Purple gridders believe it can bedo ne. They are confident that the offense which piied up twice as much yardage as did Ohio will continue, to improve. Wally Cruice, the Wildcats' ightý haif, who averagcd six yards per carry in the Ohio-gaine.wili be counted on tc' go places against the visitors.* Cruice, Who is a sophmore, has shown %teady improvemlent in ail gaines this year and now takes ranik as the iead- ing bail carrierin the Purple ranks., Northwestern's line, which has been outplaying, its opponents ini the hast several ganes will face its modst diffi- cuit task of the y.ear Saturday. The, Gopher linemen, likewise, have a re- cord of: outcharging al opponents. Furthermore, the Minnesota! forwards wiih outweigh the Wiidcats nearly 10 pounds per mai. From end to end. theGophers, are a rugged and ýpowerful aggregation. The ends,, Larson 'and Tenner, weigh close to .200 pounds, whilt the tac-, klçs Smith anid Svendsen weîgh 220 and 210 respectively. l3ruhn an.d Be-. van, the guards average 190'pounds, while Capt. Qeii, center, hits the .cales around 185. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "Adam and Fallen M4an",will be the subjectat the services in Firstý Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette Sun- day' morning, November. 5, at il o'clock, held in the edifice at 1003 Central avenue. Sunday school con- vetsat 9:45 o'clock. TEA FOR~ MOTHERS :Mrs. John D. Shank, 1109 Green- Wvood avenue, wilh entertain at tea tomorrow for the mothers of the e>ight'h grade room of Miss Doninely ,;nd Miss Flaskered., MNfs. Carleton, Everson and NMrs. lHenry Hanseins wiil assist. GUEST 0OF HONOR Mrs. Frederic Cortis, 77 Indian 1Hil1 road, ivas hôstess at' a bridge luncheon Thursday in honor of Mrs., Reginald Rose of Birmingham, Mich., Who was visiting friends in Glencoe. ing. . The bride's white satin gown was, made on princess lines, with long sleeves and a long train. Her tulle veil was bordered, in' lace and fel frorn a tigbt lace cap. She carried White roses, lilies of the valley, and sweet peas., Her -handkerchief, of handniade lace, was' seventy-five years old,'and was originally carried by the bridegroom's great grand- mother, at her wedding. .Mes. W. Hiillinger. of . Morton Grov e, the. bride's siste r, was ber ma- tron of. honor. She wore. rust-col- ored lace, with'darker brown, acces- sories, and carried yeiiow and gold chrysant hemums. Rita Hillinger, the fiower girl,,was in green chiffon and carried a basket of. pink roses and. white pomp ons., Arno -Schmidt of Rogers Park was his brother's best man, The churcli was. decorated with white pompons, yellow chrysanthe- mums, and palms, for the service. After the ceremony the immfediate f amilies had a vedding breakfast at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Celia Bruning, 711 Ridge road, Wil- mette. In the, evening there was 'a reception for seventy-five guests at the Techny Fields Golf club. Kenilworth Gridders Deadlo ck With Glencoe. The joseph Sears school in Kenil- worth broke even in its four football games with the Central school of Glencoe last Saturday, two of the, gaines resulting in ties and. each school winning one of the other two battles, . In the seventy-five pound class the final score was 0 to 0. With two min- Utes left1 to, play the Kenilworth boys had thle ball.on Glencoe's two-foot uine, but were unable to shove the bahi ac'ross the goal. Glencoe scored a 6 to 0. victorY in the eighty-.fivie pound class on an in- tercepted. pass. Kenilworth *won by the samne score in the 115-pound class on a pass f rom Donald Dean to Rich- ard Durr. After Glencoe had taken the lead in the 100-pound clas s Ken- men are members of the executive board. Oticers are Mrs. R. C. John- son, president; Mrs. C. A. Peterson, flrst vice-president andi chairman of revisions anid Poppy day; Mns. S. Van Inwagen, second. vice-president and p ublicity chairman; Mrs. E. H. Myrland, treasurer;- Mrs. . C. Leacéh, secretary; Mis. E. H. ýVogt,. chaplain; Mrs. R. E. Kennedy, his- torian, and, Mrs. D. W. Myers, .serý- geant-at-arms. Mrs. 0. . G. Daily is Americanism chairman; Mrs. J. S. Barcu's, child welf are chairman;*Mrs. George Bass- ier, communîty service, cnairman; Mvrs. Norman D)eno,ý wa ys and. means and.unit activities chairman; Mrs. E., %f. Cullison, Fidac chairm an;, Mrs. O. Schwartz, finance chaiirman; Mrs. F. J. Dowd, junior activîties chairman and. eltor of *"46 New"s";. Mrs. tiorge Leal, membership chairman; Airs. Fred Kidd, music chairman; liMrs., T. L. 