Ini a co lumit headed "Freshman Looks Like Headache Cure~ for U. R. Coach Davies Sees H-ope for Future of Varsity in Yearling Crop," John P. G--uttenlberg says in, the Rochester Simday Aniericani of October'22: Quarterbac k Bill Nordbtirg of Chii- cago is peýhaps the fairest of. the fair- haired boysý on whoin the' varsity nientor niày banik for the 'future,. Nordburg is a play-picker, punter, passer and bail carrier. He has the psysique to ishý it out and, the rug-, gedness, to take' it.- Moreover, he's a scholarship mnan an(l won't have to give Coach I)avies an), 2 orrnes.about elîgibîhity. .N.ordburg is a son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Nordburg, 489 Suniset ro ad, W\ýiinetka. While attending New Trier High ischool lie won, recognition from sports writers on Chicago news- papers a s one of the *outstanding football Ilayers oi the suburbatn league. ROYAL SCOT ON WAY l'le Royal Scot exhibition train of the 1London, Midland and Scottish railway, which bas been on display at A CÈentury of Progress duriiig the summer, wilI pass tbrough Wý'liette tomorrow, (Friday) Novemnber 3, at 6:53 p. m. It wilI leave 'Milwaukee at 5 p. m., and being on a slow% schied- ule, citizens wil have an opportunity to review the fulil train oif locomotive and eight coaches. 1123 Centr*l 1Aven». credit at filling stations %voud ne re- quired to remit for each puirchase with- in tbirty days from date of purchase. Realizing the diffhculty wbich such f re- quent settiements would entail, one large refining company hias adopted the policy, pending a decisionilf rom aàuthorities at Washington clarif%'iig ,thesçe terms,,to accept -settlement on the fifteenth of ecdi nionth for- the purelhases -fiade duritig the prior mnontht. Failure to pay iner thilose niodified provisions entails, stispensioli of credit, it is pointed out. NEW MILLINERY SHOP M.\iss Dorothy Kîlinder of 909 Chest- n ut avenue, and Miss Gladys. Delang of: 1507 Forest. avenue, are opening theiù "Hat Box," a niew. milliincry shop at 1103 Wilmette avenue, Fridav oif this week. Thev are carryîng a Iiiie of hats by one of the nid and well estahished firnîs. HEAR, HEALTH AUTHORITY Dr. H. A.: Orvis of Wininetka spoke to the upper grade pupils at the Av- oca school ast week on the' subject of respiratory diseases and on the boues of the body. Dr. Orvis is New, Trier township health officer. 'X1r s. I.. S. L-ovejoy of Janesville. 1 is., spent last we visiting the 'Walter Mfarx familY oi 522 Essex road. .j<eilworth. XIrs. Lovejoy is a Wilmtt. 2494 INative Round Sek...b 90 Gemme Spring Loin Lamnb Chopu-.1.b. 250 or of Mr. and Mrs. IreÈ Iwho have recently move jmette. tunes. Mr. and MNrs. Charles T. Knapp. Wilson, 633, Forest avenue, have returned )rth, wili froin.a two weeks' business and y iu hon- pleasure trip by motor through Tex- c Cortis as.. Wbile there they visite« their to XiI- son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.'Dahes Knapp o'f Ahamo, Texas. F