About May -i 5si. each scason, you a r e invited to spend ' dàa Franken's a nl iearn -to k no tulips. From the hun- dreds of orders our customerirb Placea that tme we gov-ý cmù and m,,ke our selection of' varie-, tacs wh[ýh we of- fer you now.. N ow, u n t i freczing is, the best time to plant. PHONE *41 Frankâi Br)s. INC. 440 EIm St. RN< First sret w.st fRI of tracksILL.. DEERFIELDILIL. well chosen programl gave her theie opportuflity to display ber splendids technique. Miss Cree showed a bril-f liance and strength that is excep-5 tional. Her technique is rernarkable5 and she is assured,-of a successful future. ,Beautiful accompanimfents were playéd by Ernan Akley. Fol- lowing the program, which is given as fol lows , refresîments were served. Piano Sonata op. 27............ Beethovenl Adagio Allegretto pres.to Cello Variations on a r6cocôo théine A. D. MDCXX.... ..MaDwell Juba Dance .;-...........Detti The Pifles................ MattheWs Danse Negre........... ....... Scott Cello, Elegy........................ Faure Minuet.............Debuss3' L'a Fileuse .............Faure Piano Finale from O0 mil'i' Concer-to. Mrs. Ernau Akely, co1ait Miss Josephine Young of Kenton, Ohio, is visiting lier uncle and, aun t, Mr. and Mrs. Robert: L.Young, .1732 Highland 1avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Harry L. Walkçer of' Cedar Rapids, Iowa, are guests of Mr. an.d Mrs. Walter L. Cherry of 517 iSb :ridan road, Kenilworth. Beautify Your Grounds Now! A vsit to the. North Shores largest and finest Nurseries wil1 b. to your. advantage. Here you can make your personfiI selection from the Iargest assortment of Evrgreens, Trees and Skrubs in the Chicago area. CASH & CARRY DEPT.- OPEN SUNDAYS -W. De omrpleie Laesdscapimn*ý-Send for -Our' Representaoive, FD.C/v ey i They will take your ordet. and senci it iu, tbns saving you a tliree cent stamp and also .giving you the satis- faction of knowing that throngli yôur subscription you are adding to a scholarship fund niaintained by the Girls' club. I4t's make this drive a big* suc- cess!. This year, mnore thani ever be- fore girls will be needing scholarships ai d this. is our means of giving thetn a bhand.. The, magazines wil1 bring news, knowledge-, fun, recreation -and education in to your homne-andin l turui you are helping to give deserv- ing girls a chance at advanced educa- tion. Our rates are'exactly. the. sainie as regular subscription prices, 50 next time. you pick up a magazinethink of -the Girls' club and call Miss Wright, at the high school, or aský ai y New Trier girl for fnrther. in- formation. H4ere's to the home with the mnost nmagazines. Hlot Dogs Importalt, Football Game Item The proceeds fromi the bot dogs, pop and.i taffy apple sales bas been averaging around $70 a week. As cold weahier approaches the Girls' club hopes that eveiln dre football enthusiasts will cheer the gaine on with a piping bot, jnicy hot dog. Don't forget, the molney goes to buy the books everyone wvants so 1much- so let' s raise tbe profit to $150 this week, Treat yourself to an extra. bot (log, and taffy apples are grand to cat on the way home. CHRISTIAN SCIENC E SERVICES "Everlasting Punishiment" will be the subject at the services in First.ý Churclh of Christ, Scientist, Snndayj mnorning, Octobet 29, at Il o'clock. ithe edifice at 1003 Central, avenue. Sunda# school convenes at 9 :45 o'clock. Ross Tarrant, soun of ýMr. anîd Mrs. Robert Tarrant, 1250 Chestnut ave- nue, bas fully recovered fromi a tonsil fui year. In past lyears thie club bas donc something annilally for the school. Several lovely paintings have been presented, the beautiful club rooni bhas been coinpletely furnished, ini- cluding.a large grand piano, and'vàri- ous 'high school and college scholar- ships bave been given, out.' This year. the.: girls wanted' soméî-, .thing new -and interesti ng to. do. somnething tha:t would ble far-reach-ý ing and, broad in its resui1ts. After. n:ucb debiating and many suggestïins. the, board, the girls, aind Miss Wright, their sponsor, decided to give the hi- l)rary $500 worth of: brand new inod- ern- books; fiction. biography and books fromÉ special fields, ail selec- tions' wbich should lie intenselv in- terestiflg. jThe student -body and mnibers of the New Trier coimuùnity have beei- asked tô submnit the naine, for con- sideration. -of 'any book they found, pýar.ticularly enjoyahle. Tro date nlu- nierons lists have been comipiled and handed in, These iists have been tturned over to the selecting commit- tee for consideration and final choice. iT'le books are beifng ordered in groups of thirty or thirty-five. The first group arrived last week and the 1books are now distributed. 1 The financial end of the IproeCt is being taken tare of trughthe )The Girls' club sincerely hopes that )ail .the students will treat the books iwith care ani consideration so -that future students. may also enjoy the gif t. Club Swamps Glencoe, The Kenilworth Badmninitonl club. numbering twenty-five "m e mb er s. miarked its first meeting of: thée year, .1y défeating the Glencoe Badminton- club in aIt -matches Sunday at the, gymnasium of the. Joseph Sérs school, Kenilworth. Summaries: Men's doubles-Ward Starrett aid Frank Ketcham (Kenilworth) defeai- TA. j. R. FOOT! LANDICAPE SERVICE Winnotka 914 I Myron Sumeral of Bellevue, Pa., is the guest of. tbe William Kinney fam- iîy, 126 Abingdon avenue, Keniîýwprth. ANNUAL TULOP OHOW CAR EFU- SELscTrioh pgLANT NOW 1