Do You Know> Bobbe, R. B.c.? Sp6eiaist in Hair Dyeing Miss LIlian.. lobbe, kegis:tredfraurv, Cuturist, has been with Mrsi. Buck for over three years. Doing , hiW tir:w Miss Bobbe has personally carred for an cýxatng clienteile. She is a graduait of the Chicago IMair btessing Acadeniy and le skilled, in ail branches of beauty culwrêi but specializes in hair dyeng- having tudied under sucia experts as Enil Rhode, and -Max Hioeffer.,Missa Bobbe isx but crie of the charming and sklled Younag osome, atMr-. BuckN esifer tôere e orth shore, wonien Phone WiImette 4582 for'Appoantm.nt 1126 Central Ave.. SALOI Lov'ciess Made Lobveier ,Worthen 's Store for Men and Boys TRUMP, The. Smar*essfShi rt ,in ifs price Clast. reachied his destination, released it Tuesday norning of this week. 'A inetal band on on1e leg of the pigeon bore the figures and letters. AU33- LLM6572. On the othier leg ivas a rubber band bearing the.nnie 397. Mrs. Charles E. -:Rav-anidlier son, Ralph. areè the guests of Mr. and Urn. Joiuathan A. Noyes. 331 Éuînior road. Keniilworth, fora few da% .'S Try Our Delicions CHOCOLATE. SODAS With, homemade sauce and 2 generous dippers of 1ce Cream. q.' y We11l match the .Arrow j TRUMP against *ny shirt in I)r. H-erbert L.. Jfilhil, mi>isler Of the Kiwilzoorth Ue tiin chirch zcill obser_,e lhe fiftiethann, rr ' of his ordination, as a ininisier at te services in the chu rch Siinda vi »îi'Nîù'.oi'cber 5. At tfl i<i l P)r. H'iIIlt .iIl take, as lus sernion I RETUR NS FROM VACATION4 Fire C hief Waiter Zibbie vas back on duty this week, after a va- cation, part of which he spent at the convention of the Illinois Firemen's ___.association at Rockford on October 17, 18 and 19. Chief Zibble also went to New London, Wis., for somne rab-' bit hunting. The1 Worl's fair aiso came in for some of the chief's at-. jtention. OPENS fHAT, SIOP Thle Margaret Hat shop ", openi Ing this week at Il19½ Cenitral ave- nuie. The shop wl eop)erated hbv. Mfargaret 'H. 'Sto'eckIý.whio lias hiad rnany years- of experience ini the mil- inéerv business. IIiss.Marioni Bent, (laugliter tof thé Charles Howa-Ërd Bein.ts, 2000X Beech-_ .\wood( avenue. who is teaching ii Concord, Conn., spent this last week- end ini Boston with M.\I. and Mrs. Roger Behan.- Mrs. flehan is a for- iner KeiJil\orthi girl. i t',umb.a ......... ..... ý... . Ifero of the Nol-th ... larry ],, $tone. ilero of the South. .. RicharM Burti-s Mother of Biue and Grey ... . Frances Taubert %Y«tikee Doodie......Ernul Nordl So141ers of the A. E. F. Meinbers of th(-I4egion Post 46 Red os Nurse Mrs. Geo. 11. Btaudiv' Regular Cohan Finale The gratfl(i finale brmngs a stirrisil a iî'd colorful "Stars and :Stripes Re- v-ite." in which "Songs That Buit. a Nation" are featuredt..Included.iii this patriotic spectacle are soiers, of the. iorth and S'outli, sailors anidtma- rinîes., The climax cornes with a smnashi when Miss Colunmbia, por- traved bv Mrs. A. El-. Klunder. and LUcle Samn, ini the p)erson ,of, Earl E. Orn .er, assures everybody that "The. \Vo(,rldl's Ail Right." The,. organization ai productiin staff is composed of the followinig: Aider' R. Tighe ... (eneral Chairman Ed. Petrie . ... of ('asting I'hii. I-toffnianni,,Jr.,. -Chairrnan of Properties Va:1-1 E. f'lifton......Chairman of Advertisig Sales iI'.E. Rt. 5tono ......Chairman of Tîcket, Sales Liaiitohnaso . hairilaua of Financtu Short ýCircuit Causes Fire Alarm Thursday Ti'he Xiinetté Vire, departient nmade au eariv niorninig mii to. th'e, offce of Dr. George 1). Upson, 1159 Wilmiette avenue, *Iast Thiursday, when a short circuit started a. ire in the radio. The daniage was coiifined to the radio. The firenien received the cail at 12 :20 a. m. On M.\onday after- niooni at 12:50 .o'ciock the firemnen inade a run to Thirteenthl street andi Ashiati avenue to extinguish a .prairie ire and on Tuesdav imorning about' 10 :20 o'clock the,, went. to. the H. N. ;choipetiresidence, 1 Park avenue, where a blaze starting in a wast>e basket caused minor dam-ý age. The fire at the Schopen hl1omne ,was started by a chiid piaying witil nîlatclies. ac,ý,cordinig ù- Fir e Chief' ; Naltef zibhle. iMr. and NMrs. Howard Kruni, 85 Robsart road, Keniil,.worth, and her thirechldren, left on Monday for Nlianii Beach to reinain for thle win- ter. WORTHEN'S Firsi National Bank BIdg. Phone Wilmette 2665 The Bible and ,Woil Christian Science i the Reading Room. E E y Baker Eddy end al otier authorized say be read, borrowed or purehaseci ut THE PUBLIC IS C(EIALLY lNVITèb1 TO ATTEND flN! CHURtCH SERVICES ANDO 'AUT THE, RADING BROOM a.ý . NI 1 ulligilllliIli 95