Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1933, p. 32

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noon SThe Federatiom of Clubs of Tenth Congressional District of nois. will meet, at -the, Roger s Woman's club, 7077 North As] boulevard, Wednesday, Novemb with .Mrs. Earl G. Wbitaker, pr ing. Mrs. William H. Farrelli. pres: of the state federation, and Walter W. Seymour, chairmai American home,,department -of General *Federation. of. Woil Clubs, who is also the speaker o afternoon, will be guests of bon The board will convenre at 9.:. the morning, with the district rn ing opening a haîf hour later. Its cedure will include the singin, -America," by Mrs. Nt. E. Sn the "Salute to the Flag," the "CC for Club Women," greetings extei by Mrs, joseph,.F. Peacock, 1) (int of the Rogers Park XVotr * club, and respônse -by Mrs. \Vhitý district president. * Report of officers, reports of ci nmen, routine business, new, busit and roll cati will take up the until. Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, trict chairman of Americau citi ship discusses "Citizenship Dui These Trying limes." Hier talk, t)e followed by adjournment for luncheon at 12:30 o'clock. Lune] reservations are to be mnade by cl or mioney order, with Mrs. J. L.j der of 7533 North Seeley ave Chicago, not later t-han Wedne.i October 29. The afternoon session wili c mience at 1:30, with the fol lov prograrn arrangecl: WlimI. President of the Illinois Fedtrptt of Womnen's Club,; Mgslc ..North. Shore .Misa porothy Pound, piano Genévieve Horween. ç e.I Caroline Harnsberger, violin ."How to Meet These Trying 'lime.s ..........rs.W. W. flai %usie . Roger4 Park Woin.en's Chorus; director, Miss A n n a'.i Address - .. .The Challel mrs. Walter W. Seymour, chairni of tjieAniercan Bomne departnue is extended to alil nterestecl in char- f the itY. Mrs. Robert D. Hessey, of High- f lii- landl Park, phiIanthropy chairman; Park- Mrs. Mathew Lillig of W'innetka, ,hland bouse chairman, and Mrs. William F. er 1, Scbildgen of Evanston, social chair- resid- man, are ini charge of the affair and will gladly accept reservations, it, is iMent . announced!' The prizes have been Mrs. donated, so practically aIl. the admis- nof sion fee will be used for: charity. Re- fthe freshments *will be, served at. 1 jnen 's o'clock, after. which cards will be ýf the played. A large attendance is. anti- or. cipated, and desired. 36 in .November -promises to be a. busy rneet - month for l.eague ieffibers, with four pro- sessions on the calendar. The regular ýg of monthly meeting of the league will tnith:. he held at the Winnetka 'Woinan's llect club November 14, at 2 :30, oclock, nded wheil Mrs. Mauricé Lieber will spoeak )tesi on"ord Happenings." Mrs. Frank nlns Meier of Northbrook and Mýrs. Ed- ak et, ward C. Weissenberg of -Ravinia- will be hostesses during the social iouir liair- after the prograni. ness, The social service party will be hiel<I tinie at the hiomne of Mrs. T. Hl. 1McAIlister, (lis- 619 Crofton avenue, Highlanîd Park, zenl- November 21.. ring Mrs. Sidney F. Beecit, president of %vul the league, will review, liugene .th e O'Neill's new play, "Ah., WNilderniess," hem,î November 22, at the home ýof Ms hleck Gordon. H. Fox' 188 Lakeside, Manior Zenl- road, Highland Park. mille, A civic tour conducted by Mrs. day, Earle Ludgin, to the juvenile court, Chicàgo', wi1i be hield Frid.ay, Noveni- oin- ber 10. Three-Day Rummage Sale Result8 in Net of $225 Mrs. Arthur W. Boylston, chair- man of the philanthbropy department of the Woman's Catholic Club Of WVilmette, reports that the three-day r ummage sale for charîty was a great success. Unusually large crowds at- tended daily and considerably more could bave been. sold if the commit- wnnt a cuuipliruvuary bridge party in the lounge of the Woman's