Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1933, p. 45

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Iured the meeting ofthte urder of the Arrow, held Sunday. at the Deer- fielId grammar school to promot,2 the formation of the Paul Bunyan club which plans to encourage good fel- lôwship among the old campers dur- ing the year and to recniait new boys for Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan next sum- mer. The following "woods bosses" were appointed Sunday by Carl GartleyV, head of the north shore *Order of the Arrow: ýPatCody, Wilmette; George, Getgood, Winnetka; Harry W, Stan- nard,.Glencoe; J., B. Jackson, High- land Park; Jim Russeil and Ray Dob- bills for I)eerfleld, Northbrook and Gxlenview; 11. A. Radloff, Liberty- ville; Tom Aiteridge,. Lake -Frest, and. Paul ,Muzik, ,-ighwood. 1Plan;s iere. made to bave every troop in the area visited this.,week by a ýgroup of Arrow members who W ill explain. the,-Paul 'Bunyan idea to the scouts. An effort will zbe made to have everv scout in. thc area pres- emt at the Patil -Buyan camp re- union in the Highland Park Com- munity 'Service building, Friday îight, Novexnber 3. Sunday' s meeting, the first held by the Order. of the Arrow since the suimmer camp season, was attended by' sixty iembers, out of a total activ-e memnbership of seventy. Harry W. Stannard opened the session with prayer, and Edmund Koebe'lin sumi- rnaùized the past vear's activities of. the order. Grid Crowd Directed by 100 North Shore Scouts Approxiniately one hundred scouts from the North Shore Area counicil ushered at the North western- Indiatla gaine Saturday. at Dyche stadium'.' They had complete charge. of' the east 'stands. Several th.ous and scou ts from the Councils in Chicagoland at- tendedthe game. C. W. Bloyle, assist- ant district commissioner of Deer- fleld, Rav DWbbins. scoutmiaster of- Troop 51,. Deerfield. and George Scheuchenpfluçt. assistant district. Bsots, breeches and checicereci shirts will be the order of the eve- ning as the scouts corne dressed like lumber jacks. "Corne in your old, clothes, prepared to have a gond time >and istein to a new idea for camp next summer," urges the program committeecomposed of George Getgood, Pat, Cody, and. George Scheucbenpflug. A Scotch kiltyv band wiIl featu, .e the piro- gramn. ByScouïts Rece ive A dvancement A.wards Wilmette, Kenilworth. and Gxlencoe scouts received the following awards during, the past wee.k: Wilmette Troop 1-Star: Bob Mat- thews; l)ropze paIni: Edwin Andrews and John, Pearson; ýmenit badges:, Bob Hetnderson, ecivics; Robert Mat- thews. personal health and public health; James MvIlrath, personal hiealth and public health; Gordon Schuber, persorxal health; Kenllworth Troop 13-Mient badge: Scott Camp- bell, first aid; Glencoe Troop e2-- Second class: Peter Burnett, How- ard Keefe, Robert Misch. Billv Roberts; scout life guard: George Murra Y. Scribes Snap Into Line With Idea of News Box The idea developed at counicil hieadquarters of having a mail box in each district as a central place for scribes of troops to leave niews items and other matter for scout héadquar- ters, and for picking up bulletins for' individual troops, has won 'the co-] operation of scout leaders ani .cribes tbroughout the area, it is announice&I The purpose of, the, mail boxes is te keep the. news. contacts "hot" be- tweentroops, andcounicil edur ters. ago in order that Mrs. Schneider niigbt look after ber comfort. A trained nurse has been in attendance f.)r some time past. Funeral services were, beld this (Thursday) morning, at St. Francis Xavier church, conductedby the Rev. Bernard. Brady, after whicb the funeral party lef t by automobile for. Clyman, Wis., the childhood home.of Miss'Robinson,, where intermenit took place in the family burial lot. Surviving are- her brother, Martin Robin son, her brother-in-:law, Patrick- O'Meara, ber niece,. Mrs. Schneider and nephew: Francis Robinson, al of .Wilmette; John.and Thomas Chand- ler ýof Chicagoare nephews, as is.also William, Robinson of..Chicago. MisRobinson came to Kenilwortb- about thirty-six years ago with. ber father' and brothers and sisters, and had lived in this vicinity since that cime.: Her brother, William Robin- -ion, was for many years postrnaster at Kenilworth, Miss Robinson serv-. ing in the capacity of assistant. The family is widely known on the uorth shore. Joseph Fisher, 71, Dies; Funeral Held on Tuesday Joseph Fisher, father of Mrs. Fran- cis L. Daily, 221 Greenileaf avenue, (lied last Friday at the age of 71 years. M.Fisher's bomne asa -2203 Ridge avenue, Evaniston. The funeraI. services were held Tuesday afternoon at Chillicothe, Ill., where he formerly lived. Besides the daiugh - ter in Wilmette, Mr. Fisher is sur- vived by two other daughters, MIrs. R. T. Bickell of Ne,.% York City and Mrs. H. H. Baxngardnier of Peoria, one son, Johin G. Fisher of Chicago, and bis widow, Mrs. Mfary Fisher. J. D. SULLIVAN DIES James D. Sullivan, 1510 Maple ave- nue, a resident of Wilmette for about thirty years, died at bis home Iast The aniual Mallinckrodt Aluninav, IJomecoming brought together as usual a goodly number of familiar faces and voices. Officer election was also scheduled for this meeting. The resuits were these: President, Harriet Steigelman, '30, Evanston; vice-president, Hielen Leis, 1,9, Niles 'Center"; treasurer, Leona Hoffman-, '32, Wilmette; correspond- înIg secretaryv, Elizabeth Hoffmann, 32, Wilmette; recording secretary, Cretta Miller, '28, Wilrnette. Directors: Marcella Kummer, '30, Wilmette 1;, Margaret DeMarco,, '31. W\ilmette; josephille Baer,,'32, Chi- cago. Mrs. Charles A. Broad, -Well known iii Wîliette and neighboring circles, has aftliated'hierself with the dra- matie dePartment of the school.* Botb indi-vidual lessons and gr >oup lessotîs are open tothe stude uts. 1 hose who have learned to know. Mrs. Broad thus far have.beguni to appreciate ber interest Ini the work and also ber cflarîning ,personality. Dr. R. McKenney bas ag4in couic to 'lihe Maliianckrodt to give the stu- dents a thorouýgh physical examina- tion., Defectà.are careaully noted and brought to the attention of the stu- dents. The Rev. J. Steidel of Colo., arrived Tuesday Wýiltiam H. Dillons of ro,)ad, Kenilworth. Castle Park, to visit the F.IMurr,, who bas been atl~ 'c.gevater Beach hotel, is now. at Pi~e G'eorgý,ianin riEvanston.. Ligit a»d DaaIç Ber Fox Head Ginger MAi Carbomatd Wate Ail made with Waakesbm. Sprlng Water FOX HEU» SALECO travel to Colun with Ohio State usher on the Saturdays begini Nove year. 'Vers and mner li

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