Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1933, p. 24

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«T laIoso ôpoéoe. carde of thankeobitu- &rie. .noticesorf tainmeits - r Othel affati wlire an admnittanceos gela peblisbel. l b. elbmzge at reguiar advertintag rates. In. bitter travail, in aÏlmost unbelievable physical hardship, i individual sacrifice, in ývoluntary surrender of life for a prin- ciple, the constitution of Ge.raoent the United States of Rio Buredu Ameritawaà boni. God- inspired,:its f ra mers sought and found a .cbart for 1govern- mental procedure tbat bas, until ý,this daiy been regarded a. an unparalleled humfan document in its guaranties of life, liberty and the_,pursuit of happiness,,of oppor- t-unity,- initiative and property righ$s. -Ex- istence under its protecting provisions bas been tbe desire and envy oôf tbepeps of other 1and!i. Uncbecked progress for, almost 150 yéars along the road it points lias denionstrated the wisdoin and' fore-, sigbt of its makers. It stands as the %vorld's nearest approacb to a l)rfect. guide to beneficent and equitable govern- ment, just as' the Golden Rule *and the Sermion on the Mount stand as perfect guides to' human behavior. Neitlher bas. outlived its usefulness. Neither cani be re- placed wvithout violence being done to bui- mnanity. Today we bave governmiient otitside the constitution. Its provisions nxo longer pro- tect. Withouit any mandate fromi the electorate of Amnerica; -%ithout a proposai to junk tbe constitution having.ever beeli presented to the people;,with the, pur-_. pose to ýestablish governrnent by 'bureaus *and cominissars, for governiment. of and by-the constitution bei ng carefully coni-' cealed tbrougbout a long presidential campaign, the tbing bias been done witb "iemergenicy"' as the >excuse wbèn in fact criminal. He cannot deal in milk, except upon a1 price basis 'laid clown by a bureau. His right to' barter and excha*nge' is re- str4cted. He cannot contract for the sale of bhis services in certain industries except or wheat,,ana no more; so Many hogs ana nxo more. Complete power over the in- dividual' and bis property seemis to be the objective of the present government. Freedoim of the, press bas not yet been %vitbdrawn,- but inclinations -ini that direc'- tion are discernible. The code submitted by tyewspaperl)ublisheTs- is meeting with Stiff opposition. from.re covery, administra- tors because, it includes a provision that the constitutional rigbt of f ree expression. ivili ixot be interfered with. Criticis i is not relislied at the cap)ital. Anierica bas flot gn oils. The present re ginie will be repudiated. at the first opportunity. Citizen rights mnust and, will be regained. The administration ýShould be apprised ini no unicertain terms that ýthe Ainerjcati people desire to be gov- erned within their, constitution and ilot. oitside of it. The apparently rapid approach of re- peal of the l8th amendment is stirring, many present and future dispensers of Iiquid refreshment to Repeal gand. feverish activity in anI The "Tavern" effort to get in oni the ground floor and be ready to 'serve a parched public wheni a specified minute of a specified date ar- rives. Considering the north sho.re to be. rich pickings, greedy eyes are scanning this distinctively residential section, searcbing for any loop bole that ' %vill 'ad- mit a "tavern," whicb is the old-new name l)y whicb a saloon is to be known ii i the future, and give opportunity for, garner- ing the tremendous profits to comne froui quenching the thirst of its,*citizenry. Wbat regulations will evenulyb e up in Illinois'for.the conitrol of the liquor traffic is, of course, mere speculation. At this tirne no one knows. But it is highly probable that provision 'wilIlbe made for look upon this revenue as adequate compen- sation for the close proximity of drink dis- Pensaries, .wbich neyer 'were and neyer can be a desirable adjunct to the business life of a residenitial neigbborbood., >Qloo;tls iil klaefrost, fike Spirit T'rui, p: ig&ve'r imatter. Autunmn is really heret bringing: the nielait- choly réalization that Old 1933 is rapidly scaoot - ing toward* oblivion., But fali sadness has i. mellow comnpensations, includingý punkinpis setpotatoes and hearth fiees. Cricket song.r çonvey more, meaning than the renowned Bec-> thoven's faffied' symphoônies. Speaki tg of crick- ets, ive know of .a newspaper man1 who visitcd hlis folks the other day-and the crickets chirped so loudIy' in the basement that the scribe kept thinking he heard telephone belis ringing. Despite. the fact that our ancestors misscd thé 'Mayflower, wc have one sure claim to undying renomwn: After ail thee eks,- we have vct t(> sec "Thc Three ULite Pigs."' diTHE T.AST, HOOK-UP' (1I.n which a Titi Pan Aller' god rules for a day)-Dawn:. "Whlatý is the niamni thlat selection; it certainly sounds fetching; oh, yes, The Iast Hook-Up" 'Morning: "Gyood. ýt.hey're playing 'The I.asrt Hook-Up;i' great number.." Noon: "Ah. 'The L.ast Hook-Up'. again; T nleyer get tired of that off erig." Tm-iIighit: "'<l tvy Won't need radio ani- tnuncers anv more; 'there's just one thing oil the program-and that's 'The Last Hool-Up.'" 'Deept. dark night: "Have mercy on a suffering soul and turni off-that radio; squelch 'TheLast Hook-Up.' or cisc jl 'g out and drovW'my sor- rows.to get inispiration for a Song, 'The ýleat *Tle Graf Zeppelin, which has kept inflated and. afloat despite the worldwid"econiomic defflation, rested its silvery shape for a few moment s at Ctrtiss airport 'Thursday of iast week. The -lncr raceful symbol o'f prosperity slipped- Here's hoping Northwestérn's zeppelin pilots achieve some record-breaking flights againat Minnesota. That pigskin at Columbus last Saturday was a teardrop model asfar as the Wildcats were concerned. --X.W. N.

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