Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1933, p. 35

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cago and along the no1rth s» -ore, she is a frequent guest of the Winnétka~ boa rd, before which she often speaks înfornial- Iy. A fashion show, wlth dancing and bridge followiflg, will be given Saturday night, Oëtober 28, at Skokle school., foi, the, benefit of, the settiement, the work and aims 0of.whlch are best describedb3v -Mis$ Vittum's own history of North- western University settiement, whirh By Harret Vittuni Fu>ir more than fcorty- years 'North-. wtstern UfiVersitý, tetement bas been at %w"%rk on the cr ~ed northwvest side ()i Chicago serving as-a .good neighbor t!P the peo ple of that commu nity, many oif wlîom were born in the old.,country and have found adjtistment to the new 1, fe bewildering and. difficuit. Organizedby facuilty members and f riends of Northwestern university, it lias always carried the name of the uni- versity. although officially it i., not' a part of that organization, nor are its expenses included ini the university btd- get. In Tenement Are& Trhe support which originally camne very largely froni Evanston bas now been spread over Chicago and many of its suhurbs, and the Winnetka board . one of the stronigest local groups, working for the iinterest 0of the settie- nient and, its program. The, coMmmunitv about the settiement il iiiee<of the Most congested i al ('hcag. ith small bouses originally hunli f6r one famnily and cut up into zetenieflts housing many famlie:. Tlierv is no rooin in thiese overcrowd- u& hatjses for normal social life which, t:îîkoss some outside organization like the settleinent cati furnish, mnust be iuîun<l in the unregulated dance halls, pool rooms, moving picture shows, ice-. creani parlors, speakeasies, beer taverns, 'nall, parks and streets atîd.aile> s. Pione.er Project Pioneer work, introdueing iii the pub-J li1Whol of the community ki ndergar,- tens,. manual training, 'household arts, libraries, music and ail of those things which make the public schools attractive <the childre-,, bas been 'a large part of the settiemnent. program. Classes of. aIl kinds supplementing the scbool pro- grami have filled our buildings and en:- we have had to develop a large relief (lepartment to lie the *"first-aid" station for our neighbors who, neyer. before having had to ask for help,. have. f ound th.emsehres in dist ress and dilemn-a, and' to supplement the..relief ôf the relief- giving agencies. 'and tu stand bv the homnes where one persèrn perhaps.work-ý ing full ime'or* part. tue barred the, family -from relief 'and 'et did not sup- plyin.any nearlv aàdequaté., fashion the needs ofl the fàMilyi In.addition ,to -the'actuail relief work' the club and. class load« of ..the settle- nient has been increased niany times by this perîoôi of unemnploymient. Men and women, ÏIe and ,distressed, -have. to, have not only f ood for their bodies, but (Continged ,on Page 37) by Miss Susan Badgerow Northwestern, Univ.rsity Set tiement, STYLE The:SORSSHOP I 976 Linden Avenu. Hubbard Woods UMM UHEMANN's .,f e ature, n.ewelegance -in FURS Distinctive silhouettes, unusual* shoulder détail, fancy yokes and interesting neck- lines make, the new fur coats utra fashion, <Nover bof ore have' fur coats had these really smart linesi, You'II' aqree thét theresstyli and Relief' wk bas neyer been consid- éred a part of the seutlement responsi- bility except in real emergencies, where we loan and give to.our neighbors as people' ban and, give to their neighbors in emergencies everywhere in the world. B3ut there have been tumes during finan- cial dePressions and periods .of un- S outhwesf corner Sti. and fourth flobr 58, y..!. in the iaeelocation

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