10aJTN2ze1 hostess tô mothers of thé children of 1 t icagç ni a ooay febr OFFICE SPACE FOR DOCTOR OR thetigae on Tedy Novein- thegion tnps fteAeia dentist. Excellent location in Central b thi ýrs.gradene rsa Leion. Wllmette. Calil wlmette 2399.be7; rsEueeA swahot The funeral services will be hield 1OELTN24-4tp ess last Tuesday to the second this afternoon (Thursday) at 1.-30 ~.. grde;Mrs.W. . Atfiisch was host- o'clock at Scott's funeral home, 1118 los rade Mrs W. . AlfilGreenleaf avenue, under the auspices ess to the, kindergarten mothers op, of* the, Wilmette Odd Fellows lodge. Wï1iette Wtomani's Club Friday, Octobe r 2 7-, and Mrs.R. A., Mr. Jones will be givena iiar THM MNTIRN CLUB OR ANT Or ITS >a iibra tMmra akcmtr, eine roome ava.lable for cara. cin, Marmaduke entertained the ff uila eoilPr eeey Bars, or dancing parties. Willmette grade:niothers at a tea on October 18. the Evanston American Legion l>os. __________________TOUR 2,MW MILES 111 FO SAE-OUSSMITZI FROCKS RETURN Mr. nand Mrs. George H. Rdig WIL VVNE itzi Frocks lis retunning ýto the 1516 Elmwood -avenue, Wilmette, and WILMAKE A RE AL SACRIFICE 0F nnhshone,- scheduled to open ýthis Mr. and Mns. William H. Rothermel, his , beautiful Colonil 8room Friday at 704 Church street, Evans- 1381 Asbuny avenue, Winnetka, Sun- homne. Best neighborhood.là 5 ton. Miss Mary Heustis, who was day of last week,* completed a two bedrooma,. 3 baths, H. W. 011 ht, manager of, the previous Mitzi hptosn milemortp.Teso- 2-car attached garge.Lo 90x153. Must oeil or will rent. wiIl be ini charge again assisted as pdi ense and at Asheville, Mr. NewhalL. before by Miss Goidman and a staff N. C. BAIRD & WARNER, mnc. of, other, saleswomen. 1071 SKOKJE, RIDGE DR., GLENCOE Mrs. Robert Freeman, 1756 Iligh- f' lencoe 1654LTNia-gte 55 M. and Mrs.*Walter Haas, .621 land avenue, was bostess at lunicheoni Park avenIteuewrecledt ala- on Thunsday of last week in honor'of MOST, ATTRACTIVE 'HOME NEAR mazoo, Mich., Ilast week by the iuî- :ber 'husband's mother,ý Mrs. W. S. ý transp. and aschools; 4 bedrins., slpg. niess of their son, Walter, Jr., a Freeman of Briggsvale, Colo. Uer porcbi 2 baths, aunrin., ohl beat, elec. refrig. %* acre. Will trade for de- student at Kalamazo ellege. Hie guests were Mrs. Edward Scheiden- sirable srnaller house or 2 flat build- was suffering from pneumonia but belm, Mrs. Lymanl Drake, Dr. Alice Ing. Also for rent. at the end of the week word was ne- Tuttle, Mrs. Charles. Roberts, and 02Frances J. Winscott ceived that he was impnoving. Mrs. Frank Scheidenhelm. SpueS.Winnetka,.1267 - 11126-tp ____________ Mn. and Mns. George Coale and IN ASTMrs. John, B. Farnior.f-S".îiego, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Iijawxhunst of IN EAST G-LENCOE Cal., arnived, in Wilmette several Kenilworth anid -Mn. and Mns. OLDËR TYPE HOME ON LARGE' weeks ago to visit bier parents, Mn. Charles Liddeo.Wnek pn wooded lot, screened and sleeping and Mns. John Boylston, 1302 Chest- thdwek eoin.Mainie.Thasent b porches, 2-car garage. $13,000. nut avenue. Mrs. Farnior wiIl be berewtose the we-nin ronthio.sten-hî( ANN MORELAND uintil December. ettsethNohwtriOi 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 305- gaine. . 111TN24te Mrs. Clayton Seamian, 2106 Beecli- Ms lao Berger, 306 Kenil- i NNIDôW WIL SACRIFICE BEAUTI-.wo vne netie at a tea on worthi avenue, Kenilwonth, has rne- g fui corner lot, 100x182%~ and house. 3 Wýediiesday inli onor of Miss Z.. Per- turnied f roi 1 rotwhr 'u wn bIks. to school4, business and transp. kn fNwOla hoi iiigt te D tothe siewedigo lss- Priced low for quick sale. No brol<ers.e Orenwi svstl oatndhe edng facas-i For app't al W innetka 3484. im te a K o s ho l S e wa -o--bridesnîiai-d. WINNETKA HOME, $6,500-7 LARGE Dr.- and Mrs.,I-HaroIl Rowntnee,Ct rolns, H. W,. lt., oi, 2 enci, porchestei.wbsl r MýEGae gý gaag, in iglo. iht rent. In-te tw os, Haroldj, jr,, and Gid- n.M .Gre and ber daugh w1~ quire 877 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 1 699. eoni of Toronto, Canada, are guests ter, Miss Mary Good Garber of Mad- h( IIILTN26.1tîî of :tle' Clifton L.. Keiths. 