it UVi'IJUIW li Wl pjUUic 411U VAgintr that Anita Loos, f amotis "Gentlementh faraythsaUa4i0ac P'refer Bine"atows sin-cl dtiring the winter. The records of the organization show that there wa'. to p)r(-vide a new vebicle for the screen.gof î4 ' on the gl links every mion>.. * 'HId ourMat'> wichals tenîsdtring tbe winter last year. thcni romantically, has an underworld The annual meeting of the Evsans-*.*~. flavor and, is a rapidly moving, rowd ton. Community _Recre ation aàssoçia- worldly ýstorY, of tion will be beld on the'tvenîng of M*~~. . . ..~ timely tempo. In November 9. The terins of directors ~ it 1Miss Harlow' Daniel. McCanni, George S.'I)alget,%, plays the part fC. B. Fullerton of Evanston ai a gaudy creature Mal. Gorge A., Quinlan of Wilmfette sxt who allows ber expire. The nominating conittee. self to Fbecome . consisting of C. M.'Cartwrigbt* and th...................George W. Walsh.. bas recommended elove r«-cket" for thttey be re-e1etdfr be the. sake of her vertrm. Tbe committee also WuPDo man. Gable, as rcommended tbat 'A.. Campbell, the nman in the 1024 Pyrin street, Chicago, be eîect Na;kieng, Chiela ufi gizme, asad- yr -dreissPertaiêrng to assinr wr case, is a Iig c~~d to fUi a one-year vacancy. Iruha /ewrdTedyec moraled c h aNhOgovernte wri7, udauspies finds h i s real J«S Harlo.w. nsng, ovnbr,ùdea.sis worth'wben tbe gr ssn t alT ol xmntons of t/se Wotnaet's soriety of the First hecause of tbe trouble his racket gets. frG vrmetJb rsbvtlerian. ch-irch of1 ilute lier inito. Tbe plot' is -thrillitng and witlî a climactic background iin a wom- Nortfih shore resi(lents who 'would ' Mjiss WVu i s vice-president of the eii', reform scbooi. Sam Woo>~d, one like to take advantàge of>.opportuni-, National Cbristian Counfcil of China, ()f the screctn's best knowi ldirectorial tiefs for governnment..etnpkiymnent have president of Giniing coee, and isi in- aces, was bebind the camieras un* the l>eeui advised 'by the United States ternationally known as 'an educatôr. She 1rdtiction. Civil Service commission that open was a special delegate te tbe Interna- Coçtopuse, Shawk Battie competitive examinations w111 be beld tional Congress.of Women in Chicago ",Samarang,' Wilmette' feattire k for a itnnîer of positionis. * iast Jtuly and is a womani of charmi and titre Friday and Saturday, October 271 Among the position. lîsted are: power. Slie wiil be iin Chicago at this Nd , containrs - in the opinion o uoai as an outstanding speaker for hiological experts - the miost misuial ternaster depot, Chicago. $2.000 a the United Foreign Missionary confer- camfira accolint of nature'.,; monsi:ters in vear-, senior stenographer. $1 ,620 a ence. hattle nomw on record. 'lIie grimi war- year; junior stenographer, $1,440 a An offering for mnissions \%i1ll iare is wvaged . etween a shark and ali vear; senior typist, $140aya;h eeved and the meeting' will he hieid otrtOpus, and it's a hattle into death I Junior tyj)ist, $1,260 a year ; junior in the Assemibly roomi of the Firs.t l>eCs-~ \Vhile sea denizeiis are striigglinig graduate nurse. $1.620 a %,car ; teacher bvteriani chuirch, Niîath struct amî.l fu i nasterY, another great figlit is lse- of home economnics. senior bigh Creeileaf avenute at 8$ o'clock. ing waged-this one I)vAbnig, the school, $2.000 a year, and teacher of peari, diver. il! an effort to win bis home econiotics, reservaton and ju- adored Sai-yu. Six feet thre-e of rip- niior highi school, $1l86 a vear. Indian Collegce Club Offering pling musicles and magnificent Iphyýsi<îie1 service, Department of the Iiiterior. Pumpkin Beauty Contest comprise Abmang. Ah, mie! Fill iniformiation as to these posi- "Sýamarang" was filmned ini the p)eari- tions rnay he ohtained froiln the sec- A punipkin beatity contest wil 1wa (living realmns of Malavsia dîmiring Ille retaries of the Ufiited States Civil there are to he rnre prizes than plaY - B. F.. Zeidman expeditio n.