Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1933, p. 42

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* Diseuss How Soom We'II Reach Mars The .Stolip Assemblv club)held its weekly neetiniz Tuesday, Octcober 17. After the bIusiness was, attended. to, the prograi began.: This "prograin was given by the piipils., Each teach- Er ipicked ont the pupil or pupils, who had done the best work iu ber class. the week before. These cbildrenl gave thingç. which thev, badi doue in class, for assenmbly. First :the pupils of Miss Pc.rring's rooru gave. an .Enzlish debate on the subject, "Resoved: .That we vil reach Mars wftbin theý next fifty years.', Both sides brougbt outt many good points. and finally the judges recided iu favor of th- affrrmati.ve side. Next the seventb grade bo3,s' glee club presented 'a song. Then Miss Flaskered's room dramatized a scene froni «'Aladdinl." Miss Wymian couldn't very weil give sonietbing on mnathe- matics. so 1lean Frances Miller saig "Shadomw ýVa1t z," acconwanied by Frances Akely on tbe violin, and as an encore.,*'We're in the Money." The bell' then rang for disniissal and tbe prograi was continiied tbe *first period in tbe afteriiooii, su we tnissed some school we had nlot ex- pected to. ln tbe afternoon three- of Miss, Donnelly's pupils gave a chalk talk. Miiss Cbase's pupils gave sonie talks relate4- to social science, and two of Mrs. Vernon's pupils also gave talks on social science. Every- one e.njoyed the prograin verv niticb. -Lois WVhitehead, Stolp 2A Girls of Stolp 2B Are Undefeated iKickball The girls in 2B this year bave play- ed six kickball games. Usually every- one turns out at the gai-es and plays ber, hardest. We have won eer gaine that we bave played by a.bigh score except the last one, wbîcb was a tie. We played it off and won ly two or tbree points. - Mary Mac- alister, Stolp 2B. Peewees have played tvo gaies this year, tying both of theini,0 to.0. The first battle was with Ravinia but we couldn't get a touchdown. Tben we played a bang-up- gaine against Commuflîty Flouse and bheli ttho a scoreless tie, altbougb many bad pre- dicted Commtunity Flouse would wvin. The starting lineup for Wilmette was: Brown,. qu arter back; Seubold,' ful back; Moreau, rigbit balf-' Hallet,. left balf; Kulp, left end.; Jenings. left tackle; HulneWéll,. left guard; Samnuelsoi, . center; Wolff, right guard;ý Harvey, rigbt tackle,. and Baron, rigbt end . Subst itutions were mnade during the game-Jack Harve". Howard 8B. Who Will Edit Paper? -.Big Question at Stolp For several years the Stolp junior bigb bas been trying to'edit a school paper. This year Miss Cbase's rooni, 2C. decided to take charge Mf the, mnatter. Wben the other two eighth grades heard about it, they wanted to belp. witb it. The question still stands, "Will tbe tbree eighth grades or onily Miss Cbase's room edit the scboôl paper?- Helen May Meves, Stolp 2B. HIGHCREST SELECTS HEADS October 18, aIl the cbiîdren of the Highcrest scbool in the fourtb, fifth, sixtb and, seventh vôted for pres- ident, vice-president, secretary. and treasurer for the student couincil, which. has taken the place of the Achievement club. The president is Bernice Braun; the vice-president, Edward Cerven; secretary, Bernard Braun, and treasurer, Harriett Young. We are to bave the student council every second Friday of the montb. -Harriett Young, 6th. grade. MORE FAITHFUL NOW. At gym the other day Dudley Stone tuld us that if more players did iiut show up lie would bave to ch i' he teamns. That imeant that 12.1iJu.PIr IJY'NI4A IL1- * iii Vie pbysical trainin g at Howard this . year. 15 enjoyed by aIl the boys. We bave' one period a week, whicb is every Tbutrsday froi 10,25 to Il :55 o'clock. Eacbi week we bave, a test; tbie first one was ini punting. the sec- ond tii passing. and the third ini drop kicking. l'le next will prub ably be place kickîiig. After we pass tbe test %we play toucb for the rest. of the periO(l. Most of the boys have 1assed thecir tests.