Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1933, p. 16

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.1 .WARD P FURftRRTAiLOR i<ow la thé Urne toý have Fur Capes sud .Jaeke.te midi te *rder or front orohfteo"4 1123Cenral v.. Wil. 3303 WiliamB.Lucke Phtunhiag - Houdang Contracter 514 E. Railrad AMe. WILMETTE 2m3 COFFBrI ÂAM WAIIt Chan" for V/Inter Dwfivlng Diffoential and Transulssion . r.ms-Cr.nkcas.Oi 011 12017 WASHINGTON AVI. lgeax of T.ephoaeo'Co. PHIONE W1LMETTE 324Z, CYRILLES Mon.-Tues. Speelal Sqsrnpoo CYURLL-WINNgE Op« 5tem$Bge hi Appositm"t 417 4th St. WR. 4m4 NauL Sit Mode t. Ordor Aise Scotch WooIen NUis Suits $18.60 and op Alterationa, Repait*flU, Remodetiotg flflNMFMThe OldiUIe WILNETTE ý-TAILOItS & CLEANERS OuIy $hop la town wbers Ir.r eiotbes, are atalypresseS by a W'. Catiaod Délver m15Ridq. a& WiI 2 TAX WAIRRANfTS' A"d aluponq". acotdat thsefr fa".waime MOHlQýÇAs - MODILOIL HULS SERVICE STATION 421 Main St. WiL 5s4l0 EXPERT SHOE -EARRINC Haif Sole and 110.1 Men'. $1.50 Ladies' $1.25 w Shoes DfydBlack 5k We ,Cali and Deliver Frrc CENTRALSHOER RFAI 112N Central Ave. Wil. 5361 1 ANIbLE e les Evrythig Electrical 1165 Wilauette Ave. WILMETTE MUSIC &cRADIO CO.. Joe Marty, Jr. Visit us in our New Homie 1175 ;WILMETI'E AVE. Expert Radié Service 1 mtI4 campIj WliIet CieiÇ ICUIainin intu ffl November 15: *Dear Scouts: "V'ýoù ania'ot belieVe nie, but about 2 o'clock this afternoon Old Man Wiin-, ter came in for a little visit and thvre's no e lig how long e is going to stay. He sent a load of snow that by 5.:30 wvas almost four inelies deep. Right noiw it's about .6 o'ck and the snow is stili coiing-lots of it. If, it, keeps up we'Ii hiave over a foot and aâ haaf b>' rorni- ing. Think of. it feiiowvs-snow, and lots Of it.on Octoher 23. "I don't tbink. I ever saw the camp look quite as beautiful as i did todayi and I'ye heen up here in the winter on1 several di iferent. trips. too. Everything was co ,v ered. and the evergreens took the prize. And you sbould sece the Water- front. Witli the piers and divingraft covered with snow. alnost a haif, foot deep, lit iooks '-like ýanythinig bt tthe .ol' s wiminii' 'oie7 that w~e ait know sa weil as themost popular. place at camp (<ýtide the mess-lhall. (ir, t-euse, me_ 'the ini odge'). -And as more proof that we're having ideal winter camp 'preparation weather.' hredking the ice on (.ur 'wNashinig water' is fast hecomiing a daily hiabit,,or ratb- er, iiecçssity-. and this morning for'the first tiine this fait therc w~as iee on the. lake. And Where the lake, is ilhe shah- Iowvest and calmnest, <ui at the rh endl) the ent ire hay was co .ve red wvith thin ice: Paddli ng a. canoe to work and hreaking the ice on the way. anid thenl returning ini the evening with the canoe covered with snow titli it looked like a boat inade of cotton was somewhat of a unew experience for nie. 'Win Long just put his head ont and says the tracks we made Mien . wc camle ini jist a little whiic ago are entirely -covered, tmp. NowN you know it's sniowil.g., "iîeost of vouitl Il e -rcadinig tiîis von wili he deciding whether or flot Vou will go to the camp :reuniion. Dec de: right now to go, liecause if _the inforniation 1 got is correct it'sgoing toi)c 'one Swvell mietin'." Paul Bunyan says that lie just -wisîies lie could be there but business has been picking Up and hie. won't bie ahle to niake it. He told me, howver, that lie wvoutd try are heing aroused over the conmplete North Shore area, regarding tbe an- imal meeting of Region Seven to be hieli at the Pfister hotel in Milwaukee ail day,, Tuesday, Novemiber 14, the rt'cruitjnig coniinlittees annoulice. Iniform.iation ýcornes f rôni several in.arlhy counicils indicating that.tley w ilI bavé. ail the way f romn twenty-five to 100 mlen in attendance, for ail day. Xui,rtlî Shore Area' counicil lbas from 'the hcginfiing of its organization always, liad the largest. delegation at &an an- îîual regional -meeting. Thiis- year will. he nu exception. the north shore leaders hopIe. A recruiting commiittee in each of the districts bias been fiamed anîd the commissioners are striving to. have scoutimasters, their assistants, and troop, cominitteemien ini attendance. -Aiîy reader of this article, wlîolias- ilot yet been ap proaclied concerning the .\I il%,atike meeting and who desires to. .attenid,-,is requtested to get ini touch with am- îscout leader in [lis cQiilnnt.ity, or to phone Highland Park 629, or to write to council lheadquarters, 21 North Sheri- I cai road, H ighland .Park. First Aid Specializatiii Course Opens Monday. A, specialization course. in Red Co first aidwil oin Monday iiglit, No- vember 6, 'to run for six onseciltive Monday îîights hefore Chirstnias and for six Monday nights after Christinas,« the second haif of the course to start Jàanuary 15. George Schieuclienpfltig, director of Conimunity Service, I nc., in H-ighland Park, and aiso a special ex- aminer ini the Amnerican Redl Cross,à wvil have charge of this, course, assisted hy several first aid meii as ïinstructo.rs. First ýaid .is a. required specialiÉatioii course in the Étve-vyear training pro- grain, leading, to the award of 'the scout- niaster's key. Th'anksg.ivir,Holidays Bring Washington Trip BoV Sçotits of the Northi Sfore Area couMicil. are eligible to tàke trip to M embers of the Order of the Arrowv, dressed like lumber jiacks, devoted Paul Bunmmyan week to visiting eacli troop ini the North Shore Area counicil and tell- ing about the camp reunion to be heki November 3. Paul .Bunîyan week emded last Saturday., 351 Area U oun!CÏIscouts have complete charge of the ushering ini the east stands, According to the reports covering the first game of this year at Dyche stadium, these scouts are rendering very satisfac- tory and 'efficient-service. ...$1 NERY 1156 Wlmtt. Ave.. For 4- &M --i

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