cis in the Ieading role of. Mary Stevens, a doc- tor, W ho is cbeated. out of a norriril happy if e wben. ber sweetbeart, an- o tbhe r-doctor money. The ex- cellent cast and. tbe able band- ling of theplot recommend this, K&Y F'lWnCIS film as excellent adult entertainmnent, Glenda Farrell and Thelma Todd are' also featured. In -additionto "Mary Stevens, M. D.," tbe Wilmette will * offer,,a brisk prograni of short sub-, A return engagement of "Whoopee," *ail tecbriicolor film starring Eddie Cani- tor, is slated for, the Wihnette on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, No- vember 2, 3 and 4._ Tbe late Florenz Ziegfeld, Broadway's most distinguished producer, supervised the filming of "Whoopee." Trhis perfect ail-color cinema ex- travaganza is based on the plot of Owen Davis' grand farce, "The Nerv- ous Wreck," witb the story of tbe imagînary invalid f orced to be a he- mnan in.order to get the heroiiie out of trouble and niarried to the right man. door settings, "Wlioopee" scores thrill -ifter thrill of music, comedy, songs and. beautiful girls headed by E.Utanor H-ur.t and Oorothy' Knapp.. Sundav and Monday, Novemnber 5 and' 6, b)ring *-No Marriage Ties" to the Wilmettt: theatt.r. Richard Dix plays a brilliant sot who makes goo(ý niiadvertising, with Elizabeth Allan clinging to bum. Doris Kenyon and Allan Dinehart also bave featured rolès. "Headline Shooter" will show some- Will Rogers portrays a small-town doctor, conipelled to fight against the bigotry of the small community, in bis inew film,. "Doctor Bull," sho'wing at~ the Varsity theater Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Noveniber 3, 4 and 5. 'Lovable Will Rogers. wins the nia- jority of the laureis iii this show, witb Vera Alleni, l.ouise, Dresser, Rochelle Hudso n and Andy -Devine contributingz good performances. Moniday and Tuesday, November 6 anîd 7, arededicatied to a great film at, the Varsity-"I l.oved a Woman,*' starring Edward G. Robinson and Kay Francis. Realism and fidelityto lif e distinguisb this fine :picture. wvitb its story of Robinson and his- love for two women. Kay*lFranicis and Genevieve Tobin. Their battles for bum, and'bis- fight to win tbrough to* peace 'witb himseif. make a film yrou'll1 remember.. Leslie Howard and Douglas Fair- banks, Jr., are thé..aviators beld by prison. commander' Paul Lukas- in- the powerful drama "Captured 1" showing pn Wednesda)-,,and TW rsay, Novem- ber 8 and 9. The strength of this film lies in the excellent acting. 150 Sheman-P>hone Uni. 3444 EVANSTON'S PERFECT Il .SOUND THEA TRE - atter 2:30 on Suncays Today & Friday, Ne. 2-3 Mu~sical Comedy Smash Hiti Proa Ly is an 'outstandïng nit ,ay stage. HAS. CHICAGO SETTING A, portion of Paraînounit's picture, 'eThe Golden Harvest " was filmhed in Chicago's' Board of Trade building., HOUSE Ëve. ftrom 7 p.m. Mat. Bat. Me3 FRIDAY -SATURDAY, NOV. 3-4 Viua Rawky-Luis Trmkev Viîctor V ront .5TH,- I"Wlh.#, Afroid of the sudBarlWl? on., nfNOV. 5-4 This high, pressure, ad mati watited Tuos, t. Thurs.. Nov. 748-9 V1RSiTY THEATRE, EVAXB1TON-PRONE UN~I. U Fr1., Sat., Su.s, Nov. 3-4-S WILL ROGERS lu "DOCOXIBULL" LAURIEL and HARDY in' "MIDNIGHT PATROL" re.vlk Thue Next