- George Redding, HfOward 7B. History Teacher Reads Tale About. Norsemen In bistory we ar e studying about the Norsemien and Columýb us. Re- cently we talked' about tbe. tune the Norsenten found. Finlauid. W\e al tbought it w~as the year 1,000. MNrs. Glennon, Our history teacher, read lus a story about* tbe Norsemen. Tien, after she read us tbe story, slie lad us. do sonie ainswers to the questions tbat she put on the board. 1I was julst beginning when she said, "Tinie for gymi." - Ruth Melchior, Central 4tb grade. Strive to Retain Kickbal Pennant for Third Year The 8A girls played thé 8B girls iu a n exciting gaine of kickball Ml\onda, October 16. This gamne was won by 88- On Wednesday, October 19, we played a second gaine mhich %'as won b'v 8A. 'he teain winnitlg. tlTe-Tr-ext garme will receive the eighth grade kickball pennant, having won two out of tbree gaines. The 8A bas bad it for two years now, 50 corne on, 9A, and keep it for the third. - Doris Paterson, Howard SA. PLAY GEOGRAPHY GAME XVe had a geograpby gaine recently XTe, wvould>.go uplu infront. and say, '"I ain -tbinkiug of a capital begin- uring ý%îth so and so." 'rbetnsomùe- one would, get up and say wbiat lie tbougbit was .rigbit. If it were. cor- rect. bie would write it un the buard. AtAbout Golliwogg Atthe Howard school ou Octoher 10, we bad club meetings. Our dis- cussion was club dues. We decided that the treasurer- Would go upb th e aisies just before the meeting> and report after the secretary, wbo is 1- Sie, the vVriter. Tbis is.the first mecet- ing at wbicb we bave bad a. prograin this year. SThe first on the, prograin was W l- fred Hoffman.wbo gave a cello soýlo. Dick Hall 'offered some jokes. Bill Daviis played the cornet. His pieces were- "Amnerica" and "Santa Lucia." Next was a piano solo by, Elsie: Jobnson, "In Schubert's Day." Bruce Carlton, at the piano, played. "Gol- liwvogg's Cakewalk." It wvas very 1 mce. -Tt was written by Debis-sv whoin w.re studying about in -uic.-Elsie Johnson, Howard,7B. Story of Boy With Poéor Memory and Nimble Wit Al lue pupils of Miss Perriug't- room bad to write an anecdote., An anecdote is a sbort story orparagraphii witb a coinical, subiject. I wrote the following: "One day a' class was assigned to write a. story about a bal gaine tbiat tbey h'ad seen. One boy couldni't re- niember seeing any. He wasted four minutes. Then the teacher told hlmi that he only bad one more minute. Finallv lie wrote, 'Ra.' No G;ame.'" -Dorotby Faville, Stolp 2B. WIN TWO GRID GAMES M.\iss Bodenbam's room bas pla.ved, twu exciting- football games. "ic' first une was played against Miss Proýwn's room -of tbe, Tenth Street building., We won, 18 to O. Our sec- ond football gaine was against How- ard scbool. We played at Washing-' ton îiark. The teain we played was Muade 111 of sinaîl fellows. NV e won,, 21 tc> 0. Our next gaine is witb St. Josepbi.-Bud Bowven, Central scbool. DRAMAÀ CLASSES REHEARSE REVIEÊWS sheds Howard 5C fo with two games, lost the Our next gatne hnson, on the Village Boling,, Howard nd tied tist Stolp - Lawrc c n oiUJ J w e 8 V 'nav e , d my clarinet for PEP TALK FOR Wii.TlgIk8 ,me Of the children Corne on, 8B. Let's get twice as o. I1 wisbed my n'any arti cles in the JUNioIR LiE this kthere but he was week as we had last week. We did a, sli the hospital.- f air job, but let's fil up the page this loward sehool.. week.-Bill Hayt, Howard 8B. and the chwIps bicyýs xck the locks more.-I

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