Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1933, p. 50

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WITH THE COLDER WEATIHER YOU will efljoy titis attractive home with a new oil burner; att. gar., ý5 bedrms., 3 bath&. A fewshort blks. from transp. Now 1100. Mrs. Fuller. & Wnm. Pickard 746 EIm Street Winnetka 8722 97LTN25-lt FOR ti àURNV10 -flDOR house, 6 bedroomas, 3 bathe. Cholce location, near, achool.. North Win- netka.* Addrese 1B-45, Box 40, Wil- mette. :97L25-ltp î 140. 2 1Z ATHB, NZAR tRANSP. 1 pruce St. $40. Wlfl»tha 97.' 00148OM, FURNACE HEÂT., 908 OAK 11. 50. Wnn.tka9. 9LtN24-2tc $,Room 1HOUSE IN WILMETE -2 bathe, 2 ldveIy- sun rooms, oil heat, new1y 'deoorated. Rent reasonable. Phone Univrtty 8381. 97L2-tp * IN VERY CHOICE LOCATIONS, TWO 7 rm. houses,. at attractive prices to * reliabie tenante. Get keys at 877 Ëlm St. Tel. !Winnetko. 1689. 97LTN26- tp un FOR NENT-FUrVuntHUED HOUSES ATTRACTIVE 7 ROOM JIOUSE NEAIR laite andi transp. 3 bedrooms, glazed porches, 2-car gar. Oct. 15 to May, o0r 1 yr. Low rent. Winnetka 293. 98LTN25-ltp PURISHED FOR WINTER. RÉA- sonable (or unfurnished for longer perid)-9 roome, 3 baths, 2-car gar. 885 Sheridan Rd., Glencoe.. Phone Glencoe 1368. 98LTN26îtp PLEA AT FRNISHED H 0 U S E overlooking Indian HiIl Phonie Mrs. Fuller. Wiinetka Six. 98L25-ltp. 103 WANTED TO mNT--GAAIZ SPACE FORL ONE CARe IN HEA1TED garage near Aeh and Walnut. Cali Winnetka 21. 103LTN25-tp 104 FOR ltgNT-4BTORG AD OFFICED OFFICE SPACE FOR OCTOR OR dentiet. Excellent location in Central Wilmette. Cail Wilmette 2399. 104LTN24-4tp 1"S FOR UENT-4IALLU Wilmette Woman's, Club THE ENTIRE CLUB OR ÂNY»0F ITS fine mrnm available for cardes, din- ners, or dancing parties. Wiimette 1488. 106LTN20-6tp 111 e. OR SALE-HOUSEs GEORGIAN COLONIAL VERY ATTRACTIVE,' ALMOST NEWN, .1 ILe be-rms.. 2tile bath-,, 6 Rbi. BUNGALOW AN4 RM. BlRICK wlth ail modern convefliences att greatly reduced prices. No brol<er-s. Phone Winnetka 301. ILTN2-it, $800WILL BUT ,NOR1EVANSTON 7_ room brickL Or> wiil rent at,$50. Phone -Winnetka 1800. 111LTN25-1t(- 113 WANTRD TO SUY-HOUSES WANTED - MODERN HOUSE WITII good lot and Olve famiiy. bedroorns on second floor. Muet be a. bargai. Ad-, dress B-88, Box 40, Wilmette.: WANTED-THE,.BEST rHiOME UBVTIHAT $,12,000 CASH WILL BUY. ADDRESS I3-84,ý BOX 40, WILMETTË., 113L25-11) LARGE LOTON THkE EAST SIDFE. $20*500. Cail Winnetka 1492. 114LTN25-1te SPEN'D YOR WINT R, IN TH SUNNY. sOUTH. OUR TOWN.,15 REPUTE D TO' BE SECOND- HEALTHIEST SPOT IN U. S. A. WRITE FOR DETAILS. 111S. M. M. BOUDOUSQUIE, .COVINGTON, LA.* 117LTN24-4tPi lai wTDc. iO 1UIY-CEMETERY LOTrS A OU( 4) OR EIGHT 8) CRAVP. lot ln Memorial Park cemetery. Givei location and price ln frst letter. 1 Addreee B-87, Box 40, Wilniette. las FgDW ALE--FAUS 80g ACRES OF' GOOD LAND WITHn good buildings in fruit section of. Michigan, with herd of cows, stock and equipmelit.* WiII sellreasonabiy or trade for North Shore residence où income property. A real chance .foi- te cty.mn twho.w5flts a going farin. R. M. JOIINSTON & CO. 340 Lindefi Ave. Wilm.ette 44.1 125LTN25-1t<ý COUNRY ETATE, LIBERT.YVILLE, 56 acres. 2 houses iocatcd on pic- turesque hill. 3 battis, ail conveniences,. Rent or sei. reasonable. Paul Gougei- mnan, 885 Sheridan Rd., Glencoe. Ph. Gience 1169. 125LTN25-ltp, 129 FOR ALEHOUSEHOLD 00DB EývereadY sunehifle carbon arc Ianîp. Two ares, automatic turne switeh1, ight filters, and goggles. Two mantle clocks. with echinie'Sont' neyer used. both h bave beatutiful ca3s.. type A hotwater dition. ÇapacltY WIlwtte 4023. 