Evrery:hing, for Automobiles Save OU, Gas ! Buy yoursctlf a prCs- ent with what you'I save on f uel after we. adjust your timing, ig- nition, carburetor and valves.,. AU estimates on work gladly given bCforehand. Prompt Service 721 -MAIN ST. north shore high scliools4 tor the North Shore 111gb Schiool Girl's hockey team. Selectiôns were mnade by a coni- mittee which was-composed of ýmem- bers of the. North :Shore Field Hockey association and it was an- nounced that the iiorth shore.girl's team: wiil meet the Chiicago girl's teaM.i in the National, Field Hockey tournament at Dyche stadium i Decem- ber 2, both* teams will be coached by mem~bers of the Ail- Anerican. Field Hockey team. Immiediately prece<inig thie:selectio)n of . the girl's teani, an .txiibitionii hockey mnatch., for the eiijoyrnllelt ,of alLthe aspirant *s, vas: piayed betweenl two teams froin.thei North Shore Field Hockey association. Alter the varions choices had been made, the women were the hiosteses at a de- lightfui tea in the GirI's club roorn for al the girls who hiad attempted to gain one of the eleven co--veted Po- sitions on the team. BAHA'I LECTURE "T'he Revelation of Bahia'u'ilah'> is te bc explained in a lecture to be given iv Founidation hall, Bahia'i House of \Worship, Linden avenue and Shieridani road, WVilmette, Suni- day afternoon, Noveinber 5, at 3 :30 o'clock byIDr. AlIi Ktuli Khian of New York.. Dr. Khiai is a writer and lec- turer on Balia'i subI ects. M-\r. and Mrs.* P. S. Barton, 257 We Specialize in MisLIIlIi Wrightwho for setp- Cral Y'ears lias si) capably dir-e'cfrd titis, orgallicatiopt, Is hereby ore- corded <ur sincere aftrecitl bu foi- lier distinct contribuition bI the i'rcs- cnt succrss of tihe NwTrir Girls' clufb. I They're Here! I 'lhle first shipmnt of books lias ar- *ived and arc now on the shelves ready for use. Nb atter %vhether y-ou like mysteries, biographies, travcl and adventure stories or just a goud hook- yQu can i lnd them~ there. Many of our best autlio-rs-Gals- wort y, Conrad, BenleticDeLa Roche and Cuilif' are reprecnrted. anrlg the' selections. As there arc long waiting .lists for somte of the books vou niay not see therniont*the shelves for some tirne,-butý the books aire here and ini use,. so if there's any book you particularly Nvat conie.in and sign Up for it. The books in the first shipment are: Aldrch-A Lanterri: in Her Hafld signatuire of a varsity football. player. provided entertaluiment which was fol- lowed hv refreshments. For sonie years. the club hias hield such gatherings as a imans of lielping the îiew girls get acquainted with. other studen.ts, thus furtlierinig their tihject of friendiinessý arnioingal the girls and the idea that the club ) s orgaiiiýzed for.'every New. Tlrier girl. Hot. Dog Sales Bring. Seaàson's High Sçore [éast Satuirday marked an overwhelm- iîag victory forîî the hoi t dogs sçold hv . the (irls'cl. Tlhîe c.ild., snajpv w'eatlier and an tex citirtg "ai >ne ,,eeined <li e cun<tcive t' goo>< appet ite. tecause hot d. îgs %vvri heing sold. caten ansd sighüd for on ail sides. Evein the Oak Park Fresb. - Ss..p. teain. hearing 'of fiieir fame, prove<i tolhe excellent custQ.mers. Trhe sales of the taffy al)ples. pop) and hot dogs hrought 'a net profit of $105 into our book filtid. Nevertheless. nii spite of this niar,- velous profit. the, girls are hoping. for an especiallNy cold Saturday this week, as appetites seeni to hbc liniitlt-ss utnder silcl conditions. lienAt hieny Adver. Bennett muc'lIoe W.k Br..mfleld -Thu.Farnm <'atriS-s thteEa rthTru ('onr-ad A Personali ierrd C uillff' f>u'(,t)l,'int 4t of Eniglisi IJteratureý liela fl-I Dhiry of a;I'ronvincial LadN UDelafteld --I)iary %.f à Pru.viiiei;il 11,;<1d i n Lfondjos If a1e tt1L kciv Mastei' ofrJa.ina De La nh-Porat<faIg D ougas -Ma;tnificeent Ossir Edînonds- Erie Water Ediu.nds - R-ome Ma Il Va rnQI-The Way ÉBey.înd: Galsxortliy Flowt'ring Wlens C(,.l.sworthy--0ne More River NcirdOffý-Mutîny (,n the, Btiunty Thane--T'he Tudor W ench Wahn-House ()f Exile Webb Precious Bane WYhite, S.,E.-Long Rifle. WVhite, S. E.-fLatnchero Zweig-Matrie Antôinette. MOTOR 4,000 MILES 'Jews Racial Minoritv? rk., wno have ocen visittng UdiL uit JUU ý>hiriCi roI ad, KeiN.V r's parents, Mr. and Mrs. worth, for ten days. Cherry, 704 Rogers ave- ,-- lWorth, motored to Madi- Mr. and Mrs. John M. McDonald, tend the Homecoming fes- 419 'Ninth street, left Iast Friday for à the football game. Tbey Columbus, Ohio, to attend the foot- cir home on Monday.. bail gaine and. Hometoing ek son1 toa tivities i Ileft forl