Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1933, p. 1

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oriu s ~ Alu gi Benefit Show, f Chamberof Commerce Spon-' * %ors Extravaganza Starri ng Stellar Talent Never did sweet charity aippear in * More elaborate setting or more gor- geeus array thaii in the niagnificent *conit-iiuiitv jubile, "4The Xorlds AUI Right," wbich the ________ bieroe Comimerce will preseut t;o audi- elces -ai the W'oi- an'iS Club aùditoriuniî Iuesday and \Ved-I vember 7. aud > 8 \ eyier 1ias Such a wvealtli of u'<tstaîxd- * mg local, talenit been Iwo big eu-iings o effort to relieve dis-, tress, aniong unfor- tunates cifth-e vil- Susan Mick lage. \ll tha;t V, mecssary te get a lit' Iit lie action i c the Production ks to taea pekat a reýhearsal, where a liips i caughit of Mfiss Agnes Mic- I )onnullgh. thec director, putting the, .Stioit--gi its paces. The sceie is mi ai up- to-tle-mnute broad- tastîmg stu li hre a comTpic.te raio- Open&s With Story Hour 1ic iýpCIiuu)g nu:nbcr briing, t\\wen I\~ tn ' v tels to a story lîour, iii whiicli tlic 'el Ntt,-a- StorN, Lady. Mn t he ,ws ýtî4 Miss Roena Mulford. eni- tertaîs theiun witi deliglîîful ro- inances and fairy tales. 'Aniong the chidreni are l)cotald Cloud, Charlvs lIldredgce;' k'aViond \\eltelrs. George A\. Stonuc. j1r., lane-s Raymond S;nit h. .rthurý \\'cndelll. laddcieý HÇdge,,. ,Charles 11voc<idrce stin Ra 'vmo.nd FjelI- t1n Jr., - anic Taylor, j uditli Aun [ak.Grace l,ouiïse *Klehuî. T.la .lcan Cunninîghiam, Ruth janet Burius, Doris Bailey. I,ec Annette SI.imouiekj - unarity, .e Next Week Anne Hoffmau,ý Betty McDermott, I Men Doninersberger, Rosmary Mc- Der mot t, Mlary M1eter, Betty Koer- per, June. Ahlstrand, Roseniary .Ro-- tian, Anna Jane Béchtel, Patsy St. Clair, Fern Ahlstrand, Loraine Moore, Roseinary Russo, Helen Miller, Lu- cille May. Stili -more U.wcers As thg.li . this were ýnot enough to, tt-rni the heads of thecrowd, anopther assortineflt of puichritude appears ni t'lie danîcing chorus.. Sec these youth- fuit charinirs jue Peacock, Jane Iteli, Niarjorie Steiner, Joan Lee,. Roberta jolînstone, jane Ives, 'Mil- <fred Fariner, Barbara Krauskup, Kathryn- Kerr, Vivian .IKerr,, Vida \Voley, Aùdrey Aiberga. Lois Bates. 11larrie t McDer niott, Bea Larsont. }Bettv Collins. Itn the xidst of this color fui ex- travaganza there' appears a v'ested choir in a short program, of aîthemfs. and sacrcd hfymiis, with a Scripture reading by H. R.1 Goodrich, adding te the presentatiOn a spiritual uplîi. t hat ýis rnost -impressiVe. This choui imade up of members oi the oI loigchurchi choirs: .St. Augustine's Epîcoalchurch, St. Joh n's . Luth- erau church, Wilmette Baptist churcb, Vir-st Nethodist church, First Con- g.rgational church, St. Francis. Xavier church, St. joseph'*s church, \Viliette Englishi Lutheran church. Recal Colon~ial Days - lirupse of old colonial pleasures 3.11d pastiaies is afforded by the ladies and gentlemen of 17î(,, who dance the mlinuet i11 réal old-iashioned style. They are: Carolyn Clark, Dorothy Fettingér, NMary Niestad, [.ucinda H ardrnîan. *Days of yore are also*pictured ini "The Old Fashiouied Garden" iiuxnber, in which a special scene features Miss J essie Ro>binson, the popuilar soprano sdl-oist, with a clever gi'l chorus. Bai- lads. and ditties frorn thé latest inusi- cal conedies are rendercd by another 'taiented <chrus. And at this point Observes Fiftieth Year as Minister The Kenilworth Union church will celebrate the fiftieth auniversary in the miristry of its minister, Dr. Herbert L. Willett, Sunday, Novem- ber 5. Dr. Wi llett preachedbis first ser- mon Sunday, November 5,, 1883 at West Middletown, Pa.,, while he was a studenit in Bethany college, W.,Va. Since that time he has held pastor- ates in