800 square feet. Pli. me3 WTD. TO UUY-MISCELLANEOUS USED TWINSTROILLR. CALL GLENCOE 1673. 132LTN2-11 WANTED - SECONDHAND MEN- peapolis..heat régulator w.th clobt.k attacliment. Must be in good c6ndi-, tion. Calil Wnnetka 2592. National Worker Will Be. at Kenilworth. Rec'eption Mijss Clara. LoU > Stevenson, assistant field agent fronli the G.irl Scout National headquarters ini New ork, will attend. a receptiolà for Girl Souts, and their Smothers at the joseph Sears school, ,Ketiilwortbi, at 3 :30 o'clock, 'Mondav afternioon. In connectiuiî witli Girl Scout wcek to he observed tiationally frorn October 29 to Noveniher. 4, the four troops of the Joseph Sears schooi .will hold a ple-ster conte-t. 'l'lie posters. which will depict- Girl Scout activities. will he judged by F. L. NNgaàrd, principal of the Joseph Sears sehiool, who' will pre- sent two. ribbons for the hest posters. Nîrs. Hlarry Thom,. -300Sûniset road, XVjnnetka, etitertaiined a few friends at lunicheoni on \\Vedinesday: for 'Mrs. R.' L. \Vescott of Evaniston. whn ks leaving for Flori.da sooni. M rs. Grant Ridgway, 207 Cumibcr- land avenue, Kenilworth, isaai borne after a visit of three weeks mîtth lier daughter, Mrs. William Pluiier of Boston,, Mass. Mrs. F. W. Fuecrmann,'835 Green- wood avnue, has had as her bouse guest for a week Mrs. Maude 1L McClanahan of Iowa Falls. Iowa, a trained in the underlying ideals of Girl Scouting. 'Memhership of thc I(enilworth unit of the orgaiiizatiori bas been limited to twenty-four ii!' more Brownie leaders are trained. Eight girls from, the fourth grýadv. eight from tihe third grade and seviév f rom the" second grade at the Joseî.li. Sears school had heen enrolled a. Browiiies up to Tuesday of this wek. Except for one. second grader, tht». quota is filled, and uther applicant'. will be,'put on a waiting iist an(l &t- mnitted te înembership as s oo 's. .as ;î second Brownie pack can be forime'!f it is' explained. iMiss'Margeret, Luscombe, a nîcîn- ber of the joseph Sýears school fac- 1uIlty who bas charge of1 the K enil- worth Brownie Pack, bas annouinced the naines- of memnbers of the pak as follows: Second grad e pupils-Gloria I .ovva., SuzannePeck,' Marian Miller, Karen. Williams, Barbara jean Kreger, Phyl- lis Wright and Normne Claffey. -' Third grade pupils -Dora Ma.e Law, Dorothea Knudson, Mfarabel Sears, NMarian Peterseni, Lucile Beck- ner' Frances Becker, Patricia Mno nara and Florence Willett. Fourtb grade pupils-Polly Ku by. Constance Ftuler, Edwina Mary Fuics, Charleen Marscball, M.\arilynl Dean, Katherine Fox, Martha L<d-1 wick- and Sally Robertson. Girl Scouts of Troop 10 Enjoy Gaines and Songs Trroop. 10, Wihniette, opened its recent meeting 'by plIaying two good gailes. Oe was a relay racé and the other was nade tp by the patrol leaders. Wet lien lad patrol corners in which wet 1discussed. new- naines for the patrol. They arc ladyý Slipper and Brer- R .i>- bit. W~etalked about comniunity serviîce and differentinaturegroups. A play was read t<> s, and we-were each given a part. WVe lail flag ceremiv and sang -Dark Brown .ls the. River" -This 014 Manî"'.andl"Shadow (reeps." Ilu clo- itig we sang 'Tal)s."-Jaiie lEtlîel ,ew- ,rau; scribe.. 746 Elm St. F IOR SALE ORT j . bouse on private lot. Four bedroon Ilavatory, private n I Ev appointtnent 9c liAn. Ravinia. Të H.P. 372S. ll1L2-tp s oeil WiLmmTE 32 UNmvSIT ROGERmS PARK 4675 K SPI 7317 0o Mrs. Dayton Ogden and ber daugh- ton, Louise, 1337 Asbury avenue. Wn netka, spent a few days rcefltlyn. Tiskilwa, T11.

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