Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1933, p. 28

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ing wua1 opert bunçay, with a recIp- tion, musicale, and tea at 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon. The popular George Hrusa trio, violin, cello, and piano, will play,, making another return ap- pearance, and through the courtesy of Mrs. F. R. Harper, president of thie Chicago Miniature sociîety-. sqtme of the miniatures now on exhibit at, A Century of Progress-will be dis- played at the club. Mrs. -Jamnes Cady Ewell of High- land Park is in charge of arrange- ments. Among those. presiding at the tea urni wili be Miss Elizabeth Roberton, Mrs. R. W. Millar, Mrs.. Glenn '.0. Pearsonand Mrs. Miles B. Geringer. Other. members of the 'art. coin- uiittee are Mrs. E. D. Coolidige, Mr. and -Mrs, P., O. Dittmar, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Feltman, Mrs. Edwin, Hedrick, :Mrs. Wilbur Helm, .M iss Jessie Lacey, and Mrs. Walter 1)111 Scott. Artists who have -asked to eKîibit their work present both conservative and radical in portraiture. Thiey are: Ethel Coe, Louis Slobe, Paul Trebil- cock, Winifred Wilson, Edna Johan- -sen, Elizabeth Milla'rd, Bess 1). Jewell, .Hazel C. Ewell, Grace- P. Brion, Anita W. Burnham, M.%rs. F. C. Peyraud, Mrs. Arthur Jerrems, F. R. Hlarper, Antonin Sterba, Wellington Reynolds. Malvin M. Albright, Peter Paul Ott, James Cady Ewell, Pauline *Palmer, Boris Anisfeldt, Dave Mc-. Cosh, Louis Ritinan, Theodore John- son, A. H. Ullrich, George ,usk, Frances Foy, W. S. Schwartz. Beatrice Levy, George M. Smith. Ivan Le Lorraine Albright, Macena Barton, Emil Armin, Frances Chaý- pin1. Tunis. Ponsen. Épiscopal Guild Plans * Plunkett Lu:ncheon, ridge Friday, November 17, the Asso- ciated guilds of St. Augustine's Epis- conal church are h4ving a Plunkett cago Commons. Thne party and sale i s to take place at the home of Mrs. Frank Ferry, 391 Sheridan'road, Win- lietka, whose daughter, 'Miss M1ary Hill, is. chairman of the au,iliary. Mrs. Judson Large of Wilmette is the work, cbairman of the organizat ion. The 1 'nan' (athtolie Club of lmrette is Sponsoring àa !iefit bridge Party, for St.,Fraitcis-Xaz-ier chu rch, on Armistice day, oet ber 11,a S in tire . , niit, 0 lh hild îUSi. bFranDcis' auditoriLLum, .Vjntl, strî'<'t anu ud ciin i<ziýpitte» of tire /'.rtv ami is b'mg aosistd ili the foll<noiig comimiuttre: Mrs. John Boylston, Mrs. G. J. Bichl, Mirs. William H. Dillon, Mrs. W. J.. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. B. J. Kavanagli, Mrs. P. J. Klapperich, Mrs. B, W. Lynch, Mrs. R. T'. Markham. Mrs. H. A. Martin. Mrs. G.- E. McCarthiy, M.,rs. S. H. Moore, Mrs. E. J. Shager. Mrs. C. P. Walker. and Mrs. N. P, Zech. Coutract, auct ion and five-hundred *will be plà.ved and guests will progress or pivot as desired There will be a prize for each table besides many other attractive prizes. Home-made cake and' coffeû %will be served. On %Co0"mi.ttee for Dinner- for FtrÈt Lady of Land Miss Jessie M.Sentley, 'of New Trrier highi school faculty, Nvas a iemn- ber of the comniittee of arrange- of MNrs. Russefl Flood, 210 Br l'le tea was for the mothers dren ini the seventh grade Stolp school0 and .Was very teiffed. --W nen questions ot goverxunmen an governmental agencies are uppermost in so many minds, authoritatiwe infor- mation is made possible by the League. of Women Voters in sucb form as is easy to find and under- stand, making the unirnformed voter unessential.»1 Mrs. Murdo Ross,7,general chair- man of the afFair, is- being assisted by. Mrs. Hfarry. Smoot as cliairman of. the prize commhittee, and Mrs. S. E~. Wells in charge of the tea for guests' refreshment. The study group plan of the leagtîe for th.is year is meeting with interest from the memibership, and enthusi- asm in the groups is adding to the leagtîe membersbip. Mrs. John WV. Behr ' president of the league, urges every interested voter toý "avait ber- self. of thi s opportuinity to -become inforîned on. pertinent governînient Kenilwoeth Welfate la Sponsor of Barn Dance Bright puiMpkinis and corn-staIks will -transform the Kenilworth, club, into a country scene .Saturday eve- ning.