RitsShioUIUIshoIw 41. 4aLinn i-uilu For the first time, titis, its sixth event aponsored for the sole pure of aid- ing those thousands f rom Chicago's Most congested area-who find the set- tliufent a baven in the mnidst of burden- teeming days, wiIl be an evening affair, wihdancing and bridge following the- revue of fashions. its, locale is Skoôkie. school, Winnetka, thé time,, Saturday, Oetober 29., The mannequins as usual, corne> f rom the ranks. of society ta, don the modes snart Chicago and north. shore shops display as the last word for late fall and early winter. The mod- els, debutantes of tbis season, of a year or more ago, and young matrons, are: The Misses Virginia Asbcraft, Adet- -aidle Atkin,,Margot Atkin, Susan Bad- *gerow, Evelyn Bou scaren, B9 e t t'ýv Cairnes,, .Eteanor ::Cushman, Helen. English, Joy Fairman,. Betty Gillies. Mary kouise Gardner, Margaret Hamill, Eleanor. janney, Virginia Lamson, jean O'Brien,1 Gretchen Onderdonk, Ann Palmer, Rosemari Price, Rosalie Roach, Barbara Ane Sargent, Marjorie Street, Lois Trues- dale, Helen Walcott, Jean Ward, Chloe Watson, Catherine Weary, Honoré WVhite, and five members of the youlig umarried set, Mrs. E. Turner Biddle', Mrs. John Demn, Mrs. joseph Miagnus.,ý Mrs. Norman Macleish, and Mrs. Gil- hert Smiith. 0f these Miss Ashcraft. * Miss Gardner, Miss, Janney, Miss t O'Brien, Miss Onderdonk, Miss Palmer, b Miss Sargent, Miss Street and Miss a Ward are buds of this season. a Severai 'of the girls, Miss Fairman, N Miss Truesdale, Miss Gillies, Miss Sar- r gent and Miss Ward will usher as wellX as model, and a group of younger girls r will participate in the festivity as ush- ers only. They are Mary jean Bartel-o me, M argaret Bell, Anti Harding, J ose-,d phine Zeiss, Priscilla. Payne, and Hlel-' en, Shoeniaker. Music will bave its intégral îarty. A i Russian Balalaika orchestra, its menm- L bers wcearing the colorful, baggy-, a sleeved costumes of their native land, it will. play their initeresting st ringed in-T 12; I'htbto hy 1I>agirte ilfrS. I>JiiIip May, 1316 .lshlanid mî.nu' sakipij arraiLiflents, foi, on orc-hestra b /o'Iav at fthe Raroi Kenilwor (h cèier of thd' Infant Wlffare Society of Chicayio. 7hi' l'art v. which wIlhart' ,al the' at- mosphere of (j real coupitrv dù»oce. is to b lit the JK.d'ilt Ilr 4-1cu, on On Committee for Woman's Club Contract Lessons. l'lit entire cominittee ini charge of the Xedesclay evening contract bridge lessons spoiisored by the ways and means coniniittee for, the WoM- *The Northeast circle is meeting with Mrs. L. B. Huguenor, 1315 Asti- lanid avenue. 1 The East circle meeting is calied for Il o'clock, with luncheon served at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. Philip iti-, guenin.will be hQstess at her home, ,06.ae avenue, with Mrs. Thomas H. West and Mrs. Robert Stoddard assisting. The South circle is to have its *meeting at the homne of Mrs. H.> B. Wilsone. 61I.Laurel avenue. The host- esses will be assisted by Mrs. Foster Branson and ý Mrs. 