Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1933, p. 44

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1 . 4d(liaistIied -esrnissed rns VWestern his charrning~ and 'beautifu Frencîi orc hes-tra anîd went to Ind(ia, Nhere partner, Simkîe, a troupe of fifteen lie slrtdand trained native niiusi- dancers. and Hindui musicialus who ciaris to play thec Hindu inisie. He.. play on 110 native instruments, will choseis a compani%- of Hindu dancers make what promises 'to Fbec a triumm- anîd retturned to*Paris. For flhe past phant first: appearancre on the tiorth twvo Nyears he has danced iii ail of the shore Monday evening, November 13, major chties of Europe, creating seni- at the Deéerfield-Sbields high' sçhool satiî leee eFa ppeared. auditoriumü in Highland Park. -- - So great bas been the enthusiastic response of north shore -patrons ofI music and the dance, that it is almost i L g nH w r Certain, Shan-Kar'ivill be, greeted bv .T . V w a capacity bouse on November 13. ýRe- _________________ served seat tickets areselgrad at the Rennacker's Drug co:npany 'lielic iîxt regutlar meieting, of tlie Nilmette;, Community. House, \Win- i -an -Howard Par-eit -lTeachier asso- netka;.. Walgreeni's in Hu b bàar d, caion mill take place Tuesday àf- Woods, and Hillman's Drug store croî November 7. at 3 :15 o'clock. and tbe'. Northb-Shore Congrégation .îs etieHynian. principal. of -.lIs Cardolûté Kirkpatiwk. M3 Israel in- Glencoe.. Tbç box office at fie Stollé sclîool ini hirago, wil t.alk k;dlsol.wllPi the. scbool will be ýopen on the day of 0 ri"Art il tlhe Horne andf School." 1eag ýgi:II /,'Ii<thé thé performance. The Ninnetka Mu- \ iercntP .1.ditit o- 'fli-' h, br. resc,,Icd . h 1,rI sic club lbas joinedthe H-ighland Park vîiN Mrs. Hynainv~as a bhnlliat Viorr-1.i111# théateru. < rz"7 Music club, ànd Parent-Teacher as- ;îîl forccfuil speaker beforc fil(, iresi. ,iig,Nocur 14, (etIl f1(cJ .cirnci sociations: in cooperating to niake the itt*'s round fi able oîrcu.udiri,,ISa./n venture.a success. Freshen Ja4ded Apppts"i ipir.igfs jcldsfl TJdaySban-ar. cncede by al 'Ilarns arce under wav for flic ail- 'h spotigcs nldsJ criticsh be a dance of grea ds- mal P. T. A. card partv, which -wil ltonof thic\Vinnetka Drarina chlb cticsto bchas selcefr lus nors- be given litithe Howard g'miasiinni Sainel Verioti, member of tlhe fac-, tinctin, hascleced fo his nrth tltv of N(cw TIrier Higli 'school ; ,James shore appearance his nmost popuilar- \eîu1dyNvmbr1. li i ie:r, 1l'vatist-oilwho lias appeared, and most rolorfol dances. Program bwadsetbigsiia otîto ~itifie. Service' club of Chicago anîd iotes will carry brief stories 'of the ë1 "t -a r- Dessert ;il,(Jçoffec .Wl fil sBlî~ack' riars of flic -Vi versitY (if dances sc, that tbey %wil be understood, 1wzse frveac t :1,ale thr - fb 'iC*go ;, George 'olix 1 professiolnal, but even without such notes audi- î1cefrec al.N *.Ator ('<'ruielia Pace Of Evansi-tini; Ed- ences are quick to find entertainment social cluirmanl. "sil chargc of re- Ward Leaclu of tliclivaiiston Higlu and a stimutlating sense of exhilara-1 freshlîents. Nîr,. StaieN-Sînith. fi-cîoo faciiltv; Albert \V*eise and Jobn tion lit flie dances, for the art of flance rhairmnan. is cotidtctiig flic Shiff.. both v'terat i varistoni players, Shani-Kar freshiens the jaded. appe- satle of ticlkets.. alîd r]erWIiNîs art(]dHaz.el Boss of thic Nortliwe(sterti tites of coticertgoers. Ijindu dances l'e rmalde ith, lier or *with flic various îuiverlsùt theater. and Hindu music overwhelm tbe Occi- rooni nuothler,. Tlir proceeds 'of this 'l'Il, audience is proinised a suirp)rise dental senses withl their primitive tar(.,<'bhc î,scrd il flic P. T. A. las \\-Pl as a delighit il the outeoini of splendor. îrîflui.titis comtedv bv AlIfred Savoir. Whethi- Shan-Kar