Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1933, p. 3

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at wbich ail ineilbers of the board ~ Ml. 1 orh.~e arc uirged to he present. Frne,.k Mete, 714 Foridg. aeuet ii iîportaut topic of disciussioli -That animal fracas between the w~iI1 be the ilmeeting of hunlian nieeds '%\'ildcats and the scrappy Illini froin as they are revealed through ftle Champaign-Urbana witl be the -next couiitry eealy n. iWlmte egagement at Dyche stadium, sched- specifically. it is state<l. This, it, i uled for Saturday, November Il. added. calîs .lor a, service that c x- 'J70111 may be: olle of, the, iucky fans tends above and, heyond the supplv- to receive: a f rme ticket to that gamne., iiig of lhat and light, food and shel-. Try your skill iii thé contest ex- > tr. atic enters tilt realni of actual plained iin this week's issue of -Wii- social work weenfaînily rehlabili- mx rTE LiirE. \e'd like to have you tatioil and preservation is tilt dom-, as our glest at that: game. inaîît thought ald -chiaracter.,buildinig ___________________ lias it , place lieside, body buildiugK---____________________ Off.. Distinct Service Chureh Invites'to Its lu speaking of the pirobleins inow% ctbnfr(>lii, thie-local welfare board, Fortnigxl Meetings M rs. Johin C. Blavlck social worker,i- The First Congregational churcb is >saidl " It is h)ecoiliing morte anîd imore featuring bi-monthly services Thurs- ajpparetit that the situation is flotdaeeîgsToitthRe.oh * tuchd h naiotal stte r ~uîî~J. Hindley, minister, is in charge and relief organiizationsý-. These,,Qf course,.ii'ieteËs oasré*o 4 are dtbiing a splvendid %work ini relie v-':idregies th'esirt ofayserionsd Yîg phyical distress ail oiii desso Peen a eiiu forg ph* mtsia ane d prtovidino Trends and Types." His subject to- for licy aor iuch hclp. 'ButhtIie wdm night is "The Atiglo-Catholic." There iscoe f ot ahleady at tud he im 1w in1 also be a reading frofu the 'nem- th ce, ifrk of auceaorganizations heii ]"Short Bible." This meeting is spon - fli so rîle<lf 1w l riack ouns thatsored by the board of deacons andi teir o rk ipll 1w serikofusl cutae is open to, the public, it is explainled.I ahir _______ .bc . oisy uraiedThe meeting begins'at 7 :45 o'clockj adlînni-an ttfferiJng thercby iiicreas- and is. hel d in the church parlor. The cd. >a>h> a te fat i beom-alternate fortnlightly will be a cburc h ing clearer. that taking care of u- dinner on the mniddle Thursday of jortnats. eedn~? the huury.eacli month. -narmn1ilg the cold. shielteriuig the l1)uels~.iinîisteriing to the sick aiid caritng for the age(l and inifiruis ina strictly coiînuniiity îroblemi, and that esoslWl niq distant agcncy cani cope with if Address Men's Meeting iin a 'synpathetic, humnati way. t-at Yoshio Muto, japanese consul inu will restore or, preserve self-respect Chicago, wili speak at the monthly or reach cases that do niot fit ametg fheMnscu ofte s tai(lr<1 attru.First Congregational churchi Monda* Wonien Back P'roject -. ighit, November (. His subject iviii *Crîgfor->our ox, Mrs. Blay- bel "The Japaniese Situation ilu Mail - loci, contiinued, "is tilte mo-btivatiflig chutria." The club %vih hold its ainnualý ;rinciple of tilt uoVeient iin the nli- clectioîî of officers, at this inee-ting.-. teret ofwhicî N rs.Fraulin 1).viîerwi1I be served ut 6 :45 o'clock. Rôosev elt spent twvo days- iiiChicago ift announ ced. this week. If is a wvoinen's crusade, ________ tilt olject of whichi is..miobilizati'ou for humnali ieed(s,* and is engaging VIGAN CLUB ENTERTAINING the attenitioni andý cooperation ofA Harves't party Nvill bc sponisored prouiiiueit Nwouxen thliccounitry oe. I .the active Vigan NIission club .