Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1933, p. 11

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iiàg 1s incha tg na 1 %u rieé,lit uf i 15 lU F, rg The piieilly. 11idi n cubs %il i Jet4 in the 4cîut oot ofthe churchIl every Th urISda.y e\ening at 4, with Mr. Harvey DikHickman lis Chef of the tribe. plans wiIl be made' this '111-049g for the trie' iliiwe'iiparty to bv held Sut- urda Y, Noveuhbel.4, 'ut.tire hr.Al Il kgoîyS , f 9, 10, ()J. 11 carIs lf ugé are Ti.. htiroh sebtol illets eac(.1 unl- dl'ay nmorning a u 10. There are e:se riralages., T1hue~ina' Aid society les Meeting todtayv, 'ihursday. _Luncheon vlI be seýrved. ut nomi by the second divi-sionl. The aîe e. wîtin nd prtîgrani wil Ibe iel t 1t ::;0, .Miss k,.'i ceKa win, df-pu- tY v .ief iîrtîlition îIioe f the 1ue iijlitecouîrt lof Co ok ci îunty. will îea;k on ('culTert i'robieîus of t he J LiVeil le ',,urt.' Alil woinleliare ut'geto :tî,briing ca nned g;eîds'f(i r tilt., Fo id Shiîwer- for Lincoln Street Inistitultilt b qmaI dîui ch to this meeting- I r,. E. stailley .oe.w4,)1-1('Cristiain leadvr and authur îof, *The Christ oîf the 1I ndia riF td and other books,. wilI speak tunder the auspives tof lt-IT~ited Foreign Nlssiyimly coferenfce at the chicaIgo stadjt-iun >etnSunday, N(>vtimber 5. t 3 :30 ic.k..Xîisîf will li- by fre+e ticket -wh'ic'h may 'ho îitaitied t brougli the ochur-elioff!(.e. Al nie1flherIs, anîd frien& o<f the church w~ill wîsh:I to attend this great missionaüy rally. On acî ontîf the nietinges uin ii i:,îiinident tg) the United, Foreign Mis- su ,rary ct.îtfrente, thle Novemiber nift-- ing <of ileottilciai board ie,îosti<.fled îîie %veek, antmd vilI hrfîehe held Niin .îe venirig, No\-et--berl 13. Choir rehevarsal Pis held çatclih lthursda.y right at IS 4o*tltîck undei- the dir*ection (of MbsMarie Mrin. Nt-%\,meimbers wilil be A' Youiig Ileop)le. çhiimi for boys and girls -of Senicor 11gb4and Junior IHigh age )has _been org.aniz(ed under MIiss Br d' Iirmet ion. Rhe 'sisae held saturiday mot'iliIigs aàt 0O:15 o1ik The W0111a111.s8 F. ireig1Piy onr s,ciety wil. l ixîet Tusay oeie 91 at, 10 ococ Thert * ilibë a is Sionary speaker. At 92 4uCIock,,reports of the executive meeting wilI be heard. Ail vo mén are asked to bring ffiétulreSs ,uit- Thie %okiy..t %%.!Iwin ent 'uesday eCfllig, Novenibemr 7, at the Wilen home, 422 15th street. The Phi1athea clasts ,wili neet Tt;es-. day eV'elilUg, Noveniber 7-, at the church. 'r- e irtcii Wilev College iMa-e. Senior. Y. P. S.e Frlday, 'Novehiiber 10, at 7 :45 1). in.- Junior Y. P. S. Saturday. ut 9 :1oa.n. l~s forc children. Monday at. 7:45 P. in.-Choir rehearsal.a Tuesday at 4 p. m.-Christiafl educa- tien of childrefl. Tuesday ât 7 :4à p. nt-Chiiich emnnil. The four hundred and fftieth anni-, ver4ary-of the birth of- Luther wil l ho celebrated by ail the Lutheran echurches of S.yniodieni Conference of, Chicago ut 3 ocloek )iext .SundaY a, fterfloof at the Steven,; hotel grand baiiroon. The speakers are..the Pagtors G. Schue"s-Iler of Uedeenier Lutheran chiurch. Chicatro., H._ W. Pirange of, Trinity,. Oak, Park, and A.,lilch of La Grange,. pre-4ldent . of the district ýof N-.