Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1933, p. 18

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WHEELNG FARMS From sFsnsst. Cenaumar C. P. ALLINO, ProeD. Ph es 5- 63W.2 (7ailes West of GIrnmo), DMIE, OSAND I'OULRY SUES Oum ~E We hav~eBUYERS for 1931-322.,33 CHICAGO ANI) COOKC COUNTY TA« WARRANTS lieui Owu.M' L.. o]am& EMomt, Va. loup a Fo11, lue* aitoCK8AND, SOND$ 3S.La S"li.st. AdvàmS E M TOWN. AND COUNTRY 0OF DISTINCTION IR1E SPORTS 5110? 976 LINDEN' AVENUE HUSSARD WOODS. M SPECIALLY .PRICED Sportswear -day, -*ff ernoon and. *vening go wns-<siiis 12 to 42). Prices rangjiog from 7.95 fo 29.95. AlSO a numb>er of more expen-" sive models repres.nting very unusùal valuei Tweed coats and suifs.- Plain orý fur frimmed, included in this special ofF ering. Hats from 2.95 to 14.95. Large selection of handbags for day and evoning. 2.95 and Up. Off icial NEW ',TRIER, lu. PHOTOCRAPHER P hofography in ail ifs branches The FPuritan, one o the two Good- Graf Zeppelin year blimps whichba been carrying Hnrd fnrhsoeadCi passengers at A 'Century of Progress aorsdn w h op tse exposition, left Pal-Waukee airport, tcaGorsiZpelts nho ai hd ose its headquarters during the period ofteGrfZpei lst hrda the fair, .lastweek for Akron, Ohio. morwning at Curtiss airport were dis- S. H. Sheppard and J. B. Rieker appoitited, nlot becaus 'e the big. Gejr- piloed he sip n te tn totheman dirigible failed to arrive but .bë- Olo ttey. o heti 'otecause -it -camne carlier than' had becii .According to J. A. Boettnier,- Whoexce. is in charge. of the Goodyear 'crew It'was announced in Chicago papers, at Pal-Waukee, the.:Purita n wiîî re- that the Grafwould arrive' at Curti5ss main at Akron until.-the latter :part field about .9 o'clock. Instead, it ar- of oveberandthe wil g ~rived at 7 o'clock and was gone half Miami, Fia., for.the>winter. a orltr .The Puritan's sister ship, the Re- D'es1ite the rainstorm which 'strtic.1, liane, hic alo hs ben arringsoon after the big ship left the ficlal passengers at the fair, is stili at Pal-an ntudthoguthemr Waukee but will leave this week-end ing, cars began arriving fr0111 ail cil- or îiot later t ,han early next, week rectîons shortly before 9 o'clock. T!ev Mr.Boetne sad. oetnerandautomobiles were parked, along, Lake A. Munro will fly -the, Reliance to ýavenue and other roads in the vicinitv Akron. It wvill leave there: for Miami. and i n the parking area at the air'- about Novenîber 20, to1 spend the port. In fact, the turnout for Ilic winter ini the Florida. city., Both the expected, arrivai *of the Graf at < Relanc an 1 hePuritan Were at' o'clock was much large than the Miami last winter also. Accord ing codWihatal a h hl to present plans, onle or both of the" and shîps wilI return to Chicago next Laiiding Without Ineident sume.rhe landing was accomplishied t- The twoi blirnps have been *kept il u icdet with the. assi 'stance oi a large dock at 'Pal-,Waukee airport. meinbers of the Goodyear blimp')- Thirty-one mien comp rised. the ýcrew crew~ froin Pal-Waukee airport ail;! of the biimps during',their stay in soldiers.from Camp Whistler on lt Chicago this year. Members of the fair, grounds. Although tte'(;r;tt crew assisted in the landing of the visité9] Chicago on one previotîs o Graf Zeppelin at Curtiss airport last casion. it hiad neyer, made a land*n. Thursday. hereé., Its lirst visit, here ase August 28, 1929, wheni it passed ovr Five Goodyear Pilots tiîe ity on its trip aropuid the world.ý The eppein. hich's scon Get Ride on Zeppelin seon t theu. S.s. Mcn -Five, pilots, members of the Good- United States navy's new iihtur- year blimp crew which bas beenl in than-air cruiser, bas now travele(l à Chicago and at Pal-Waukee airport total oit nearly 500,000 miles andl ha, during the period of the, World's crossed.the A.tlantac.ocean.fifty ,tinit*s. fair, boarded the Graf Zeppelin at Curtiss field last Thursday and .made 'Woman 74 Takes-Plane, the trip to Akron, Ohio, the Good- Bew enC ia ,Tus year comipany's headquarters. Beme, .hcg. us Those who made 'the trip were XMrs. Dvighit Goss of Tulsa, ()kla., R. L. Fickes, R. J. Blair, L. P. lecft last Sunday :after a we-ek's visit Furcolow, V. L. Smith and R. D. withi lier sister, 'Mirs. Charles N\. IHuri,- Wilson. ' but, 715 Greenleaf avenue. Slic had For one of these. pilots, R. D. \Vil- been visiting her son in Grand Rp on, the trip to Akron was rnerely ids and stopped in Wilitette beforc he start of a longer journey. WVil- 0111g home. ~Mrs. . Goss. who is 74 son %vas one of the passengers on years old,., flewv back to Tutlsa, leaiv- TWILIGHT MUSICA W. wilI b. gl.d to show or for wimtsr ccwpan.y., W.W., Dancing, Except Sunday >m Sundays 5 t. 6 ktchn.ft.g et special raies DEWEY. Meneging Dirctor y AL.xc &P .. v iqr-A6A8Algmanager. Dr. Charles E. Kahike of Chicago flew a Fledgling f rom Sky Harbor WVilliam Heagney ofi Havana, airport to Columbus, Ohio, and return Cuba, arnived last Monday in KIenil- last week. With Dr. Kahike on the worth to join Mrs. Héagney, wvho is return t pwas bis mother, who had visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mes. been at eolumfbus on a, visit.. LeRoly* Voodland, 336 Leicester roal.' 1

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