musical prowtam wil. legiven 'bNy >iss Eleanor- Steen, cellst, accoînpanled aI the piano by Miss Anti Oison. Mr. Na than Crowthers will aiso appear with ber ln a duet numnber. The nelgh- borhood circle wlll holdi a bake ýfore-and aftèr the program The pro- grain is as folloWs: "Elgy"....................Massenet -lerceuse'! froi Joeln.......Godard Mies Ste-ený i uert for (elli................Viotti ss Steenand Ar Crowthers l'ie mniser ' à sermon theme, for. the Il 'elock service neXt Su.nday, morning is. "t bod'8 Five Books." :The miusic for the service will be:. f'rclude : "Anidante" froîin 1 turth Sonata............. *Guii nantt Atthern. "Hide, Me Und<'r the Shadow . of Thy Wings" .. .........Andrews Quartette: "?Praisýe the Lord"...'Smiart Iostlude.. "Allegro" from Fourtb 'Soniata ... .. ..Guilmant D)r. W.r P. Mlinton -will pay the cehurch a visit Sunday afternoon at 4 :30. He W a, national lendter from the Christian c-hurches., whichi reenütly jolnied forcés with the CongregaLtionai churches in the United States, and is an inispirintg,pe- sonalii-y wlth a message inosi worthi while. lllustrated with both stili . N'ews and nîoving pictures, Carv~eth Wells. ex- plorer and authoir , will spý-ak a t the Wilmeiie Sunday.Evening Clubi ii Ibis churh next Sunday night. Subéect: .*'Let's Do the Medterraiean." The Brownies, a pre--Scout.age oi-gani- zatioti for girls, have resumned a(-tivities and are meeting in the cburcb a t 3 :.30 on Tuesdays under the >direction o f Miss Hart-jet Garner and Miss Ruth Ail- worth. A Girl Scout Troop wIli also mieet1 regularly, beginning Friday at 4. l'he next Church Nilht dlînîer w~ili ipt Thursday, No%,eiiber 16, at whlch tun>- Mr'. Hindiey, by request, will givýe u' Impressions of England." This is the cieasioxi of the faîl thank-offerîing. Rugular activities of the churclt and Cliurch schools are sçheduled as follows,: Sunda3y-3 :30 l.m.-Ouiimnette Ca i Vire .Girls. Tueësday-3 :30 P.n.-Brownies. 7 :30 p.ii.-Troop No. 2, Boy $t'out,. W'edesdy-7:30p.m.-ToopNo. 1, Boy Scouts. "hursdày-3,:.t0 p.în.'. it'ls«choir'i- hearxal. -i p.nm.-Boys' choir,.rehear-sal. 7 :15 P m.-Senior choir rehearsal.. Friday-4 pm-ilscouts. 7 :30 p.mi. -Wekeacafailà anCampFin,' Girls. Saturday-9 :30 a.nm.-Cub Paek No.. 63. 10 :30' choir reheai'sal.6 Il am-&"choir .relint's'al. . Monday and TuesdaY at 4 o'ciock. A. meeting of the Sunday schiQol teach- cers and officers will be held Tuesday orening, Novemnber 14, at 7:30 o-'elock. The Senior, Luther league wil holil M3 iregular -meeting Thursda3r.evenlng, Novemfber 16, ai 8 o'clock. Ail nhcitbrs of the congregatioflare re-. Mlnded to. Participate in the Loi'd's Sui- per. There %Vil] be approprIate- musie, includlng a tenlor and baritone duet 1)'.