,n "' I A g - e Oxford M over es on Present. id Types. Ever le"This Is the irst Iteliglous y a ei -The Threat. of War auid te Chance of Peace"' will be the minfister's sermniô topic for the 'Il' o'clock ýservice fiext Sunday mornfing. The music for this service wilf be: Preude: '"Rhap;sody"......Ilowels' Anthem: "lBuild Thee More, Stately Mansioni3"............. .....Andrews Offertory: "Cantilenia"......... McKinley Quartette: *"Jesus Only".....Rotal Postlude:- "Toccata. and Fugue >Ini D Minor"............. ....... .. Bach The Church school' meets at 9:30 in the followiing depiarRinents: Prinîamw, Junior, Intermeédiate, and ý11gh tachool. The, Beginners -department. caring for the pre-achool age child, mheets at 10 :45 and lasts through the aduit wor4hip pe- riod. 'Whïer'e Germany is (ïoing amd_ Why" will be discussedat the Wilmiettesun- day Evening club which nmets, in this cburch at,7 :30 p. in. Dr.'Ethani Colton. stUdenat of national affaira, wili be the _peaker, Dr. Golton h" as t returiied from his thirteenth visit to Germiany. A forum discus,ýsion' wiii foliow his ad- 'rht board -of trustees wi I hold its, regular meeting, in the church parlor ÀNondaY, Novemnber 6, at 74:30 P. ni. Th'le fext regular meeting ut. the ,Cresent Circle wili be held Tuesday, Novernber 7, at the home of Mrs. E. l:. Johnson, 1005 Oakwood avenue. Mrs. R. J. Mulvey and Mrs. C. M%: Osborai wili be the aasisting hostesses. Flegular through-the-week aetivtts are scheduled as follows: Sunday-3 :30 p. C.Oiavv. ampj Tue> ay-3.:30 P. nL-Brownit's. 7;0 p. mi.-Boy Scout Troop No. 2. Wediiesda-.y - 7 :30 p. nm. Boy Se>'tt * Troop No. 1. ThursdaY-3 :30 p. m.--(.iis- *Clair. re- 7:15 p. mn.-Seiilur Choir rehe-arsai. Friday-7 :30 p. i.-Wekeiia"tfilita('mpnî Fire Grs Saturdfty-9 :30: a. ni.- Cul> Pack No. 4310 :30 a.--Girl,,' Choir relwarsai. il . a.-Bya'Choir rehefarsal, 'rhC nelitxt lunicheon a ni meetimag of the W'omns tuiId will .be ht-li Fritlay,t N4,%verber 10. The speaker. It the 8undaý- Evenlng club ln the Congregational church neit Sunday, November 5, at 7:30 pi. m. wl1 be Ethan Colton. H*e will talk on the subject, "Wb1at la Going on in Ger- many?" There wviIl be a forum at the close- of his address. TLhe rector of St. Augustine's w.ll conduct the opening service. The North Shore-Normai school eape- <'lally for chUrch school teachers and officers wili be held next week on Tues- day evening; November 7, instead of MondaY so as flot to conflictwith the, (Vhurch clubdinner ln Chicaeo. A mass meeting- wilill be heid in the Chicago. stadium. 1800 W. Madison street, next Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Dr. E. Stanley Jones of India, one of the world's great 'hristian lead- ers and author of 'The Christ of the India Road" will give the address on the Subject,, "The Worid ('risis and Christilanity." Admission iW by ticket. for which there ls no, charge'. ApIl to the rector. Somie forty of the girlés' vested choir were given a, Hallowe'en party ln the ciubhouse iast nigbtaunder the, super- vision of Miss Alice Edmonds, their leader. The Wonja'n'a guiid is planning a large luncheon at the paresh hbouse on NoVember 17 and a big parfish dInner Novemërber.23. There WMJ be ai imeeting o'f the mien leaders of the parish next Sunday after- noon at 4.o'clock in the assembly rooni at the rear of the parish bouse undet the chairmanship of Heniry Fowier. Kenilworth Union Képiiworth avenue and War-wickro. Dr. Herbert L. Wiliett. minister. Sun.ttday, Noveniber. 5, Dr. Willett', itàtjeeýt will be: "The First Fifty Yfears," -t subject appropriate to bis fiftieti> an- niver-sary in the nîinistry. The- * crvice h4a Ct1IL o'eioLck. The autunin ('hur('h littintr wî ilibe htId. at. the Kenilworth vlub>W~dedy Noveimber 8,,at6 :30 i,,'c1)(ioc. 'Tlie Wonten's guild wilIi umuet Moîm)1day mornaing, Noveilbeý- 6. Tht- hours- of, meeting are.froni 10 tg) 4 o'c-iock., Tht- maembers are asked lt4o omè 'in..Jûr as4 much i tue as they are able to) devote to this gou'd wi>tk .tl.mmnchegbn wiil be served. The Sundlay mehool will ineet as usuai 11 Next Wednesday the feliowship din- tnler at 6:30 will be follo*ed, by Zona 1Gale's farnous play "T'he Neighbors," presented by high school youth of this church, directed by Robert Merriman. It ls likely that the annuai "Peace De- (lamation" .will follow. AI! Seth Parker enthusiasts are in- vited to attend the Seth'Parker prograni of the Wllmette 1.3aptist choir 'on Thurs- day, next, November 9, at the church. An original Seth. Parker sketch will be Preented with Arthur Scott as Seth, and Mrs. Frank Guthridge: as. izile. There will be no admission charge, but, a sIlver offering for the'choir fund. Rnglish Lutheran. Greenicaf avenue.at, Seventh qtreet. Wilmette. "A House of WorqhIp" The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor. 8UNýD41Y ERVICES t-unday achool....... 