Cleveland and Dayton, Ohio, and since 1894 in Chicago. In that year he organized the Hlyde Park Church o the Disciples, now the University Churcli of the Disciples, and later w~as pastor for mnany yearsi of the.First Christian churcb,, and the M11emorial Church of Christ. For the past sevenl yegrs- lie has, been the ininister of, the Kenilwortlî Unioù .church. During the time since the opening of the UTniversity af Chcago Dr. Willett has been .connected with the facuîty of the departuient of oriental lauguages and literatures, and was the first dean 'of the Disciples Divin- i 'ty House of *the-univérsity.. He is the author 'of a dozen bookson Eib-. lical and religious subjects, the most recent of which are "The Bible Through the Centuries," and "The. *e' Through the Centuries. " Hee bas for many years been a contributing editQr of the "Christian Century,". and has beeji activ-e ini the w'ork of the Federal Council of the Churches, and the Chicago Churchi Federation. Hie holds the degrees of A. B. and A. , M. froni Bethany college, and Ph. D. froni the Univers ity of Chi- cago.ý He vvas also graduate students at Yale and at ihe, University of, Berlin.. .Mer'chandise Coupon Book Sales Progress The sale of merchandise coupon books in the interest of grade and Nem, Trier highi schools is progressing IN MUNICJPALITY Annual Report Made Public by Village Manager Osboru Indicates Siashs The annual municipal"report of the, Village of WilMette for the fiscal year begînning May 1, 1932,and end- ing.Ap'ril 30, 1933, has just been made public« by:Village Manager C. M.. Osborn. It is comprehensive in con- Iception' setting forth in detail ail of, the various activities of the village, total inicome, expenditures, division of.the tax dollar and other informa- tion interesting to the taxpayer. The economfy policy of the admin- istration is empbasized, showing that the per capita cost of operating thé village- ivas reduced, to $14.58i as compared with $21.60 for the previous. period . Curtailmient of' service is given as the-met-hod bywhich the re- duction was accornplshed. Thre tax levy for 1932, it is stated, was $97,205, as against $206,000 for .1931. Divide Tax Dollar pDivision of the tax dollar is set forth as follows: State, 6.9 per. cent;' counity 9.1, forest preserve 1.9, sani- tary district 9.9, park district 6.7, mosquito abatement district 0.7, town- ship 0.5, high school district 18.5, grade school district 28.2, village 17.6. The accomplishments of the Village board during the period are enumer- ated, outstanding among which are completion of the Main. street pav- itig; publishing proposed annual budgets and holding public hearings before adoption; started construction of the waterworks; inaugurated phys- ical examinations of police officers and firemen by the commissioner of health 1 iustituted tnonthly assemblies of police department;, established an employment bureau in the 'interest of the unempIoyed; modernized reg- ulations governing the keeping ýof dogs and fowls, and effected a sav- ing of 39 per- cent in the cost of does the trick. A bevy of beautifiil, charming and dashlitng ind mlravislhing cos- imnes and graceful dances compose the "Sunisinr Chioruis." The are: J canette Pearson. Phyllis Jolhînson, 1-1-rriet Hiall, Doris Patterson, Betty CGebhart, 1-'laiùe Aiberta, Lucy Jionas, Mjaud Her2nai Emily Harry Sue A. R. Eddi JôsephineH. Do j è ,s Rayniond C.l Grandpap A. VOO (Continued on Page 4). IV4UI8 . .. . . . . .. - - - New Trier Girls' Club.... 14 pie this evening (Thursday) be a8 'clocký Degree work wil Real Estate Section...36 the program which is under t' Society Pages. .28-3W-2-33 eral supervision of James C. ___________________________son, master of the lodge.

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