club, instead. of the usual musical program. The business meeting wiIl start at' 2 o'clock and cards will. be piayed at 2:30. There will be a prize for each table, and for those.who prefer sewing, or perhaps "just chatting" a prize for every four persons- w.tbeh offered, besides many other. attractive prizes., Mrs. Broad will flot gv wyal hé scrt about the party but, she promises new memfbers.and those net well, acquainted will be given an. op- portunity to make maàny friends. Older members are asked toe all up those who have not been. attending regularly and invite theni personally. The Hallowe'en. spirit will prevail ini the decorations-and also' ini the re- freshments. Hostesses will be Mrs. Harry, Barker, Mrs. Fred. Clark ani Mrs. 'Charles Engelhardt. "Conie and sée the nîany. surprises Mrs. Broad has planned for y'our entertainment,"ý is the invitation the club extends. S pain and 'Portugal Corn e to Junior Auxiliary Tonight, T'le Junior auxiliary of the 'Wom- an',, Clb of WVilmnette, when it rneets. tonight, x Il hear Florentce White Williams, artist and speaker, who through her colorful and charming lectures, wili bring Portugal and Spain to ber hearers, giving ber comn- ment added vividness by clisplaying 'ier owfl bright-hued paintings which catchi the atmosphere of those 'suany lauds. Miss Williams depicts the old wlorld if e of Portugal and Spain, their buildings, beautiful scenes, gorgeons private estates, their. gentry, their peasantry. The speaker is a well .known Chii- cago artist, who is a mnember of the* Association of Chicago Painters, and Scuiptors, 'of Zonta- and other art' organizations. A. fine. exhibition of ber work hangs crn the wall' of -the small auditorium. of the Woman's club. Miss Jane Owen is in charge of the Gandhi to Club Iuesday -The India ofljipling and the India of Gandhi " willybe-brought to mem- bers of the Neighbors of, Kenilwortb whnnext they meet on Tuesday., October 31, at 2 :30 o'clock in the afternoon. Dhan Gopal Mukerji, in- terpreter of India,..will, unfold the. story.."Painter of Word-Pictures" is the phrase whicb has been used te descrihe the speaker who, it is said, "épossesses mnagic." -Mr., Mukerji was in India -when Gandhi. launched his revolution of the peasants. Hie* is, a reporter of the opinions of the coin- Mon people who constitute Tndia's voàiceless millions., After -three years of retirenient and meditation, m r., Mukerli ha's un'- dertaken a lecture tour. -Though in- tens'eIy interested i contemporary lindia,". it is sàid, "he brings spiritual messgesfrom the bolymin of the ancilent East wvho live above the bat- de of half-truths, neyer losing their vision 'of the' wbole trth." Ilis critics declare that he speaks -so charming- ly. so impressively, so lu~land yet so' divinely, that lie-lifts al bis' hearers out -of théîùselves into a %vorld of color and beauty." Not4 onlyý a speaker and a gifted onie, but an. authoýr-as w~ell, is Dhan (X'pal 'Mukerji. who lias hadl at least,, twent-v-five books' publishied. The Johin Newberry mnedal wvas awarded t o Mr. Mukerji by the American 1ilrary association for -GaV Neck," the mnost distinguisJlied children's book of 1929. "Caste and Qutcast," "A Son of, India Ans,-wers," "Jungle Beats and Men," "My Brother's Face," and "Visit India With Me," ar.e amon g the books of which he is the atithor. Woman's Club Sponsoring Tour to chinatown Oc.t. 30: Mrs. G. S. Roberts of 1135 Lake avenue, is chairman of the tours com- mittee of the Woman's Club of Wil- mette, which is planning its first out- of--Wilmette jaunt next Monday. south of. Central'avenue. members are invited meeting and luncheon. er worncs Mmel. Sturkow the the "Holberg Suite,' ter," and a ballade. A dditional Club Noms> on Pages 38,,39, 41

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