Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1933, p. 38

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E-resenti 4fiigL.-,- . - '""I Ol Vflda'.c4tin ---.p3,btit*t screar y inI 155V JiV fcamnera to round out .a perfect enter- cmayo rdy Novembr3 division, national headquarters, New Mr. Anspacher is regarded ;ès one tainrnent. from 4 to 4:15 .o'clock, Chicago timne. York, and the awarding of rib)bons of the flnest orators and best c<Iuip- 'lhle story ofa landinlifeld built in The nlane of the Chicago station over for posters made by Girl Scouts fea- ped publicists in America today. *id-ocean as a pausing place for which th*s pOgrani is to -bc broad- tured the meeting held-Monday after- Born and educated ini America, lie, transatlantic air service is unfolded Sat- cast will be published in the radio, uooii at joseph Sears school, Kenil- after winning bis A. B. degree at the, urday, November> 4, b3, 'Floating Plat- sections of the Chicago papers. Mrs. worth, by aIl four Gi rl Scout troops College of the City of 'New York, form N.1"Cna ed' iie Roosevelt's talkwl b h-hg pot of. that school.Atrthmeinth speialzed. n piloopy ad ehis acting along with a th illing ploi fth atonal broadcasting program Girl Scouts-entetiethtyfv f at i olumbia tlniversity graduate mnakes -this'film *hhà-be well worth seeing. Whicl ba ben arraniged for. Girl their mothers at tea., school, where he received his nias- Charming seemns to be the word for Scout week, October 29-November 4. Miss Stevenson. ini ber talk. em ters' degree. lThe Song of Songs" at the Valencia pbasized that the ý;irl Scout M.nOve- For years he was secular lecturer. Sunday and Monday, Novenber 5 and Troop 10 D isus sW"hat ment aims, to help the girls live more at Temple. Emanuel, New York City. >6. It's the classic about artist-niodel courageously for the day ahead.. She In discusn Ou rsntPih, Marleile Dietrich, deserted b6y artist to Fat ahd.Wear on 'Hikeý pointed out that, this oee. Mr. Anspacher will illustrate the* be- Brian Ahemne, and married to bluster- Girls Of Troop 10, Wilmette, open- Originated twenty-one yearsago and wildering transition from an old ing baron Lionel Atwill. ed their recent meeting by receiin had developed into a great organiza- world of hazard andacetnc o Tuesday,>November 7, pops up with their partsfo a play' whicb the>' are tion with a memhership of .300,000) a new world of' scientîflc control. His a thoroughly enjoyable feature comedy, going, to h ave. They then. played scouts and 20,000) Browlni.e', .pre- anialysis will show "«how we are ry- "Goodbye Again," .,starrinig Warrenî New York, using sigxialing instead of scouts), ing to run a modern world ~ifh tan- Wlim a man :pursued. saying the letters. Refrethments Are Served tiquabed politicaji social, ecoiiomie Joan Bennett and Jàmes Dunn head After patrol corners. soine an- AfeMisteeo'sakadbc and moral ideas." a. briliant ç ast- in "Arizona to Broad- nouncements were -read.. They were exhi it of thirty-six -posters, made bY Tickets for the lecture na>' be pur- waY" -Wetdnesday and Thursday, No- about the hike which is-to be held Kenilworbh Girl Scouts,. refreshmnentsi chased fromi Mri..Charles A. Wright, veniber 8 and 9. November 4. The girls discussed were, served fron a. long, table dec-' of rmn othsernighUn arsik'sebe-LuaTrnkrtoStrwhat to eat and Wear on a hike. orated witb punch bhoWls at each end. NotwsenUiest ete eThe scouts sang ,the "Owl" aid and a ryatenm etepe. mnt,, byp1urnig ler at Highland a u. D1ark fBrown 'Is the River," nand Mrs.Juis Pete i en as hostess Pr153,2, or the>' may