\r,. -Roosevelt is the niational chair- il meilbers onl \Veduiesdlay eveiiig, read the boýoks of' our times, They be- lieve, with Bacon, that "reading maketh a fuît man; conversation a ready mant; and. writing an exact man," and are giving people 'a chance' to sharpeni their minds ini contact. wihother minds. The board expresses the hope that the grou p will develop its, own lead- ' ers. and discussion. pr-ogramns, but, until that time, bas, planned three programns, with additional. ones in. mimd. P.. Dewtv Anderso1n,. president of the Wilmette State bank, *will talk on, "iCurrent 'Trends in Economic Tbinking" on Noveinber 13. Fred D. Frishie, .of the Social Sci- ence, department. of New% Trier High ,School, will talk on *Understanding and- Wisdomi through Sociology," on, November 27; a 'nd Mfiss- Amie L,. Wbitmnack,' librarian. will talk on *"Getting Your Money's ' Vorth, in Christmas Gifts,'» on Decettber Il. Make Return Cails Wn Cmoniy Chest Drive The Wîilmette Community Chest drive. whicb began on Mondav of ;,,,t '.et-'k. lias tnt %et been com- *plete(l. The worker groups are busily. engaged inin aking return catIs in order to contact those who could not be Èýached on the first 'visif. This work has also. beeiî cnpeted by a few. of the groups, but- it is' said tbat several davs will be required. to finiish the drive. - t is also said that the response lias beei) very satisfactory. and that participating charities it be abundantly cared for. HAS COSTUME PARTY Joan Figueria entertained at.a Hal- lowe'"en dinner and costume part% last 'Tuesday at tbe home of ber un- cIe and aunt, the P. J. Kirwans, 1607, Elmwood avenue. XYZ of Càmmunism," will adures the Wilmetté' $pnday 1Evening club November 5 on the very timely sub- ject, '*Wbere is Gerziiany Going-and Whv ?". The Sunday Evening club) meeting begins at 7:30. o'clock in the auditorium* of the F.irst Congrega-, tional cburcb. Pit pertinent Queétions ln' bis address this Sunday Dr. Colton is expected to give answer to mpany pertinent questions, àmong 1Is* this mari Hitler a second Mus- s olini o r'a flash'in the pan? WhTo is behind Hitler? WVbat accounts for.Hitler's bold on the Gerinan'people? Whv, have so few Germans shed tears over. losing the Republic? I)oes. Iitler's regimne.mean the 're- turt ýof ,thé Kaiser? \Vhàt does Von Hindenburg really tbiuk ofHitler? How revolutionary are the Nazi ecoiioic ideas? - Why have the Nazis turnied againat the jewsr Are tbe -Nazis bent on starting an- other Ruropean war? Unquestionid AuthSkiy Th1esc are oly a few of the ques- tions with which people have been inblardiiig .lr. Colton since his te- turil froin Germiany this year. Hie takes t.hemi up'in bis lecturesand bis aniswers are said to be in many cases startlingly different from wbat Dr. Coltoni himself expected wben he last went to Germany. Dr. Colton spent last April and àMay in Germany. It was bis thir- teelnth animal visit to that mnuch- discussed cpuntry, so bis interpréta~- tions, it should be expected, are not the superficial ones of the average sigbtseer. summner tripper or wan- deri-ng. ;ournalist., i-e will give bis. audience tbe .benefit, of confidential talks with Germait leaders.- Churches Plan Union Thanksgiving Service hechuirches of Wilmette will ji tammc on pot 0r. . G. Lon pured. Ours. ~l-J. and Mms I-Mrs. A. L .Grinnieli. cbairmau. Note, Econony Shop is conduc ted by the Wonian's Club of Wllmette. CALL WILMETTE 4300 Ask for Ad-laker ber .7.. iregular session on reconI- [e and 1 until ýovem-

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