That within the Christian church at large there is a persistent determination tg) take an active interest in world as \vell as spiritual affairs of mankind, bas beei çlearly évident in the 'many con- Icrences' on industrial, business. and Political matters, held by, churcbmen of :ail denominations during the past few years. It is in no sense a movement j to inject church organiz'ation, as such, into governmnenta:l or business areas, * but àt is distinctly a moveinent to bring Wabout the observance and application of Christian principles and etbics, into ýworld affairs, to the end .that *'ivinig" for* marikind in general may be a hap- pier and a more satisfyingi experience. The me's class 'of the W Nilmette Methodist Episcopal church lias ar- ranged a program which will review the reports of fourteen commissions which met at Delaware, Ohio, in 1931, and considered the geer1lthemei, "The Significaù-ce of Jesus Christ in the Mod- ersi World."j The reports are dividedj intco three general groups, the ûirst of whichi is *On "The Effect of Modern World Trends on Humnan L.ife." On Octoher. 8 and 15 the class discussed the first section of Group I-"M1odcmn Business and Iindustry. Last Sundav a ballot on several questions hrouight f4 r- ward Iby the discussion wvas'taken, with the mefif expressing their opinion (011 whetat the church should dIo %ith rela- tion to modern industrv and business. .Next Sunday mnorning at 9:45 o'clock., ilhc class will discussion the second iin the first group-"Race ('on- scîusnssand Nationalism." On No- Vviliber 5, the men wiil take uip "Chiaiig-. ing Standards of the Family.' On No- veinher 12.and .19, the suhbject will be '1leSecuilarization of I.ife," and on Noveniher 26 and December 3. the dis- cusio IlI be on "The Pepietration of Mod0(em 'Treids Among AUl Race. and:~ T.eachers' Convention at Evanston. Nov. 13 A\ joit, meeting of the Lake Shore diiinof the Illinois State Teachers' asso,(ciation and the Cook (.ount%, anai ui.v in huxr uenat. iTne polling place for the election will be the Village hall. Poils will be open from 12 o'clock noon Until 7 o'clock in. the evening, it is aninounced.. HERE FOR CONFERIENCE Robert Grice and bis frienid, Harold XVeelçs, o>f,,Topeka, Kans., were the r ecent guests 'Of Robert's uncle, ,Vil- fred C. ýGillies, 1729 Washington ave- niue, when the two boys came to Chi- cago to attend the jouenalism confer-. ence.for bigb scho and college stu- dents. .Rôbert is assistant busine ss manager o,,f the newspaperpubisbd hy the Topeka* Hîgh sýchool. Miss Winnifred O#fers A FREE MARCEL with any service to the value of 50c Phione Wilmette 4582 for Appointmnent 1126 Central Av. e9LOP LOVRINES MAADE LOVELIE)R TWO DEPENDABLE DRUG STORES Prompt Pleasant Personal Service More than 28 years of satisfacttory, service, to the residents Of Wiimette and K.nilwoth is our recommandation for your, patronage. You wiII find us Accurate and Prompt in, the bandlinq of your. Prescriptions and other drug n..ds. MoeIy tolephone your r.quirements-we WiI 91v. th.m immediat. attention afid prompt d.livery. Vicks Nos. Drops, txLi 50C sxe .... ........J 25e xsxe ............87 I Rom, 60Cellie......S J I Sol Hep.tic'., 1 -.1,600etige.......... H'inds Honey Almond Cream, 50c size37lc J&J k talc. 7 Krmsctî.n SaUts1 Viç' Salve, ~7 35c sze ..... 7 Walch for Our Week-End Specials Each iVeek E.C. Cali Pro. ONIER-CAZKL DRUG CO. Can you wear a. stock~ sze Scyler RIDGIS AVENUK dress? 0o .Mr. and Mms. Whitaker W. Baer, 2115 Beechwood avenue, bas been en- tertaining, Mrs. C. E. Pier of Cornx- ing, N. Y., and Mrs. Thomas Rodgers of. Geneva; N. Y. They have been here a week visiting the Fair. TWQ DOORS SOUTH OF IFORMER LOCATION,