be obtainied a Coffm m"' os lsdtemetn ih"as rs iu eesn,-shses at the door the night of the lecture. After six months of intensive and close thie emtn. ih Tp.1~i. Nygaard, principal of Joseph, ____________________-JanthEthel Newman.Sears scbool, presented rihhons bo the C. and N. W. Anllones Trol and Dotemite Alps, Universal's following girls whose posters bad s'pecia1, "The Rebel," a story of the Girl Scouts of Wilmette been adjudged the best: Reduced Farés -tê Coastý Napo.leonic wars, cornes to the Win- Plan Get-Together Show ~t Girls Win Étbbons blu <Two cents a mile rounitd-trip fares netka Communit>' House Frida>' and ft grade-.-aroInc Johnson, bu over the Thanksgiving and Christ- Saturda>', Novémber 3 and 4. On Novenmber 10 there will be a ribbon, for her "Do a good turn dail>'" lils olday, edcedal-yar ou-. "l'le Rebel" stars Luis Trenker who1 get-together exhibit given b>' ail of poster, szhowtng a littie Girl Scout lead- ms fiareso th eacil Coatpoinsur- i emmee las nti on teGr cus fWlitein the ing a blind man across a Street; Marcia i s t f r e s o t h e P a c i i c C o s t p i n t s w ' l l e r e e m b e r d a l a y s n t h i c o u - t h -' i 'M e g o weon ,i r edteMr i b b o n e d f oro nh eri ,d r awd a w nn tromn Chicago effective I)eceniber 1 try for the splendid impression he made ,parisb bouse of the Methodist church of a seout feeding a bird in winter ("A andth istalaio o ne rduedin "The Doomed Battalioni," mentioned f roti 4 o'clock throughotit the even- (lirn scout is a friend to animais",). adte instlac inorfacewith thed b y man>' reviewers last year as one of izig. The exhibit will he called A 'ixth gradeýDorothy Hendrickson,. rate in'acordnce iththebasc -blue ribbon, for ber drawing of a scout the ten best pfictures. Victor Varconi, Year of Progress in W'ilnette, based tînonadrteadfeigadg tare hang s on Dece ber ; wil wh was with Tren er ini that produc- on A Century of Progress. Thi ge - ( e. k d to a ma " ; Jo n K l er give travelers on the Chicago. and tion, is included in the cast of "The together flot ou1I>' will bce of interest red. ibbon, for ber drawlng of a Girl Northb Western railway the. best Rebel." to aIl of the. Girl Scouts but to the Scout lending a liand to a slck motherÀ year-end holiday bargains tu mîanv This picture is awaited with consid- public as well. MNore details will be sitting wtth a baby in arma, and two yc ars, R. Thomson, passenger traffic eralile interest b>' motion picture fans, given next week. souts-one hanging clean curtaina, andi m a n a e r f t e r a d s a t e . s î î c i t a r k t h r e u r n t o h e c r e n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . t h e o t h e r c o o k n g s u p p e r I n a p o o r h o m e . inangerof he oadstaes. ýàie itmars te rtur. t th sceenSeventh grade ~~Dorot henderson. "In. connection with the new basic of Vila Banky f romi a tbree-year VieS .bine rlbbon, for her drawing of a girl rae, a2/ cnsamile rate for rire"'M . josepnine Scnain Give petting a dog; Shirley* >.Scarrit,ý reti r o u d -t p t c k e s g o d n f rstC o n ~ ~ r G r e t i '< o drib b o ri. fo r h e r . p o s te r o f J u li tte L o w e , rol:d-rp ices oo, àfist.class Evnng performances will be con- ., onet rçtn . oay fouhder of Girl Scouts, andi a scout of equipment witb a. return, livnit Of tîinuois from 7 o'clock, and a matinee h ntd9ttsNvybn iltoda>. Ladr reLue mor tantendas il li ofeedwill lie offered, Saturda3' at 2:30. broadcast a haîf-houir concert dedi- Miss Elizabeth Macauley is scout di- after December 1 on: Our road as well - ated to shut-ins on Thursday, rector f athietie, and scout captain s the new rates of three cents al Fresb.men at New Trier November 2, from il1:30 to 12 noon. andi leader of Trop 1 and 2, compriseti mlile One,7waY in first class equp_ ot îc ficr h ocr, hc ilb f seventh and ceighth grade girls. 