9:45 a. ni, Service of Wormhip _11 à . M. The Womatn'.m society wil il nwet this *qfteruoon, (¶Thursdayr) at 2 o'clock at the church. .MIr. Frank Hayson wili pre- senit the topie "The Guide and fluide i'osts in Educattion." Th e S enior Luther league Wil1ii meet this evening at 8 ý;o'clock. We: invite :tthe young peoplO to.meet with us. C'hoir rehearsal Friday' even ilg a 7:3$0 o'clock.. Junior Luther league wiil mneet Sun- iay evening at 5 :30 o'clock. Thé topie, "Training Leaders," will be presented by Miss. Ruth NWinberg. *Catecheticai classes wili imeet as foi- lows: One year classý, Monday at 4 o 'elock ; Two year cia-ss, Ted at 4t o lock. *The Church council wiii mieet Tues- day evening, Novemnber 7,îat ( o'eitock. We urge "Il of oui' people- to attendý the great mass ineting for Fnreign Mismions at the Chicagii steditm, 8S.un- day afternoon at 3 :30 )'c'ioek-, at m-hich Uiet DIr.*E. Stanley Jones Wiiispak Ne, .t111 haye a few freù adis!ýsion tic- Iets aviailable. (Cai WjIlette 42_79ý. Our churvh. is co(-operaýtinig %with the W7ilrnette SundaY l.Sening elub), whirh ineetis Sunday evt'uing at the ciengrega- tinal chmrch at 7 :30 o'elock. be cnarged, will he vag' ring fer expe: ssion l8 by tic from amy ,of The Sunday. Evening: club wilI meetý at .7 :30, oclock ln the First Congrega-, tioiial church. the epe&iker will be* Dr. Ethan- Colton, and bis. topic will be. 4"Where 1la Germany (loing-And -Why? Boy Scouta, Troop No. 5, wiii mneet Monda.v evening at 7:30 at the church. On Tuesday evenlnd our church wlIl bie host to the churches'0f the èommiru- nity at 8 o'clock, and will present as .speaker Mise Yi-Fang, Wu, Pb. D., ýPres- Mdent of Ginling college, Nanking, China. and a member of the special team for. the United Foreign MissIonary confer- enee in, Chicago.. Miss Wu la rnuch sought for ln the whole- Chicago. area during this conference, and we >are, for- tunate ln having her in Wilmette. The meeting la under the auspices of the Woman's soclety and the public la cor- dialiy invited. An offering for F'oreign Missions will be received. :Our Prayer meeting wilIl be held on, VedInesday. evenlng at 8 o'clock, We, wiii continue Our kSpec-ial study of 110w We Got Our Bible," ln a devotionai way. We Invite you to join ius. -The choir wiii. meet for rehear!.sal Fri- day evening ýat 7 o'clock. rhe North Shore's share in the United Foreign Missionàry conference w >ili be a large one. Ail are ivtdto ,attend, the Mass Meeting- at. the 'hicago stadlum Sunday afternoon 4tt 3 :30, when .Dr,. E. Stanley Joncs speaks. The, men lire. invitèd to a luncheon Monday noon at the Sherman hotel, when Dr. Jones and Dr. Herman Liu, Prealdent of the tJniver.-lty 0f Shanghai, China, will speak. The young people are Invited to a mnass meeting 1Monday evening. nt the Chicago Temple building, 77 West W'ashington street, Chicago, at 7 :30> o'clock. The womnen are invited to a. mnass meeting for womnen at the Chicago, T1emple building' on. Tuesday afternôon at 2.30 oiclock. Al, are invited to thé~ îneting, at Firat Methodist church of Ev-. anston Tuesday afternoon at 4ý o'clock,. when Dr. Jones wiil speak specialy tO. No*rth western ý university students. Alil are Invited to the meeting at the Firat Presbyterian ehùrch-of Wilmette Tues- datyevening1 at 8, o'clock, when mine YI-mFang Wu, Ph. D. wjIlI peak'., Methodist Church itev. Oscar Thomas Oison,.D.D. iiinister The Sacrament ofî the Lord's Supper wili be administered at the mornlhg worship service this Sunday at 11 Çhurch club dinner eau hO Rmade wt will 9o' to the verY .mruch needed choir- will be ln the Minor Prophets, those The HIenry Fowler; directorof the club, or fund.. great messengers of social and economnie Epwôr wlth the rector. *justice With messages stili1 appropriate meetin In the mnorning service on Sunday today. We Invite you to Join vis. preseni The Philanthropy departuient of -the the Lord's SUpper will be observed and m.s WmnuClub cf Wilmette wMi sew for a large participation by niembers IS ek- The Christian Endevrsolt IthngS Bt IIs Home fo il nFiapce.TeBy r ii Iil pre- not meet this wcekl because ôf the mass gijnia, oung Peopiels chapter of the' le%gue will mneet for devotionai it 5:30, with the Dram)atie cluib g a. one-açt play at this meet- t1 hour with ganies, will follow ing. Royal Martiri and Vir- rgesa are ln charge of the