- crthur Scott and W. O. H.aasý Ail departmnents of the Sunday.rho wilI meet as_ usùai at 9 :30 Sunclay mornlng with Superintendeni Z. I. Parkhurfst in charge. YounIgpeople will .ineét ut 6, 4 î'dock ýwithi Lee Blaylock àtnd the Stewardshiîî, 'è onini-4ion ini charge and yo uîîg People Interested. are welconie ti>> tten-td the D r. Alliison mw11! preacIiSun<Iay a ithe li'ngle'woorlSunday Even i ng Club. <lTh is Thursda--%evenitg .'the regular rehearsais. of the Juniors, and Senio rs choirs will be condu(*ted by Madame Clildroy Scott. Tlose who are inter- ested in participating in. lte rmusical service <of the chivr('h a ce lrvittd té) at- tend. The nnthly nie'et irg fthe huard of trustees will be held o<n Tttesday ccce- ning of next Nveek, Noveinher 14. ai lhe homne of Frank <I uthridge. The thfi-d lrthe <'urmt'ît <rit<s co! fel- Iwhpdiitiers vvilî belie hld Wediiesdav, ovembeî' 15. The speake,'%vil]l be -Vii- lard Collins, head worker i'ttIhe south ýSide. Neighlbolhoiod flouise. Mr'.. 'h lias an interestinig story about this Uap- tisi 8ocîal s.ettleilie,îî ami there w'il be illustrations, of the hotis'e titiswh bis oiwn l)hobtggrýalphs. Methodist Churci, Ilj~.U (>5'a ' o ison. D.1, I iuLister' The tiiîiister,'s sermnotitthemîe Moi'the Il oluckworshlii) s'erv'i-e fext S'undaiy illor.îiîîg will béE "The Matjesty 1)f Tr-utii," The iiiusic foi',lieSt sun-daýy mtiotiig ivili lie as foilows: orglin .Preiuîde : F"Ii rsî onta "Allegr od(Cto" .fiîîit :"0 l'liasie suec RomGr'a- cinus the L'ord IS". .......GS Anhi: "The W(oods a-nd E,'ervy, Sweet SineIling Tree.... .. ..Wes t offeriory 'Solo : "-The *. Fttllmiiit" (Tib.inksgiviig>............ îiîundeî' Mi". sFbîî'ellee Far'îalr in G io"..........Bach 'l'lie High School lau wiii meet at 6-:30 for' DevotiýonaI service hich uii tievolions-àii's - . . % vv . r. e Kalli will sing. 'l'lie O1fhial board will hold its -November meeting Monday ni'ghf, Noveniber 13. aI 8 o'clock at the church,. AUl menber.s are Aprged lu lie preseni. The Young, Woman'S Reading cu wili. nieet Tuesday evenlrmg>aithe home wil. ne ser'ed mn thé honmes of Mrs John Canmpbell, 815 Lake avenue; Mrs. B. F. Lewi', Jr.. 610 Washington ave- mine, and Mrs; E. L. Waldorf, 941 Sheri- dan road. The second course wili be served in the homes of Mrs. N. A. Booz, 119 Forest avenue;, Mrs. A. C. ScVWarm, 9t25 A ýln av .enue. and Mrs. O. E. Fuchs , 206 Woodstock avenue,' Keli- wor-th. Thedessert cour'se adMusiale wviIl take'place at.the home of ýMrs. H., P. Lynch, 1241 Greenwood avenue. Miss .Io.sephine 'Buchanon, reader; Miss Ma- rie Briel, pianist, and Miss May A. Strong, soprano,, .i11 provide the pro- gram., Tickets inay be obtained through any niember of the Second division. The Womani's Home Missionary soci- etY wvjll nîeet Thursday, November 16, at 2 ; 'eiock. Topics.: "The Widening Path,." Co)nnectlng Roads." "The 'Road- inender 4)f Nazareth." Th'Ie (eebrated Wiley College quartet wil sing. in the Assembly hall of.this churceh Friday eveniing, November 17, at 8 o'ciock.' Wiley college is one of the Woiçl SÇervice projectà of oui' church. and this qilartet of Negro-boys does a remiarkable piece of ýwork.. The pro- gram c0tiists. m9stly, though fhot en- tirely, nof Negro spliritûnils. Alil ni- 1ers anid friends will wis,-li to takt- N'ovenibeî' 17. Invite your fi'ietids ;111( ""c g 'his 'Thi. scout tl*roips foi' boiys and. girlS sosored by thbu chuî'ch meet as fol-- lows: Girl 8Scout 'l'ne<j>1I(Highebhool anrd coôllege giirle- uînTgyv),-T'huî'sdays, at' 7:1.5 p. mi. Girl Sentît i'Troop 2-.Thuî'sdays àt; ". 