHINGI1 At t.imes if happens to. LUfe is-so vivid and pleasa'nt on the Roney Plaza beaàch that, before you're aware of it,, f4i su n has whéeeed, westward and the'big9 bronze moon of- the tropics surprises you stili in your sun costume. If happenst o the besf people-.'-and the. boit people, you know, 1corneto, the Roney for their .winterftime jolityý. Setting. the social tempo for Amerca's smartest resort, the Roney: Plaza k tus year More attractive than, ever * .the gardens freshily, green' with. tro.pic growtks . the entire hotel renovated.. sea-sled sciiedules added fo those of autogire and erocar for transportation to every point of inferest . .. and the. tariffs rationally eco- nomical--appealing especually to those sophisicates of good faste and shrewd sense vii. appreciate, from per- sonal experience. fte frue values in Iuxurioeis living. @,gw FPOMNOV£UBÇp ISWT o 1AV 19T. FOR LITIERAYUUW. INFOMq78l94 AND .M<EVATi@NS WR 11K OR WIRIE WRIKCU 1IO W 40IEOCtU.SECUA<OUR TRAVIL AGENT