Se OurOust Ifeor Betty Théoas at the 'Feast ofth AlrCooking School, 2P.M.. Fr1,ý Nowy. 3, at the Mldway Masonic, Tempe, 615 ctta ge Groye Avenue. Chocolt. Ring- Devil's-food. les dellç;ious....... sUiTTER TWIST peýrpk.1OC GRENNANS. Six tweet roll. Cellophane Wapped. SUGAR SunnyCane 10 lb. bua 51 c WHEATENA 22 oz. p kg. 23c A nourlshing dlsh for cold mornings. Foods Toniatoos 3 N4t.s58c Sun-rp.n.di-soçldc, klgh fioored, full of vitomins. P i n eap ple ?~Y2 tins Golden ripe.-wlth a mo.lIow fresh féavor. Extrocts 1 o. bo I 9c Lemon or Vanillo- aged for melo*ness. Raisins 15 oz. pkg. lOc Seeded or s..dless- eecfo pies. 'SaIt 2-b pckge8c Gelatine 1ïoz. pcae Excellent for liled meats, salads, demserts. Other Super-Service Values CHINE CON CARNE AI1mouI' 1'S 1 Oc KAFFIE HAG CHOCOLATE 8"ieh.P4Amtums por lb. 45c MACARONI AND SP 1AGHETI i 3 S8oz. pkgs. 20OC SALADA TEA Libl, laoýk lb. 1 3c: japon Green *16lie18 * b. 20c BUTTER heVle BAKING POWDER 1 lb. tOn 24c Clumet-For "velvety crumb' cakes. PE Ei1 eii tuart 2 "tins à43c Yetlow Cling, ftree rip.ned, rlch fine fiavor. TOMTES s BYT n$.2iS5U Seoetd, plump, vin-ripened. tlb.> 30C. RAÎSTON'SF od24 or- pkg. 21c Children really enIoy thts Hot CereoI1 SWANS DOWN 4 o. kg27c Cake Flour - For best resuits ln coke maklng. DOG FOOD 3 1-sjez.tin. 28c Cooked Ration. A fine beef product. NDALE dozen25c nsistent high qtattty. RS&OOM Per coze.n28c CREAM FINGERS SAWYEÉS 'S '28c Marshmollow, custard crouti fill.d, cocoonut topping. SALTINES SAWYER'S 1 pouna package 17C Teont>' crocker made with milk. Fine Meats 9 oUr quOllt moats are handled with everysanitury precautions keptfreth through modern efficient refrigero. tion, and skîllîfolly <ut ta your order. uêw Central and yANne UII Twolfth 10-514 Richelieu,