ýort-he-r Illinois. The subjectq of their *addresses %Vll be, -L.uther and, His Day"-: "Luther and Today; "Luther and. Tonio)rroýW." The Chicago Lutheran Synmphofly orchestra will-furnish theffui!>fe r t he occasicOn and a chorus of 400 voices recruited froni Lutheran f'-icoirs of Chicako wfll ming. Everyoflt is invited te, attend. The nixed choir of St. Johns is giv- ,ing a sacred, concert on Sunday evening. Novenuber 6,, beginng at ':41 "cloek, asslfsted Iby the foilowlflg slits: Ms Loita Bertling, Mrs. -IH.F_. RohrnX, 'Mrs. P. Drebes and Dr. 'M. Seifeeit. The program ftfliovs: Prelti<lC Henry Purcell,16-69 English ochool Andantino Acdit hcenturY French school Toccata ... George Moffat, 1645-1714 0<lermnan school How ,Bihtly Shiines the rng Star-Chorale......Nicolai-Bachi Je~t, PiceessTr>easre- Choale.......... Crueger-aeh Alrnighty and Ever1astinig God . .. Orlando Gbos 1583-1625 Scrip.ture reading andprayer by pastor Choir- Sanctus and BenediCtu-K Golunod Miss Lolita Bertltng, soloigt Sacred Cantata- Mirlam ....... .Mrs. P. E. Ganmrofl Soloists-MI'5. H.- F. Rolrirman, Mrs. Paul Drehes, Dr. M. Sei1fert Organ- Festival Prelude, on Elni V le Feste Buregule Mr..P. E. (laniron Cho)ir- pj the Lord' Randegger Soloist-Iliss Lolitit Bertling The Benedictiîn. Choir- A Stro)nghold Sure Fot lt, Reforniatioti Cantata . Bach T)i Rd tner.o f Colorado cey, Nlrs. FrankIi lel, aaiis George Lpundy. The speaker of the aiternoon wilI be IDr. Fr4nklin -B. Mc- Carty of Chicago, who wilI discuss problenis pertaining to the child in the graduating gra des and gong into high school. Those unable to attend the meeting are asked to notify Mrs. Dillon. Theé First Father's night >of the St. Francis Xav'ier Parent-Teacher asso- ciation xiII be held Friday, Noveni- ber 17, at 8 o'tlock. An outgtanding speaker, it is planned, will be present- cd on the program. Kathryn, daughter of 3%1r. and Mrs. Walter Marx, 522 Essex road. Kenil- Worth, entertained at- a Hallo:%eei costume party Tuesday. ôo- George Kingsley, 529 Cumnor road. Kenilworth, r e t u r n e d Xednesdav from a business trip to Boston andà NeN'w Vork. IRUOS. ICLL4NKD North Shore'm most dis- criminating clientele for more than twenty Yars. an invitation to Wethe ladies e extend, our erticst an- vitatiori to the women of- the north shore to visit our new, enlarged beauty shop. Every- thing i»s new sparkling! Plenty of sunshine. Best of ýailý we're, pleased to présent the many benefits of new andscien- tific beauty culture machines. Trhey're the latest . . . direct f rom the World's Fair.. You: réally shotaldsec Our împrovcd shop and know about our im- provcd service. Drop n .Try à Zotos Machineess Permanebnt For AppiuntaeW Phone Wilmette 4M0 La .Carita Beauty Salon Let as 6*1>p ow ,uoomss 47 Teafs' ExperlOnre 'pbôsterig-SpDdi urnitu'5 gmadLe to ottier 338 Liadten Av*., Phon Wil. 4453. W ORTH Il 46-48 Wilmeffe Ave. - Phione WiIi

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