Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1933, p. 5

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P-roperty Uwners association tnîs week, was busily 'engaged in amassing signatures to a petition to be directed to Governor Horner, requesting thatt state marker 42 and U. S. marker 41 bc remcoved f rom Sheridan road and other streets within the built-up sec- tions of the north. shore and placed. On Skokie, boulevard, now. marked. Route 57. Harly thisweek.the association an- nlOtinced that about 800 signlatures of individual residents ini the New~ Trier villages had been received ini the first two days of an intensive campilaigii to tct highiway înarkers..Off Sieridan roa(l so that hïgh spt'ed -throughi traffic mai leloued around the! c >gested areas. of the villages. 1hPr. PUhait C'oii authojrity ont Chieck Widening Sckem e international affai. s and an aàthor 'F'liv efforts ofth e associationi and' of nie, wiIi b1 the .speaker ai .the otiier north shore Iop o oetli1 f-'llmCitte Sünday Fîpeiiiig club 1 the' %idening o of e aiGren ,î'icl<j.\'y S 'r in the audi- Say roads ini Hubbar<I \oods as a tr ' !tt'Fri o rgationali re-roluted iink on Sheridan road of clitrcli.. -lis .çibject w ii 1: itate and federal routes skirting the "'14,here Is G'navGoing-ýaed Hibbard W\oods b ih and ravine, met with astonishingly prompt success latc ast Nweek %yhen Edgar Crilly, ýin utilizing Sheridan road to the ut- ~ic -reidntof the association, an- 'Aost as a through traffic arterv de-, ilo>nnced that lie hiad reccived word spite the fact that the drive, through iroin Scretarv of the Interior ickes rnost of its ength., traverses strictly wo the ëffect thlat with bis consent no residential neighborhoods and thatý Iýe(leral, funds wouhd be u se dJôfor vid- parallel routes, to' thl1e west of the e'nn Sheridan road. U.Ise of federal north shore villages are the logical iunds for this purpose liad heeti pro- arteries for high speechi through Po'd by state authorities interested traic. a . seveflth grade-Dorotfly nenderson, first, and Shirley Scarratt, second. Supt. E. L<. Nygaard and bis secre- tary, Adelaide Howard, -were judges for the contest. Two of the Kenilworth Girl Scout tropps ' held ,Hallowe'en .paàrties. 'roop No. 4 held its party l-ast Thurs- day. Troop No. I followed a trail1 Tuesday whicb led to the Arthur1 Bonnet home,, 1,57 Robsart place.! where this trool' held its. party. !ENLARGE 'BEAUTY SHOP Work of enlarging, and redecorat- ing. the beauty shop at Winberg's drug store, Lindlen avenue and fourth street, h.as been completed. The shop is now twice its former size, and niew equipî 1nent bas been installed. In- cluded ini the new equipment.'is a scald..stimulator that has bee.n (emon- strated atA Century of Progress, a new systemn of facial treatment and a macbinele.ss wave apparatus. * Mr. and MNrs..j . Allen of Cn- cinnati are the guests of -Mr. and M rs. C. H. Nelson, 621 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, for four days to attend A Century of Progress. Samutel làoomis Hypes, 480 Hazý.el avenue. Glencoe, sailed last Saturday for Europe on a several weeks',buisi- ness trip, RÊTURN FItOM MINNESOTA Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Aldrich, 1510 Wilmette avenue, returned last Saturday f roni a week of d'uck huint- ing in Bimidji, Minn. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul.Davey, formerly of Wilniette, and visited, friends for several days at Blackduck. IMr. Davey is, in business in Bimidji. Twehve inches of snow fell white the Aldriches were in Minnesota, a.nd as they, drove bomne by way of bututh and, Wisconsin they came tbrough more snow and ice. GARD»EN CLUB MEETINRG The Kenilworth Homne and Garden, club will meet at the. home of Mrs,. Frank Nason, 7 33 Cummings avenue, Kenilworth, Monday, November 6. at 2:30 o'clock. The privilege of.guests ispermitted. L. E. Dunbar of Mar- shaîl Field's ili talk on "Old English Silver," showing specimens. 'Mem- bers are requested to bring any> pieces of 'antique linen or silver in thieir possession. NMiss Hazel Nutting, who resided in Kenilworth for several years, but is liow. of.Boulder, Colo., is staying for a short time-at the-North Shore ho- tel. She is bere with ber father to visit the Fair and to renew acquaint- ances. ..here y'u are -folks,' OUR ADVE-RTLSERSý Yowý -Suh. shop? w hat to buy? Here'Is the first step in inswering these We are migbtY glad to prescrnt for your convenieonce a listing ertisers ini handy index form. Now you cari locate their offer- A -e A ,-iV;,RTISER PAGE e Il 21 A6 35 We re.commend 'em:Dvery one. ings eaàily end quickly'. And right here let us say, you can't beat the values offered in this issue of your HOME PAPER! Timely things . priced right. h 0,14 42 13 38 itiuon 6 lue. - 2& co......... cover 1 rAIIeys THIRTY, THRIFTY SHOPPING DAYS TO PATftONIZE OUR ADVERTISBRS Wheie to questions. of our adv PAGS rýý *

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