* Service Board of Examuiners at the feature of the Hiallêween amui WheWes That.Veut Bitton?. otofficesi thé varions' New Trier bridge partv of the Chiicago Co1i.eçýe lugtriin every degre f romn the villages, luYusdv eeing, October '31. snicker and chuckle. to the fuil-ilungecl A real havest ,din.ter, comuplete f rom guffaw that :sends vest .buttons hotinc- NEW ORLEANS VISITOR- turkcy to pumipkin pie, is promised. ingclwntheater aisles, will greet the Ms eeBn fNwOlas Each niemrber will carve hier oi comiedv drama, -Goodbye Again.," star-pnik ringWarrn 'Wllia, Jon BlndelLa. arrived Monday .to spend several pupkntetrinh cnstad ringWaren illamJoai 11onelldays with the Walter Doerings, 1331' the nmost heautifuil iviil receive amn and Genevieve Tobin ai the Wi"lniette. Chestinit avenue. Mrs. Boine is a na*- award. flheater Sunidav and Mondav. Octoher 'Pt .~ ... ~ ,c Ru.~l~~i~~R<',1',L.,Ad, reason that the Duyer of a Cnevroiet wants. That this policy is working out in practice is evidenced . by the growth of the organization and the: volume of sales. A year ago the a gency employed eight men, ..and te- day. its. personnel nuinhers twenty. That fact, by the way, is interest ing te W ilmette business men. A payroll more than, doubled ini a tweive-month pericti means a ýconsiderable increase in pu.rc .asing power. The experience of the local agency, is being duplicated througbout the country.. Chevrolet now seils more than 47 'percenit of ail light cars., on the 'road. I-n the north shore terri- tory where Mr. Stewart's concern opeeates, more than 41 percent of light cars sold are Chevrolets. And that speaks well for quality, hoth of the car and the agency. Aliother notable fact is that for ýtie. eigbth consecutive year' Chevrolet wvilI occupy numnber one place. at the, 1934 automobile shows at New York and Chicago. This recognition is allotted on the basis of the conipany's wholesale volume for the yearý ending last june 30. Chievrolet took top po- sition in 1927 and .has conisistuently* held it ever simice, exceeding ini vvholesa'e volumne ail other inieîixer copnies of the National Chanibcr a-, %vel as the oiîly i<)ni-nielnbr tcb take leadershiip lit the industrv. * No. 1 Place Again Chevrolet's space will be îîtunbvrcl one iii the Coliseiiini at the coining Chicago show, and Mr. Stewvart ex- tends.a cordial, invitation. tc the îo pie of this commîiitvll*\ to vi>it thte exhibit andi see what Clievrolet wili. offer to.the 1l934 automobile htmv-er. M. E. Churc h Di vision' Pl ans Luneheon, Music A progressive, luncheomi and mîsm-. cale will be: held by the Second ivi- sion of the Methodist chutrch for the WNoman's society ont Tuesday, Nov - eniber 14. As there are nearly two hundreci members of the *SocietNv the studio wardrobe fur nelp. viuh tison, 64p cf the story is told witb Mr. Williamn worth. Robe wearing pajamas and lounging robes ano, and johi andi his own supply was net f ancy of numbers, enoi8gh to answer the. demnands, of the Allen. A tea script. -'the program. .eim- was born; 2Pi- Mr. and M roup Forest av 1P. week. Th )wed son. Mrs. Kinne cf ,sday cf lait have another Doris Kiinball, 337 Leicester road, te'former Leah Kenilworth, .i5 leaving November 1 for New York tô visit, Ruth Silleck.