becamne the partner of e tCror flot God sihould bce aboliied, is the immortal Pavlowa, who. per-' "Ilc Hije..1 Frientdl' vii lold its hf litemne of thec play.. Brent, Wren,, Suaded iiim to join ber whien lue tas.. nexi iîiccîlg at tlle home of Mjr, l-idisti,is iecig a famous y.oung Hindu painter. AI- Tlîo;îîa' .11:orau, 157 \alnt ve. ways Shaîî-Kar bad hesitated between nue, Ila, NoNvemrbe- 9.HOTS finsi and dancing,. and painting.He. UrtîWelnddaherfte hlad graduated in 1923 fromthe Royal '1,11',h ci0ilr! ~ ~ \iiaî\iead,14Xodtc o f r t s a n b a t a e n a r t t a î ~ ' î ' w ~ " g i ~ î ~ M , ~f ir tl eu . K n l o r l ' a s l o s t e s s ' f College o rs adhdtkn atig-('11\ lýýFr,ý"liteeIti 'fri-,ttds last Ttîesday at a ini nerQus Hindu plays, ballets and , aroi iieSot anîd ('onpanHiov't Otm îar nds concerts, vhich bhis father bad pro-at flic ie.xi meefting, whl 1 iwill bc er duced i Londoný from 1914 to 1924. 'rîsa~eeinN<me 14. at 8 ________ After bis graduation lue painted, but _'rcîoc ic thFJloward. schîool. .Thelw eitýiis ud-adHl found tirne to dance, and play on-Tlduitwus Bdd ad -l! The Eas Chicago Gophiers, rated. as oeothe best semi-pro teams 'in the Hloosier state, have ive former Uni.- versity of Indiana stars in the liineup: Chuck Bennett, halL back, one of the cleverest players -ever to comipete in the Big Ten; Opasik,' quarterback;. SaluÉki, halfback, and Morris and Nylec, guards.. Patrick of Oglethorpe ai-d Coogan of the Unîiversity De- troit are among tlhe other Gopher stars. Both iHighland Park .and the East. Chicago, Gophers 'are undefeated . tus., far this season, and the gaine slloul(i provide some of the, best football the north shore bas enjoyed for ycars. Highilaifdl Parlk's aggrcgatiox of ex- college stars,, fresh fromn its 7-0 VîC-, *tory over L1ake Forestlast 'Suîxday atý Highland Park, is expe cted to giv'e the Gophers aý peppery reception . Young ,People Organize Sunday Evening Club The Kenilworth YoungPol' .Sua day . Evening club, ortganied -I'C. centjyý, is holding mecetings everv Sunday ýat the Keniilývorthl Unioni church. Jarmes Kingsley 5isi charge oi the mneeting to be hield this Sun-. day, November 5'. 'lhe club is coin- iposed of boys and gi rls: of hiigh scliool age-é froinKenilwvorth aind'froruftic cîeighiboring village,;, Wilinette anid ~Vi net a. H arrv .. il ac is sp o>n SOr' of tfliclubT. SUBSCRIPTION DANCE lseîîlwortî iorivii (, Sult ri t o :ieSaturda «v, Nvihr25, ;If thlc i ~ e î î i ~ v o r t l eu h TîîesdaN after a feil-.dajy s1t ivfih RcIFraser of 645 Ahbotsford road, fronia1 a imie mont u ,s' tri Ju, arund NIr.t cog P. Nichois, I s s \eli O'ci f 519 Warwitck road, Keniil ývortIî, and M.rs. George Keehni. 10() ('uciroad, Wiinnetka, returnecj last Tliirsavfr-ont a trip inithie east. -o- Mir. ;111( Mrs. Joseph Wrendij.and tlerdawzliter . 1021 (If N"14 ýiu vr .J> Al3rrill, 81 2 Greenwood Nirs ilamA. Sceri327 Curu- ~ u s wa Ir ,ar motorirg to Peoria today a en , recenitly returned froiun oiir road, Kenilwortî, will be lîstess a-o-frselanshrtviit 1 Ms.C.en "rad apids, Wis., where shie was to lier hincheoii and bridge club Fn-' Mdr. and Nlrs., John P. Harris, 944 Larenad family. .aled bv hie illnesq of lier father. ay Sheridan road, returned Monday f roin .dy a motor trip) through southercc 11hi- NIr. and Mrs. Peter S. Barton, 257 MIr. aiid Mrs. John .-Evanis of Tulsa, 1 Mrs. -IHoward W. Kight, 575 nois and St. Louis, where Mr. Ha- Kenilworth a v e n u e, Kenilworth, Okia., are guests of the Charl es N. Stonegatc terrace, Glencoe, wvas ris attended the Municipal Water entertainedat a1 bridge'dinner Satur- Evacus of 2822 BIackhawk roa. 'Th ',hioscs Feluco- 'rdecu Work.ç convention,. daW. Jast Monday the Bartons gaye, two men are brother.s. mmesls ndy

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