House. lias announced its program1 of activities for the season of 1933- 1934. These acti'Viiies include exhibi-i tions, classes, lectures and demon-, stration meetings. litnciuded i1, the list of exhibitions is the annual fall exhibition of paint- ing, sculpture and handicrafts by meml$ers,, the auction exhibition of paintings donated. by members- for sale at the auction, the annual junior exhibition ,of Whatever the junior menibers want .to show, té- gether with work done by students Mi the various higli school art depart- ments, the black and white exhibit* of prints. drawings and photographs, the studioeclasses exhibit of work by members of the ýclasses, the annual spring exhibition of paintings, han-di- crafts and, sculptures by members and a lban exhibition by members of other art groupà in the Chicago area. Plan Four Lectures Four lectures on artý will be, held du ring the year- under -the- auspices of the league. Sunday afternoon, November 19, lias been set as the tentative date for the showing b Percy B'. Eckhart of the teclinicolor pictures lie took on a Mediterraflean cruise two years ago., Mr. IEckhart, wlio lives in Kenilworth, is a trustee of the Art institute and a if e meniber ,of theNortli Shore Art league. .In addition to the lectures there wîll be demonstration meetings at wvhich prominent artists will paint portraits froni niodels. In connectioti :61,eJýeý '"e ,i s i ianned tc Thursday and Friday mcrnings .a brý Now open. - . Satutrday mornings: Beginners and- juniors. Mrs. E. Peyraid, Mrs. E.. lohansen andMrs. F. Degenhardt. Hocke Stars Vie. for:Rgt oPlay in National Màeet, GirlIs froni eiglit alhed scliools of, the North Shore Field Hockey asso- ciation competed Saturday morning at- New Trier for positions. on the schoolgirl teain which will play a similar teaini frognt Chicago .during tbe national tournamentat Dycie- stadi-ý uni,.Evanston, over Thianksgiving week-end. The 'following are the eight schools f rom which teams ýwere cliosen: New Trier Higli, North- Shore Country Day, Evanston Township Higli, Deer- field-Shields, Kemper hall o'f Ken- oshai Vus., Royemnore of Evanstoul, Maine Township Higli of DesPlaines, and township higli scliool of Men- dota, 111. The players, their positions, and scliools were: Florence Howeli, left wing, Deerfield- Shields; Cyn t hia Wglsh, left inner, New Trier; Dor- othy Hock, center forward, Maine; Romeyn Hess, riglit inner, Evans- ton; Mollie Mercer, riglit wing, Roycemore; Deborali Leonard left half back. Northi Shore Country Day; Wh iLs ALMERCoE &C. It'sI no ile boust to say-"Chicago's Lcad- ing Opt icianis." Since 1886 Aimer Coe & Co.- bais been maîking spectaclesofthe better kind fo those who realize the value of vison. Today thé.,nâme, countrywiele sO YnonY-" mousa with quaity and service. Yourcye would appreciate Aimer Coe spectacles and you would appreciato imr Oe servicef mjembers expect to attend. Frank H. Dillon, 1108 Spruce, Street, Winnetka, is chairman of al prograin arrangemnents. The schedule of classes, conIducted «iun ro.Employes See Firestone Products, Trhe entire sales force of Brandi Biros. ()il c9nipafly, as welI as its emploYes f rom its seven service sta- - -ffi~i4kCPhi'cau ~bianch of in about a week- Mrs. G. Naomi Hot, who lias been the guest for a week of Mrs. Williami A. Whittier, Si Kenilwortli avenue, Kenilworth, left on Tuesdayfor hier home in New'York. right haîf back, New Trier; Anne Harding, goal guard, Northi Shore Country Day; Ernxly Finkenhinder, substitute forward, Mendota'. Alice OFF 00MB FAT lm& t m GJET1 I.