'Mrs. n ,ient. two cents a mile in coahs Plnt l t fi es heccrwihwl b gvn Arthur Bonnet la lieutenant of these and two cents a mile rou.nd-tnaj) in TPle freshman class at New Trier over WEAF, New York and the troops. Troop, 3, composeti of alxth tirst class -equipmeint with à returt fligh school will elect its.officers nextNC twrwllncdeseco»gregrl,*t M& .C.ueera lintt o ke das. eek Membrs f te cas~arefroni the Girl Scout song book. Miss captain, and Mrs. »oward Jordan anid "For Thanksgiving, Christmas and placed in nomination for the various Josephine Schain, national director, Mr. Artehur E. akenottm aa iuteand New Years a two cents 'a mile 'rate offices 'by petition. These petitions; wil give a brief message of greeting Mrs. M. G. Ilenderson les lieutenant cf for round-trip tickets good in aIl each bearing not less than txventy-five during the broadcast. Txroop 4. compose.4 cf ifth grade girls. classes of equipn will bcin ieffect signatures, were to lbe turned in pot ofMiheMargares, ls necondthegrader ,Ietween al points on the Northi later than Wedniesday of this week. TO i'iiiIT iEjàYS hchaa f the comis grl iunseconae. Wstern railway and between thciae At an assemnbly lioxt Monday the Browtiie paclc No. 3, wliich met att a ,MIu. John L. Wtils. pqiits and to picat other poilnt5 in notuluces will bc itirodueed to> the the Wilmetté Corsgregatîiona chtwch DIulpg te past week the captal» of thte West. cdass. T'Pl éection w*111 bc conducted last yeàr on Fri4,àys,* will meçt ,<n»1e<hfrop gav; a 1*alwe'en part'. by ballot later in 'the wèclc, Tnesdaj this> year. Miss.'»arriet th . sntw. B~ re ~iOwli ANN DI &TUCLMWr MisLora, Baghina,who is at, P, THER'S T1Z4 and Miss Ruth Al1wort.h. 15 to be 'the The nfntWefarecliic ilble tedn Obélincoleg, sèn làt Ms.lieber Sith 23 Lnde. nw awn Ol X New iembers for held Wednsdy, ovmbr8,w Ai.ee-n Oth r pare~nts r. ndaveue wil ntetai a te Tes-Bw iepcswlbc eco . th ur2unl4.D.JisNog avenu , Sh bro ght ith ber fou r flo n 's tiw ra de roo m t t eR U I N N V M E f h h s l n c N v m e 0 th t~aI~ 'Pli i~e. andMn. fh, e ilh ils arnen by the Parent..acher asociation,. Y'¼7 B uf l ,No.T e il l t e ded ;1U T S I8 tPNav n e i lm t e h g rs -r, n il be beld t the H ealth Cen- the _air _Th______ndrs.C. R. Stetson arrive at 5 o'clock and sta>' until 7. ter fr9m 9 until 12. Mrs. Stopka, the -and their three daugliters, who are school nurse, and Dr. Paul- Bass, Mr. and Mrs. George Kibby, 83i returning from Shictioka, Japan, are FIRST AID COURSE dentist, will be in charge. Lake avenue, returned to their home guests titisý week of Mr. and Mrs. The first aid course given for sec- last week after spending the suimmer Leslie L. ?erry, 1127 Greenwood ave- ond class Girl Scouts is being- held Mrs. R. C. Johnston and ber at their place at Wisconsin Rapids. nue, before going on to their home each Friday afternoon ýat 3:30 o'clock daughter, Virginia, of 321 Melrose The>' nowhave' as their bouse guest in Boston. M. Stetson lbas been a in the Wilmette, Congregational avenue, Kenilwortb, entertained thç Mr. Kibbys sister, Mrs. M. If. Gage missionary in Japan for the past ten churcli. Mrs. H. J. DenebI is in Madrigal club of Roycemore school of West Hartford, Conn., years, and has flow retired. charge. last Tursday evening.

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