- NovemiberIl for the barn, dancc of the Kenilworth center of, the Infant Welfare society of Cl ii- cago. This '*dime-a-dance" affalu. with its entertainmuent and its re- freshments in keepi:ng with the ini- fortnality of. the f rolic, wîil benefit the Seward Park settiemient station supported by the Kenilworth Infant Welfare center. The social comittee of the Keniil- worthi center, the comhlittee wliose chairman is Mrs. Edmund Burke of WViltnette, is arranging the event. NI r% -;Robert Osgood is in charge of decti- rations. Mrs. John -L Fix and Mis Mary 13ranigar are. planniîigg refresi- mne)ts. Mrs. Philip 'May is ii charge o.f.M*usic, Mrsî. Walter.Glass,' of. tick- ets, and Miss Eleanor Lippin.cot.. publicity. NIrs. Russell Matthias,, (Helene Seibold) is chairinaîî of flic Keziilworth center. Wl iortV evenffg, November 7. at i o'clock, in he' home th:e lounige of the Woman's club. A oadway. bridge 1rize wlIl be given for each îof chil- mniber. The board of the Juniors at the is ilîeetilug Suniday, November 5, after well at- the ten-o'clock Mass, in the.St. Fran- cis Xavier schoil hall. Amopng those inaking table reserva- ticns arc: Mr. and Mrs. Arch W. Shaw, Mrs. Frederick Scott, Mr.s. William Lyon, Mrs. Robert Ripley, Mrs' ,Horace Armstrong, Mrs..Ken- neth Smith, Mrs. Walter Wolf, Mrs. Augustus Eddy, Mrs. Melvin Tray- lor, Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. K. V. ýL Nicol, Mrs. Buckingham Chandler, Mrs. Robert Roloson, Mrs. John Stu- art, Mrs. John Slade, Mrs. Howard Fenton,. Mrs. Xarner Coburru, Mrs. Henry Bartholomy,,Mrs. George Dry- deni, and many others., The Cradie bail features no bizarre decorations, butjust the attractive [irghting, lovely flowers, and.ail the setti ng of a private party. -Combined with Phil Harris," .the, committee an- nounces, "and the best dance music in. America it promises to bc an out- standing social. event." There are forty debutantes headed by Ilrs. Kenneth McKeown, of- Win- netka, Who will have charge of the selling of cigarets. and MNiss Edna Doering and Miss. Honore White wvil lave- charge of tbe gardenias. There will bc a buff.ef.luncheon at the Cradie on Thursday for the board inembers: and. ail, final_ arrangements' will be, couipleted., Woman's Club -to Give. Dance and Card Part y The first of twvo gala social evenling-s for mnembers of the ýVoman's Club of Wilniette and their escorts will be given at the club house Saturday evening, November 1l, at 8:30 o'clock. Tables will be arranged in the lounge for cards, and dancing tounmusic of Cope Harvey and his orchestra wi!l be in sway; Mem-ý bers inviting non-niember guests wili bc charged a nominal f ee for each couple, but thie party is, the gift of the Xomans club, 'itself,. to, its members and their hutsbands. 'Mrs. A. J.. Beirnes is geîîeral chair- man, of the dance and bridge party, %with' Mrs. Arthur J. Dixon the. card chai rman. Mrs. Thomas P. Gibbons, 1500 Forest avenue, was hostess at an aft- ernîoon bridge Octoher 25, for memn- bers of the Meadow Grove Country club). There were sixty-five guests and miembers, present. Additional Society News Ois Pages 31, 32, 33 a t

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