usual and Women gram of Un- ce Nov. 8 Another month and aniother aIl- day mneeing for the Woman's Club of, Wýilmnette, which, on Wednesda3y Nov ember 8, shares its day with ýthe, Wiimette ILeague of VomeilN oters. The league,, which provides- the morning 1program commencing.,at 10:30, -is presenting'as speakers, Mrs. Lawrenice Cole of Wiùnntka,' Chair- mani-of. the, department of interna- tional cooperation in the Cook Couin- ty. League of W~omne,î Noters, antd Mrs. W.W. Ramseyvc-presidenit of thie'Cook County leaguie.. Rabbi- Solomon B. freehof of Chicago, wvidely recognized as orator and speaker, will be the lecturer on the afternoon . program, after the solos bv Wiliam Russell,, a, youtig baritone gifted mith a inging voice of unus- ual meflt. League miemberslip cards will be recogxtized as admissioni for the day's program, and mnembers of the \Vil- mette League of Women oters hav- ing lutîcheon at the club are askcd to mnake reservations, with Mrs. George .D. Conlee of:,849ý Lincoîni avenue, Mrs. CJole, a %velI i;îforned and enthusiastic speaker w i t h nuch_ thoughit and study back of hier dis- cussion, wvill talk on "The Econoinic Causes of \ýVar," and Nlrs. Ramisey *will talk on state anîd local legis la- tion. A close student of civic. anîd *educational niatters, Mrs:- Ramscvy *presents co9mplex and puzziing inate- rial ini a most understandable andl interesting inanner. * The luncheon hour at 1 will dimlie the, zorning and afternoonsein. William Russeil is the sin ger oi ivhom Eugene Stinson. wrote ini the Chicago Dai*ly News,. -William Rus- sell has one of the, nîost beautîfuil banitone Voicts Iately lheard l erç uses, a polished, musical etle. * ore conîing to Chicago a tewv ycàfr,. ago to enter th.e wider field of rucital aund oratorio, ,MN. Russell was. for several years, staff baritioneè at radlio bta- tiofls. I n 1915 he. was nvted té servle on the faculty of the Hebrew Union college, beconîing, succes- f,îvelý,, instructor in Rabbinics, assist- ant, professoi of.Rabbinics, and pro- fessô'o'f liturgiy. In 1917-18 he was. keabI>i Solomn H. Pree'lof. Rab- bi of thse K. .. 1. :.11. temple c( tiée CIs gregat1diolsof the.Menvsofitihe lt/est>, tihe ldst Jetê.isht contlreqa- iion in tiis part of tihecotv a msan o f isslellectual sto-eiiilth ansd persomal force, and cossidered a brilliant oralor, 'ivili .tPeak at thse isu'tinp ik ftihe Jfo usans's Club Of Ifl 'ilstie 14edisesday afferis avis extensiveiy, is presenreod at the club upon the occasion when the Wilmette 1.eague of WVomen Voters joins in the davs'~ activitîes. Valley D. A. R., Host.ess at Fait Friday Friday afternoosn, Noveniber 3, the Skokle XValley chapter is tobe hostess at the D, A. R. headquarters at A Centurv of Progress exposition.. articles to technical journals on lte history of the synagogue and Jewisît lit urgy. The civics departmnent of the \Voman's club, Mrs. Frank W\... Church, chainmai,is in chargeof ithe, day. PcI)e sRaif'is fi. Iliai. of -o th- ',stei-ii- viii spetik at thc e >crlu,'clipof tie.uss 4111,1iliar 'V of tiseil sansCilbof lUilmette, wich eïkwi l'e Ield ot (;:45 * o't-ck, T/ssirsda v eveussl (1, Novesser 9,. lu the 'cisisoluse. Decan Heiniman is well knowîî to resi- dents of the north shore throuigh is associatioh Nwith Nortliwestern univer- sit, wliere lie lias heen dca,; f thç, >clîool of Commerce for fourteen yearS. He attended Nlorinigside college Jin lowa,, and fromi there. after. he had re- ceiv'ed bis Master.'s degree -at Nlortli- western and bis Doctor of PhIilosopll% degrec at Hiarvard, lié received bi s Doctor of Taws dcgree. He bias achieved not oiily local faune, but is national]-,- ktown b1w bis contributions Creicet: circle of the (ngrega- tional chirch wil hé held on Tues- day, Novemnber 7, at the home of Mrs. E. D,. Johnson, -,1005 Oakwood avenue. Mrs. R. J. *Mulvey and Mrs.. C. M. Osborni will be, the, assist-, ing hostesses. is Menibers Charming .ý Reminiscen ý,re Its Guests at kfernoon Part y of Hallowe'en *B yM. L. The \Voman's Catholic lbe -Wil.Imette.- through its prog r an chair*- ,tuan, Ms Chailes Broad, was hostess to 'al)ott 150 of its menîhers last. Fn- day. ini the louinge of the W\oniani's club. As éach guest entered the club) site was given a. slip of p aper ý1 .wlîich to ,write lier birt.h. nîonth and day. Thiere was ýa grand mtarcil 01 theý inonths, january leading. 'Part iters w'ere selected: front, the ijurti,' Snîouth of each, guest according: to lier preferenice, for conttract oratic- tion, then Jadtuary played with *Jan- uar %%,and so on down the calendar. To Mr. Wiliam Lean, ocs cliairnian, go -the1 honors for the art- i.sticaIlly arrang.ed tea table mitbi iti carved ptnîpkin basket filleil tvith vari-Colored grapes and. faItlea<S ()ni could alinost sec* the ichsand lîol-obiins dancing in tîte ,hadmvw, of tie taîl tapering black cai1dles. The- victor at each table ser%-edtt c C"- f.ead dO*ughnmiuts. Ashiort bisilîess meetinig rced thte party, at which the inines of fivc ;îew mienibers were posted for ment;- l>rsil). Reports were read hy Mrs. Vrank Oeeichi, civics chairnian \ Ir. i e;; rv Dalton, riotion picture chiair- mnan: NIrs. Harry Sherwin, literatu'ri cliairmian, and Mrs. Frederick ChtàrK. radio chairman. 'Mrs. George licaudini. Spresidlent, again rcminded the club of ilie book study class at the homec of _Mrs. Hlarry Sherwin, 1029 Orctrn- wood avenue, on Tuesday, Novemnber 7, ajt 9 :45 o'clock. *TctV Xars A- Growing" ivill be the book rvuvd Anld Ail ,ert' invjted 10 attend.. Woman's Aid Sets TiEme for. "House Beautif ut" The dates Decemnber 6, 7, and 8 1h 1)ave been sýet for the annmal Flouse Beauf.tiful sponsored by thie Woiman's Aid society of the Wilmcltte Parisbi MIetlhods psoa hrhofwni XMrs. d.-F.pBurvpe is Drc.ofvhic vv* - ituw. Àvrs. NM1 A. Borresen is leading the group this year and extends a cordial invita- tion to al vomen interested. Additionql Club News on Pages -31,'32) 33 c a 'I j,' f c ] .1 * I i I