Eleetve Nov. $-là, m .'..P S-iw WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR DECK - AND CALL White, Clovev Hloney in 'the comb., Pure, dolicions iay'or. Nothý. ing btter with bot. rols, mufflns or POP- ove19o OYSTERS Large size, the best. type for fr" q.590, Smùall, for cocktails, scllop. qt. 49 ung or stew.- SPIRING CHIVKEN Weigb fromn 3 to 5 Ibs. Pro-lb2l pared in a. very, short time. There's a .cbilI in, the air thesie frostY nornuingo why bother to go ont. end do you 1r, marketing. ht isn't necessarv to shop aroundnnd carry packages. We have everything-to eat. at the ýmout attractive prices. We will select things with caire and pend them ýto YOD promptly. Our low prices inludo delÎvery. ROAST BEzF. Pri.mcd juet right, rich. in j*uicy meat, b?7 large. , mIL 1.cZi SHONCD BUTT So good with sauerkraut and. mashed b potatoes. 220 New Apple Clide Clear, apairkling- and with juse ttie right gang. You bring your jug and let us IIil. A gallon i. only 31: RoundSteak Cut it thin f or frying quick ~ ly, thick for Swiss Steak. lb19o LANTE ROUTW» Baked or brôiled, it's a fine luncheon or Friday night diii- -e eatire,. ]Rot Hmoume Temo Betforsalads,, lhether theyfl UI siro sliécd or filIed. Philadeiphia Creuse Cheese Milk Chocoate Drazil Nets At an extremely Iow price. It's so good Rich chocolate coating-tho best, slcted for salads end sandwiches.& for £15 nuts. 'i1by will prove a troat at1 any timo. 39 0, GREEN I Tasty and tender. q.90 EATING, APPLES. Spitzenberg. R e a 'L o10 old..fashioned -r e d, uasket o 1. 30 Valouma Jules Otanges Ful of juýcoq. glasaful a day too much. tal nione 801s, full of juice. Doz.: 65c. 4 fer 250 MICHIGAN CELEY, For. filling or cooking, when cooking add a good sized onion for a piquant b e 9 Riavor. bnl 9 . WILMETTE 402 London Avoo. WINNETICA 718 ESm St. Orivrs re. gis: le Tur Deer A Il A long tii North Short Ne D#lsrrg.teYe se 'g oDe LAXE VIEW 3959 gm.dw&Y ROC-PRS PARK lmiNJwh AV*. Bogebs »Ma.*lu Thèse . mémon.,