'Robert Read. Luncheon will be ýerved at 1. North Shbore Fortnightlly Formai Start'Nov. 18 Invitations..have .been issued .to about t wo-hundred members of the younger set along the north' shore I)ý the North Shore .Fortnightly. wvhich is presenting its fourth annua1 series of six forinai parties that will takt. ,place àt the Country. Club af Evans- ton starting Noveniber 18. Robert T. Porter will act as chairmian of the committee in charge of this year', .series, and Mrs. Arthur B. Seibol&I. ,Jr., vice-chairman. Other inembers <'i the cominittee are: Miss Ann B rad - ford, John W. Cullen, Jr;, Chester* Goitra, Miss Julianna Hiolmes, Carl-7 toin E. Johnson, F.leanor Lippinicoti. ,.Ir. and Mrs. John H. McDowell.' Normian S. Norse, Miss Frances Nicholas, Mr. and Mrs. joseph Alitit P>earson and Arthu>r B. Seibold, -Ir. Lfl's Club of Wilmnette -is announced. Mrs. Charles C. Hetîderson is chair- Arden Shbore Board man, assisted by. Mrs. S. E. Wells, M4rs. James Anderson, and Mrs. Ray- Adds Four New Membets mo.nd Armstrong.. The Wilmette Arden Shore board,, The course of six tessons given at 'its first meeting of this season, olice. each week, is open to any resi-. added four new members, Mrs. Ern- dent of Wilmette înterested i ac- est H. Freeman of. 601 Laurel ave- quiring knowledge of and skill ini the. nue; Mrs. L. A. Bower of 1216, Ash- gaine <iof contract. the- lessoni price land avenue; Mrs. Fred, A. Klock of s nominal. .Mr. and.Mirs. William J. 1109 Greeleaf avenue; Mrs. Roy R Lonniquist, who are the instructors, Marquardt of 218 Woodbine avenue. are using tthe Sims metho--d.* They Mrs. Frederick A. Tilt is chairman lecture at 8 and play begiis îm- of the Wilmette board; Mrs. D. L. mediately afterwards with Mr. and. Taylor is vice-chairman; Mrs. P. B, %,Ç-- 1 tmn .i thIdler, recording secretarv: Mrs. ing orchestras o' Aruva 'il Pl a*y during the entiré evenlng. This pre- mnier orchestra has been made pos- sible through an original and ingeni- ous arrangement with a commercial firmn of Chicago. The commercial advertiser broad-. casts the orchestra from the ballroom while the guests are dancing, and for this privilege the advertiser defrays, ail expenses of. the music. The radio station. trom: which thebracs goes out is-- hooked up in t he bail- room and the brilliant quips and stunts of the special broadcaster add, to h gayety.o.f the occasion. The orchestra this yeat is ."Phil Harris Himel,"of Hollywood fame. Some inerry floor shows will vary- the pro- grain. Mrs. Howard Fenton ,is chair- man of the, bal assisted by Mrs. Au-, gustus W. Eddy, . Louise de- Koven Phelps, Mrs.. Buckingham Chandler and Mrs. Frederick Al._ Scott, co-chairman. Mrs. Charles G. Dawes is hortorarv chairian of patronesses who are: Mrs. Edwin M. Ashcraft, Jr., Mrn,. Guistavus Babson, Mrs. Rosecrans Baldwin, Mrs. Ernest Byflel1d, Mrs. John Alden Carpenter, ýMrs. EdWard C. Crossett, Mrs., Albert B. Diick, Mrs.. Georgýe. Dryden, Mrs. Raymond Dui- Iey. Mrs. J. Horton Faîl , jr., M r >. Calvin Fentress, Mrs. Henry Gard- ner, Nlrs. Howard Gillette, Mr,. Chiarles F. Clore, Mrs. Charles RII Goodspeed, Mrs. Edwin M. Hadley. Mrs. John J: Hagey, Mrs. Thomas, Hlair, Nirs. Huntington Henry, Mrs H. Newton Hudson. *Mrs. Warren Lamson, Miss Cor-~ nielia [<tnt, Mrs. Cyr'us H. McCor- nick, .Mfrs. John McGibboins, Mrs.ý John iH.. McIlvaine, Mrs. Jqohn lJ. M ii'tchell, Mrs, William Mitchell, Mrs. Strin oroMrs. Howard C.ý Phillips, Mrs. .Gordon. Piriet Mrs. George. Raniney, Mrs. Kerséy Coate' Reed, M rs., T. Clifford Rodman, .M rs. Chartes Schweýrppe. NITs. Arch WV. C. Smith, Mrs. Mrs. Sulas Stram Shaw, Mrs.,Harold Bernard F. Sunniyý, xn, Mrs. Alden B. ,in A T,'a2td,-. L( ton. of Win ticket comml sisting her,1 Mrs. flarol1 c, or irom tnise as- que s. Herbert Butz, and Cari Barnes of Indian Hill. the arvard Law school. and à and: or of Mrs. GrahamTi readwal Hartford, Conn., who is visiting W. R. Abbott, Jr., ini Evanston. hon- y of Mrs. A dditional Society News on P'ages 38,:39, 41.