45 1).Ini. Glirl Se> <t "rol -T ,ys-~a 3 :4 . ni llr'onies-ednes at i 3:30 ). mn. Boy Scount Troop - Thursdlays ai 7 :30 p. ni. .Frieîidly Irîdian i'ubs -TIiuîsdziys al 3 :30 P. mi. Kenilworth Union Kerîiwoî'th aIvenue and Wrarwick road Di*. IlIcrb>-'î' L. Wrilli-tt, iiitt ubeiwilI be : "Pî'eparation. of th, Woid foi-'Christianity," the, flrst ini a sereson "The Beginnling.s of Chrisian,. Ivy." The Wtdnesday evuning îneetiiîg for. Bible study and confeî'enue. wll be hield Wednesday evening, Novemiber 15, at 8 o'elock at Dr., Willett's residence. Al ar-e invited. The subject will he "Paulc The musical program foi' the morning .ser'vice wilhl be as follows: Prelude, "Claire de Lune," Debussy; Anthemn, "God Is Love," Shelley; Offeriory Anthei, "'Bless Our, Land," Cherubinl; Postlude, "March in C,11 Faulkes. Miss Erma Rounds is director. Our Sunday school meetà at 9 :30 ior' Prophets." The laqtor learls ussion. We invite you. u. E. e Ouir Christian Endeavor sowiety wil meet at 5 :30 o'clock at, the church. A ý,pecial speaker wlll duscuss the suhbject, "Opportunhties for Christian Serviei!n the Tcehing Profession.". Refresiffentms will bc served after the meeting. llitb"t-t Mathieson, host. The Wilmette Sunday Eve ning club will mneet at the. Congregational -churchý t7 :30 p> 'm. Carveth Wells, explorer, wili speak on "Let's D)o the Mediter- ranean." The Boy Scouts willit t t7ý:30 iý*oeok at the church. The session wi cclat S o'cock «i the church, using the chturch office. OLur mid-wcek service will lie held on Wednesday evening 'at 8 o'clock. We atre studying for a few weeks the (lues- tion. "-Fow We (loi Our Bible.",We ln- vite you t<. study this with iis. There ivasan attteîîdancé. last wfek. The choris> choir, wiII nîet J"tiday evening for r-hasl i7oe'k Erie Chapul In.,stitie through its Woman's aujxi;tiry', receive-s suibstantial lielp forý its relief, work nmade possible Io a lreexetby ctveand associate itiember>:hiiis,.No ur is the înorth wheni th< se. ienberships 'are received froni our. vhurch .peojle. MrÉs. Eari G. i,ow;. l706 For'est avenue, will appreciate yo tir sending y6ur membershîp to her 4liiiriig thîs înonth.. St. John,'s> Lutheran, W iiteanil Park avenue, Wilmette :15 a. ni. Fi.tservieS and bermon. :30 a. 111-Sunday scliooi and Bible classes. a- Second ser'vice a.nd sermon., Meeting,- of, voting mribers. St. A ugustine9' Ž'urd ay, November' 12, -wiIlibe ltet twenty-secon(l una tfe Tiiy 'Ihei'e wilL lic I-lly C<nimuni 'on ut a. ni., cbir'cb school antd Bible classes ai .J-:45 and ýniotnirmg pmayer with sermon -at i aM. Trhe regula r nmeetingK of the oei' A.sociaîe(d. guilds %vîiibe' hekdinluthe clubbiouse on Friday, Noveniber 10, ai il1 o'clock. Luncheon .wlli be ,ser%-ed. at Theî'e wili be a itincheon especially for the women of the pa.rish and. their frlends in the parish house on Novenîber 17. There will akso be a parish dinner in the parish house on November 24 to celebrate the opening of the newly deco- vaied .parish house. The, Women's guild ba., been busy for weeks repairing, re-decoratlng- and alterlng' the . parish bouse, spending mnuch 'time; and moRei' on the, work. The congregatlOn la heai- i