'D. Hall, rehabilitation chairman;. Mrs. W. J. Benner, pro- gram chairman; Miss Kathenine Leal,, i-euse chairsian ; Mrs. A. W. Bersch,t social chairman; Mrs. AI Rodenkîrk,c ,ewing chairman; Mrs. G. A. Stone,r vistîng chairmfan; Mrs. A. Heerens,, transportation chairman, and Mrs.t Arthur J ohnson, gold star ýchairman. Plans are well under way fo .r a pot-luck dinner for Auxiliary mcm- oers on Armistice night, so hold the Oate, November 11, and watch for turtiier announcemients. The excellent work of severalof our past presidents has won. recogni- tion this year. in the higher divisions *of the Auxiliary organization. Dr. Beatrice Hawkins, having completed a very ,, successful year as child wel- fare chairman of the Department of Illinois, is entering ber second year ini this very. important work., Mrs. C. B. Cochran served as second vice- presiden .t of Cook County- council tast yiear ýand is niow first vice-presi- dent and Americanism chairman of this large and influential organiza- tion. Mrs. F. J. Dowd is first vice- president. of the Seventh district, concernng the excellent worlc in lýnglish done by the two New Trier girls,, Vinginia R. Warlow of the urinneli depantment of public rela- Lions states that 'only twenty-four oàut of 100 students passed with so aigh honor a,,rathen searching ex- ainination into their ability to writeý ".ngiish. This rank*places then i na ziection of the required course in iý.nglisb. which will do quite diffenent work froni the ýother divisions." Show Fi". Traiis The high marks made by Miss Iickhamý and Miss Carlen show ex- cellent training in 'English, the let- ter from the college stated. A, similar. communication. coin- mending the work of the New Trier c.ngiish department was neceived re- centiy from W. F. 'Bryan, chairman of> the department of English of, .\orthwestern*>university. The occasion for this letter was- the' fact-,that: seven New Trier High ichool graduates were among the ireshnen at Northwestern adipitted to special classes in which they rnay complete the univensity's program. of required Engiish in one year instead )f two. Only freshnien who show that they are exceptionally well prepared Mn English are selected for these spe- cial classes. Daughters of Early Residents Guests Here Mr. and Mrs. John Fiegen of 2111. Schiler avenue, have had as recent guests, two friends who are descend- ants of the late Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown, early residents of Wihnette who moved, ftrn here to Kansas forty-nine years ago. Mr. IBrown, while a resident here, had a shop on the southeast corner of Wilmette and Prairie avenues where he made and repaired shoes. ýThe visitors were the Broýwns' two daughters, Mrs. Kate Wilson and Mrs. Adah Tuttie, the former from Garfield, the latter froni Rozel, Kas. Mrs. Tuttle, who with her sister, was here for a, week, made her first visit here since she ~moyed to**-, as an Mr. a nd Mrs. 'Frank Blyniyer and rlaughter, Sandra Ann, 626 Lake ave- mie, drove to Lansing, Mich, ast week-end to visit friends. ofMr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mulla.lly ofDetroit left Sunday àfter a visit witb theïr cousins, the 'Misses Hirnis of 223 Màelrose avenue,1 Keiiilworth. Mrs. M. E.' Miller of Minneapolis 1varv ' ivirothr na wit,av, N1aa u C *I-**'Nitc"IU " uneJ.I.J avI is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Hi- Mrs. Robent,. Lee Megowen, 197 Ox- entertained thinty-ttv gitests at a ryTylr J. 41Ese raKenil- ford road, Kenilworth. Hallowe'en dance Saturday at Jane's wrh Talr r.41Esxra,_________home, 625 Greenleaf avenue., worth , .Mr. and Mrs. Carey Orr, 225 Wood- Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Kenr, 707 For- bine avenue, were hosts to Maj. and Mns. John Carpenter, 239 %sex est 'avenuie, neturned last Thursday Mrs. Maple Hanl of Denver, CoIo. road, Kenilwonth, will be hoe'tess to- froni a' weck's' motor tIp . to the at the Century club at A ýCentury of day to her Thursday luncheon, club.. Ozaks .Progress on Wedncsday of last week. a buffet suPPeSý.