222 Niiti' ison, Indiana, annived last wveek-enid l Ere.to l)e the guests of Mns. B. F. In 113 WANTED TO BUY-HOUSEUlyneý60Lk aeufra n e WANTED-MNODERN 7 OR S ROOM - niyC en,66 ae vnufo n i house, Evanston to Glencoe. Desir- r.t. .Bartoni, ho îîîakes lier -defilîîtetr. able location and a. bargain. Address home with lier daughter and fainilv. -0- t B-95, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. the Thonmas Kul Imans, 2006 Kei- Ms . eeleai-e o and ý,V 113LTN26-1t(- worth avenue, Kenilwortlh, will be Mlrs. Charles Gi.s.sart and lier 117 WINT~R ftE7ý è ostess to lier bridge club Fridla%. datighten of Believillfl, aeist-1,q -o- i~~ng the latte's parents, Mn ra,,,l11 SPEND YOUR WWI!iiER IN THE Mswo o rgE VOm«t, StJNN-Y SOUTH. OUR TOWN IS iMn. John Marshall Roberts, 328 av. enrge. H(n1n.12 .l-g REPUTED TO BE SECOND Warwick road,, Kenilworth, 'was avenue. he; HEALTHIEST SPOT IN U. S. A. hostess tebrswngcu nTus WRITE FOR DETAILS._MRS. M. M .. WIMUrg32 UNPiEWSITY I ROoem P*A&4675 date and The thing that. is now, engagillg attenition is the buying prograni,- said Mrs. Stalling, "and the necessity for that cannot be more forcibly pre.- senited than in the homely philosophiv of that popular. authoir, Booth T an.-! ington, who sums is ail up'in an ar- ticle entitle.d- 'Buy Not,* Eat Not." 1The article folos "6Lîve by Spendiang" -soilletirnes, we have to go against ptis. training or go broke. Sometimes what we have always believed to be'a ruh. of virtuous conduct proves fatal in priautic.. For-Instance, we have grown up In the. belief, -fostered by our parent.%anmd t eachers and' enforced bY our gové1rn - nient, tha t we have nio right to, take t)! use the propertY of another person:'w t Il - out hie consent, but If the property 1 n question happens to be a blackjack 'tiîti -the other person is about to -bring dowit on my head 1 shalh have a better chanef- of.surviving if I perceive, intinte, tii unwIsdom of clinging unalterably to old convictions. That la, there art. times <of emergency when clinging to an old cort- viction will becruinous. Let us eonsider the present time ne its relation to lair old cônviction Infavor cf thrift., "People of pioncer stock1 are otten soê~ of as the bLclkbo.ne of the cýountry. ind probabiy they are. Pioneer-, are thr-ifi y or they don't suirvive.> If thé wood, pil., ls used t0o freely in the autumui't nia"_ îiot I.igt, through the winter. and thu-. Midland child learne6d, thrift at i iLs grandmnother's k.nee.. Moreùver, w.vi beefl taught for seveal, generations ilhat t isn't What a nman earns that cùùnt.-z and takes care of hirnIn his '01<1 age.- t's what he saves. We've always bu ieved that thnift il; a virtué, ithal spending is risky and that squandurig i. tsuicidal. We demand thrift front u'Ill governiient, vote against polttic.ti t ldates proven unthrifty, and wu iii- 'elstigate, and oftex relegate to priva t' [tfe, officiaIs shown to' be é **.I lvish with public fuiids.Th In .f onv'ictionm. No one -doubts that ft i,ýwa ight and u seful conviction 4W' that il vould be dangerous t6i unsettie it; ibt lere fi; the P.nited States- go% 1 rniiwit, ,ming to us now,- asking u' to ity. Lly, buy, advising ils to Spend Ob,," ioIiey rather than to save it, and i- rally appearinig to set itself strong ly. 11 pposition to that old principle . miftines in wvhj(h we were trinrd.-( 'here seems to be.a contratiietiýoîts<jt "~Jn*oerthe gtwernnieut a w: 'hit, Pend at a tinte when We have th1ea s. attenILtin to ullu;u iuu exifv,(l-unisi.sa tie o emrgêney uuring bedya er hIome.U which It's necessary to buy goods so, ~TE Inesdy atthat somebody'll have money eiiough I to pay us for what we produce. It it*.- I Norton. Booz, 919 Forest avenue, hard for us to get rich by wlashing one 7317 was in Washingto4 D. Ç., last Week another's -shirts, ît's certaini>' Imposîsible Ito attend the ýMachine Tool Manu- for us toý make a living by washing oui- facturers' convention. owfl. [t seeins wiser to'live by ependlng thnto perish by seaVing." *IL(