Coming year was announced by A. S. Il VanDeusen, Jr., president of the or- ganization, at the Cbamber's regular montbly meeting Monday noon at Weeks' dinitig room. 9 ~E. G. Petry is chairman of the com-) rnittee, and the other members are Mrs. Esther' Stone, A. C.. Pearson, joseph' Kutten, 'and Richard Burns. This *com- 1 mittee %vill report at the Cbamber's De- cemrber meeting, and the election of offi- cers WilI be held at that. time. Fresent officers, in -addition to Mr. VanI)eusen, the president, are: B L Keeler, vice-president; C. E. Clifton, Jr., secretary; W. B. Robinson, Jr., treasurer, anîd JolnSchneider, sergeant- at-arms. Five .Directors Retire 'rhe.organization has a board of. di- rectors consisting of tell men, ail elected for tw(-year. ternis.. The ternis of five of these directors, T. ,A. Cizek,. J. E. Worthen, Gerald Swiney, Richard Burns and [eo Mickel, expire this year. 'The. other five directors, R. M. Johns- ton, B. IL. Keeler, A. C. Pearson, E. C. Cazel and John. F. Hoffman, stili have another year to serve. The speaker at th e Chamher's No- vitfl)er meeting Monday oi this week1 was A. R. Gardner,' manager of the Federal Home Loan bank in Evanston. Hle expiainied, the functions and inethods of operation of the home loan bank. View Musical Skit As an entertainment feature, mnembers uf the Chamber ivere given an oppor- tunity to witness a skit f rom the or- ganization's annual play, "The World's Ail Right." W. R. "Bal",Robinson and Miss Lois Grider, botli in blackface, did two song-and-dance numbers, and ni iOne of these they were supported by1 a group of girls f rom the dancing chor- ils. Mr. Robinson had the part of Joe, the office b)oy, in the play, and Miss Grider took the part of Gertie Green. Mme. Ryder to Lecture, on Strauss November 16. Mme. Sttnrkow-R3,der wiIl discuss Richard Strauss ini the next of her lecture-recitals Thursç1ay afternoon,ý * November 16, at the bomne of Mrs. Ernau A~kelv, 615 Lake avenue. Vl The, Rev. Herman W.- Meyer, pa.sor of. St. Joh'ét Lttheran chûreh for 20 «odrs, and -dean of I'Vilmttc »zinisters, passed aavy -Montda v. .Vovcrnber- 6,' at his resi-. demur, 406 Prairie aveiiiii. .Mr, as .trickgi las,.ai aluda3l ztIkeIh rturpiing hOMe fermlthe chwu-ch aWUil o'eiad Park av- numes. Services -zwili' be held t/ris affrnon.(Thiirsdlav> )ai 2 o'clock ai the church. Highcrest P. T. A. Holds Monthly Meeting Tuesday, The regular montbly meeting of the Parent-Teacher association of tbe 1 Highçcrest school will be held Tues- day evening, November 14, at 8 o'clock at the school. Following a short businessesýion the association wi Il be addressed by' Miss Gertrude Jaynes, who will discuss "The Future' of the P. -T. A." Miss Jaynes is xvell known as a P. T. A. Jecturer in Chii- c ago. Entertainnment wilI be furnish- éd by Miss 'Normia jean Somiers of DesPlaines, xvho will sing and tap dance. IMiss Soniers hasappeared at several theaters and at A Century of Progress. A social hour will follow, in Wlîich there %v'ill be :cards and re- freshments. TO SAIL AROUND WQRLD A group of 3-oung people, Mr. and NI rs. B. Leffingwell of Evanston.' Noel Iaybourne ofthte Cilnrens home wiII tell of the work there. The devotional wllI be given by the 'vice-president, Mrs. A. C. Youngberg. Mrs. Paul Gathercoal of Wilmette will entertain with twol readings, "*Horrors of You tb" and ',The Party," by Paul L.awrence Dunbar,- the f aml- ous Negro poet and novelist. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clockby Link NMrs. R F. L ynch, chairinan, ià is-announced. .Mrs. H. A. Kasten, motherof Mrs. H. B. Ingersoll, 2001.Tliornwood ave- nue, hasdri'ven to ClevelandWith bier sont-in-law, Huntington Dyar, and bis1 twvo childre. .Who have been in ýChi-7 cago for the Fair., She wilI he away ten days. mi LLL Studio: 114 Tliird St - Phone Wilmette 17015 CLAfl We'ýve. been serving the. North Shore'.meut dis-. criminating clientele for more than twenty yhar*. WILMETTB 1200. Expert Repairini Watches, docks, jewelry, silver. war., éptical, beads restrung. 1166 WILMETTE AVENUE WILMEIrTB 1061 Qoneiral Building Contractors Co. 1901-20 W. Jackson BIvd. Phone Harrison 1670-1671 HEaDOUARTIS FOR THEI JOHNS-"MNVILUMILON DOLLAR TOLINS HOMEI 8"PBOVEWENTPLAN * c4NNO UNCING A. Compete Musie'and Radio Store Feaî.urig The Jatest in Sheet Music and Records The finest in quality R. C. A. Victor Radios The best of Guaranteed Radio Service Tubes - Parts - Supplies WILMETrTE MIUsic & RADIO CO. 1175 Wilmettp Ave., Wilniette 3006