competition thus far this season, will try New Trier's starting lineup last Sat- to get into the win coluin $aturday1 urday was sornewhat different than in éï this week when they clasti on the the gaine with Marshall the previous New Trier gridiron, Phielps field, Win- week. In the line Horn wvas at left end,* netka, at 2 o'clock. Fox at left tackle, Mann at Ieft guard, On the basis >of comnparative scores Brown at center,. Estes at righit guard, the- teanis are evenly matched, and the Dostal at right tackle and Schunman at added. fact. that .the schools 'are otd rigit end. The backfield, consisting of' rivais should niake the gaine well worth Macinnon. McFadzean,- Dahl and .watching. Against Oak Park Iast Sat- 1llqit a h aea nteMr urday New, Trier was able to score s;hah gaine. one touchdoln Oak Park whipped. Eymnston 011 Top .Deeërfield, 26 to 0. However, Deerfield Evanston, defending champion of the made a better h in than ýNew% Trier Suburbau iclague, continiued its* march against Proviso.. New Trier Iost to to another championship by ,,whipping Proviso, 24 to ,,while Deerfield got hy Proviso. 14 to 0, last Saturday. It wvas with a 19 to O drubbing. Provisosý first defeat of the season. Ev.. Sho-« Inprovemeit anston must defeat New Trrier on No- The New. Trier bo Ys have won tW vember 11, to keep-its record é'lear. Oak )f the six gaines they have played thus Park.ý tied with Evanston for the league far this season. The teain as. a whol a Lrsn.mstdsoeo rvs i.s lacking in experience. but lias shoWn if it wishes to remain interae v inîprovemeuit as* the season progressedj. aniston and .Oak, Park played to a 6-to-6 In the battie with the strong Oaktereel. Park teain ast Saturday New Trier Was rushed~ off its leet> in .:he quar- NMrs. j1aines C. Murray, 433 Ctin- ter. Oak Park, after recovering a Nev nor roa<h. Keiii\orth, returtned lasti Trier f umble inin idfield, made three i ek fom bnovie. ane ~.uccessive first downs, completed a l5ý bringing wi%-th lier Mrs. Fred C. Pick- yadpass and went over for.a touch- ard. wvho is a fi)rier KeilwQN>-rth resi- down., Play in the second quarter was dent. more on even terins, hut the -%vest siders again were able to pushi over 'i touch- M,\rs. C. A. Frary of Buffalo, who is dlown. Thev led at the hialf. 13 to . on. lier wvav to California. was the New~ Trier scored its lone touch- wveek-end guest of the J. T. Dix fain- down in the third quarter after a long ilv. 230 Oxford road. Keuilworth. cago. It wilI ne Enters gave a re High School ai agO. ye' Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry W~iliains, Oxford road. Kenilworth, spent week-end in Elkhàrt, Imd. ,ars the RUSSIAN RELICS 1147 Gmeeneef Ave.. Tei.-miI. 1174. q Il We Have a Process That Redtores Suede and Leather Jackets lo, Their Original Color and Finish J D. TOL 'OFF, UNI. 2178, 518 Davis St., Evansfon Phone CF CHICAGO'S AND LARGEST CUANERS a-2- -. ;ý- - - - OMOOýd 1 1