C.2 inà Tussie for Grid Championship Howard C-1 recently beat Howard C-2 12 to 0, in a hard gà'me at the Village Green for. the football. cham- pionship of the C division. C-2 went into the game without 'two of its stars, Bert Simons and Dick Hall. On the third play of the gaine, Bob :Anderson ofC-I ait thro:'ughi tackle * and down the sidelines for a touch- down, but C-2 blocked the kick for point. Then the teams played eachi other toa standstill until three minutes be fore the close of the battie, when Cloud, C-2's end, received the bal over a goal for a touchdown. . This would have made the score, .6 toô6, but the referee called holding and penalized C-2 fifteen yards and gave the baîl to the other side. 1Then Kim Brown took thre bail for C-1 and made a totuchfdowni.-fob Lyons, ,Howard i8A. No Koofahs in Nule Land, 4th Graders Are Taught Our room is studying about, the land of the Nule river. XVe have studi- ed already the land of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The land of the Nile has no koofabs because it does not have ýasphaît pits as the land of the Tigris and Euphrates does. Koo- fahs are boats made of reeds and as- phat.-Katheryn Vanlinwagen. How- ard 4th grade. GRID BATTLES END The school football scbedule of the A, B, C, D, E, and F teams is al over. The champion of the AB's was Stol p AB-1; of the Cs, .Howard C-1. We have hart a.lot of fun and we hope Mr. Stone willý make another scheduleý for the remnainder of the> year.-Randolpbe McCandlish, Howard 8A. CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Our room lias a club which we namied Citizenship) club. We elected i wo iTell Nories at Stolp As sembly l'lie Stolp asseinbly club met Tues- day October 24. After the regular business mneeting, two Young womenl fron the. school of speech. at North- western. university tpld us stories. The first one told us about '1Paguill and tbe Moore," a ver interesting9 and fasciinating story,, especiafly the way she told it with nîany gestures and faces. The second woni told us abott -Winnie -the Pooh"' and how, lie fouuld out about bees. The way she told it made us laugth- several times.1 Both stories were greatly enpoyed by the children. A bouquet of inarigolds wvas given to each of the womien after the stories were finished. -Janet Bichi, Stolp 2B. Students Finish, Music Books on Strinig Choirý The eighth grades at Howard have finished their music books. In thei are described the instruments of the string, choir, the violin, the viola, the cello and the double bas- &The harp is also included. We had to niake a plate showing where the stringed in- struments are placed. For each story we write, wu, have a picture to go with i t. Our next choir is the woodwind. Ray Small, Howard 8A. Howard D-3 Is Beaten in Last Football Game Howard Dl-3 lost its final football gane of the season, 13 to 7, to D-2 on Tuesday, October 24. .D-3 was un- able. to hold the 7-0 lead it gained in the second quarter when it blocked a punt and recovered it oni D-2's one-yard line, then scored on one, play and mnade the extra point. -Billie Roberts, Howard 8A. PROMISSORY NOTES We studied promissory notes re- cently. After a short reading we found they were used for bôrrowing money.- A promissory note is a proni- Atuer Yeat i awui r eVt A few weeks ago my another bought two botties of yeast tablets for me. She put one bottle ini the cupbôard and one away. One evening my brôther and 1 were playing a gamne in, the kitchen. My tittle sister and -the dog, Were behind the stove. where we could flot see thern. A little later she çamue and -told us that she hart fed the.yeast tablets to the dog. \VTe did not, know if he would burst 'or eat us out of house and home. -BarbaraFrei, Howard 4th grade. Howard, 7B News Board, Now Drawing Attention On the news board We have differ- ent designis and pictures to draw.at- tention to our 7B class. Some of, them say: "Don't forget môney for doughnut sale"; "Don't- forget to (10 your homewo3rk." The pictures and designs are in bright colors.. The committee choses différenit- chil.dren, ini our class to lr.aw the desigils. -Carol Specht, Howard 7B. Social Science Pupils Make Territorial Maps Ini Miss Chase's social science class, the three eighth grad1(es areý inaking maps. Each pupil makes two maps. The first map shows the ter- ritory in Anierica claimed by Franlce, england. and Spain in 1750. The sec- bnd map shows the division of terri- tory after the Treaty of Paris ,vas signed in 1763.-Charles Gregory, Stolp 2C. GET SKULL PRACTICE At a recent gymnasîum class Mr. Stone gave us skull prac tice after showing us a few plays. We had blocking practice. . After we hart a few chances of blocking we were passing the ball arounld for. about five minutes unitil,.the bell rang. -James Kreuisch, Howard 8B. WRITE ON SUPERSTITIONS World-Fair 'Tours> Are Not Sufficient 1 have been to the world's fair Iabout thirteen times and expect- to continue going. The, last time I re- turi ed home I, felt 'as though 1 hart seeîî the fair-but.oh, no!. Mrs. Groves* said ixot to,,miss.the House of Magic and Xings of a Cen- tury. Miss Donnelly told us îîot to miss the photographic exhibit. Most of Q.ur teachers' have said inany -a time, "I)on't, miss thisý, that and the other thing."1 Now I have chan ged by opinion a, great 'deal. I1 have NOT seeii-the fair. 1 have read. nîany times that they mighit reopetithe fair again next spring. I: hope they do, for it %vill give m4- and. manly others a chance to."polish up", the* fair.-Susie Lyon. Howard 7B. Howard Sixth Gradçrs Study Egypt, Babylonia The1 sixthi grade., of I-Ioward are studying the Eg3 "ptianis ,and the Babylonians,. Ini Egypt-is one of the' seven, wofiders of the. world-the Gizeh ýpyraînids. Thle largest of these was erected by KIufli. If you wouQld* go over tiliere . you could, see the pyramtdés, still stand ing. Babylonia has one of the seven. wonders of the ancient %-rd-thc lhanging garçlens of Babylon. which were bujît by Nebuchadnezzar for bis wvife to re- mind lier of hier mnountain home. -Bilh Dodds, Howard 6A. MOVIES FOR CHILDREN The James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond foundation wilI present. two. motion pictures onl its f ree programl for cbildren at Field Museum of Natural H-istory Saturday- morning, Nov. 4.- 4 Hunting9 Dinosaurs' and "The- Ro- mance of. Glassl' are the titles of the pictures. There will bc, twQ sbowings. one beginning at 10 a. m. and one at 11, in the James Simpson theater of the museum. No tickets are necessary.. and admissiov is free. Children from Il a*v4 - -M uriel renney, Howard 8A. games.-Robert Yuessle, E s of How- a "weenie" HOLI> CANDY SALES PRODLJCE PLAY AT back yard. Howard 6C and 6B3 hart candy sales Room 2B at Stolp scho( and I am recently to get money for their roorn ing on a play. "Boots and time.-Pat treasuries.-Bernarrt Reagan, H4oward ers," directed by Miss FIai 8A. V-Dick Hooker, ýStolp> 2B. taki ng, e series TAKE MUSIC TEST ,ard 8A. In Mrs. Clark's room we took a test in music Monday, October 23. She OLP gave us twenty pages in 1 the music swork.. books and we had to find the keys. Broth- We were to have Iearned how to find red. thekey long agc.-Frances Walliser, Stolp 2A. e tbey had als her, Howard 2A.