Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Nov 1933, p. 16

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for Yoemni, MiIk Fed PIump, tender bhe, for' tlhisWeek-end. Faney young.,FreuL, tender: sud extra pot ou Al - jFancy Frying or Ro.amg.F r e a h p lu m p h ke s specially priced - 141 .Cut from Tender Yoaug Beef Tendei Native, Befleleus RoIIedfl No Bones or waute lb 1 BUTTER Fresh Churned Creameiy. Hmgh score, freshlythurned creamery butter, delivered t. us Wise., Shàar. Fine q"afity, suap- py, tangy, one year ail2d Crosse & BIackwellNorw.gia. Fietpacked.25 lo aue .. 2 an SKOOKUM'S Speuial Virginia Style DBAKED RAM HOT PROM OUR OVENS M lb. Ca. 32c lems You need no lonUger wUI y school. why janie is cross and how tô cure At this time Elizabeth i)aordenq, ber latest cold. You don't have to presidetit of the club, presented to wonder whether "I'm No Ange]" is the girls a beautiful French print fit for young jimmie t9 see.1 Here 15 given to the club by Mr. and Mrs. our solution-why not make it yours? H. J. Dernehlinii memory of. their Subscribe to "Parents". and sub- daughter, Alice Dernehi, who passed scribe through us.. Instead of dash- a. y îstyea.0Aic, pw. ws ing down to the news stand and 1)y ~phomore at New T 1rier, had :made inga cpy ver tie Ema s fel-such anl excellent ýrecord while at- ing queer think of' us and subscribe tending the1 schéol and madeso many -then. you'll always have ready friends that it is, le*ely of-br ar remedies, on hand. Each copy you ents. to prese nt this pic1x fr .the- buy ost yo twntyfiv cets-Girls' club rooin, in her memory. four rate is eight icents. Settie vour problems, this, new easy way. (If Next on. the programn Mr., Gray. your neighbors have particularl%. bad f rom the' Crow#%ell publishing com- young ones give thein a hint by 'send- pany gavea very interesting and en- ing them a subscription.) thusiastic talk on the sale of mnaga- zines which. started. Friday, Novem- Now or hos ofyou ho re or-ber 7. The advantages of the drive tunate enough- not to have to worry wer£, outlined and an accou nt of the about your children, we can suit YoU; drives in other high scho'-ols and their too., Harpers, :one of America's hest, aangrSultweerubtfth lies~~~~ >atn o o. tcnan i- A, fe.w short talks, were givien bv, cussions on al thé latest probleins sm ftesuet n ktpo and also keeps you from being boredvie netnm t.1stpo by inserting a few reall%. good Alice Ebeling, treasuirer, told of the storilt.- scholarships givenl in past years Now, we ask you, how cati vo t.u go 1wIli amounted to over $4,800 going to your next "Mend and Dari" or I.o twentv-eight different girls. Fran- ",Liberal" club meeting with any, ces, McNulty read extracts from-let- ease at ail if you haven't thé Foruml's, ter,. received f rom these %;arious girls I-arper's. Vanity Fairs, or 'NeW after they hâd left for eolIege, thus Outlook's latest analvsis of the' Ger- slowing _ýthe girls how much thé man, Manchurian or N_ RA situation scîashp rciet apecae reay o ickovrthecir chance at further aducation. Oh yes, you people wvho have no fl'Tie assemly ended ývith general mend and damn obligations to 1k-e lnp enthusiasin on- the part' of aIl the to, you must be interested ini soine-,girls and a desire to go out and get thing. If its the bouse you wmon't!rmagazinie subscriptions and pul sufer a bit and will gain lots by inoney into the scholarship fund. subsci-ibing for: "Better Homies andý- Gardens," "Ladies Home Jour nal," dogs to bring back Girls' chah) pros- "Womani's Home Compianioni" operitvy 'Houe Beutifl"With the .New Deal, New Trier and Understand, we aren't exchtdîlng Newv Trier football fans have been the students from bmying "The emlplovýing more hot dogs for the XAmerican," "Colliers," "Silver.,,creen h enefit of the Girls' cu.' A new de- and "Photoplay," for.thieir better- p ression ig wa reodd at- Mient, but we thought sirice the old da, Octoer28whntecu a~igsiihlstue-"-ýIt's Dad who cleared .$105. Not only the Girls' paYs -we ought: to appeal to him cluib but h hoes>oîsol art.take heart at this because the money is being used to buy new, modern E-ot Dogs Termhate kand, interestingi books for the li- - ine..,e* *.n.. J~t %IrLis. Sarle, Mrs. L. E. WýalkeradMs C. M; Soborne. will be in the crhai r. Kenneth Wilson. r niMs The forums will be led by, Mrs. R. A._________ Marm~lue an Mr. Wllia Wuth. Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. Richardson, 145 Meirose avenue, Keuilworth, returned Mrs. E. John, Hicks, 241 Melrose Tuesday'from New York where they avenue, Kenilworth, entertaiined twe visited their daughter, Martha, Who at- talsof bridge at litncheon Tuesday tends Simnions '1eg1 i Bston. Lee ࣠Liemb Gouine Spring. Fine I uaty Smewa for Thuri., Fri., Sat., lb. Fancy choic e North- cera dry picked, fnslm duessed, meaty, ten- derý lh. 2 Whole or half. eh roasted Los Peab~erry Kalaniazoo Tender,, Lunch COrPIERa Hifls Brou. ...... cens il...... 1

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