Book FIRST FLOOR, TrHE EDWARDIAN ERA by Andr& Maurois *S3 Now js 1h. time for BARGAIN BOOKS (us.d copies) 1724 Orringlon Ave. Gri. 0227 Orringion Hof.l Ikg., Evansfon Vouing man and his wife, their faces vignetted white against a crowded Peking str'cet-such is Mr. Bald- ridge's stimulating conception on the dust-jacket of this brave and, sensitive story. It, is outspoken, unusual, a suice of.buman life in al its complex- ity. Nor does this;connote'unreiieved grini struggie to Mrs. Hobartl's mînd. On the- other hand, 'just as her art woid scorn the. saccharine. insincer.- ities of. our sentimentaiists, who cloy us with their fuliome flatteries of a China existent.oniy in their own fancv. she leaves to. the ronxanticists the *chinoiseries ;ofIpeari- faced mnaiden s beckoning through the incon-gates of iacquered palaces. She knows weii tha t' life for the Chinese, as, with us, is an absorbing affair offailure and success,: mixed endeavor, astounding chicanery, and -equaily'astounding de- votion to ideas-tbough theirs seemn at> times as queer to us as ours to them. Stephen Chase, çiever, eager, eii- ergetic-in short, Ainerican-with h is scrupuious ioyaity to bis inhuman employer, a great Ainerican Oul comi- pany,. wili always remain something of a perpiexity. to Mr. Ho', the hionor- able, steadfast Chinese merchant to whom loyalty to family and friends cornes first and iast. Mrs. Hobart's s tory is the interplay, against the background of modern China ini al ber violence, of these two men, and the graduai growth of their respect Management in Persial Iii a chiallenging article on -The Wonani's Science," pubiisliec l itithé Independent Womian for October,, Paul Ernest:-Anderson ,preserit s, househoid managemrent in the inter- ior of Asia, notabiv Persia, as being the wornan's field and hers* alone. Mxore than 2,0(X) years ago, %vomnei wvere thse co-partilers, co-ordisiators and directors of the internal manaire 7'hesc attractive photogi aphs arc in "Thse Second Boo k Aknais" collected by "Das Tier' in& Gernany, and bound in A »u'rita b v the Macmillan cornpany. SmLce thse primkti)ng (zO 3' ago of thte firsit "Picture Boaok of Animais" two thousand copies, have becit soId. I>erhaps there are »MaY children on,. thse iort h shore wh o arc jamiliar with the lirsi. volume. The second book is different front the flrst ini havi>zg »any m>ore *pictures of thse famijiûr animals thai 3tortssger children knozo -besi. The>T arc rein<srka blé clQ$e-ups of the heads of horses, cozos, slu'ep, geese, cats, doys.' Hfere are striking action pict-ures ansd quiet fa rr scenes. Beside tJhe fassiiliar beasts, the genîle burros, the funny goats, thse calves, chickens, ts<rkc v ýs. tlîcri are a few ,odd pet s-nacaws, Parrots, anzd thse funnv koala, thse littic hear. .of Atistralia. Dogs Are Heroes of TwolInterestinag Books Two boloks about dogs, one the pro- totype Flushs, and the other his equaily famnous protagonist on thse modern stage, have just been pub- World Book Man to iF Resume Broadeasts - Doc" Hulghes e \ of ck dc, pe<i il te sec US the other day to say that thse orldj Bock 'Man is agaiiî Materiai for. the volume has been November 17 under the tii taken from, Prof. Hatfield's study of "Christmas Tree." A, story of S a mass t4 unpubiished data. It pré- ern London at Christmas tir sents a f resis perspective on the great presents, a varied patteurn cf 14' American poet. ie t *d Louis Untermeyer writing'of "Tali- of fer" in thse Satuirday Review o-f Lit- '1- erature says it "is the happiest of all it Robinson's longer poems-andj it i s mn also the best. ht is, furtiiermiore,,tise easiest, to read,."