Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1933, p. 31

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tie the New Trier Highi school eleven at Phelps fiel4d Saturday of this week- The gaine will start at 2 o'clock, it is announced. Until Iast Sattird ay, whein it wvas tied by Evanàsto't, 6 ta 6., Oak Park bas not peritted its goal line' to be crosse(L. The west siders have to.thleir > credit five V'ictories., Their victims were LaCrange, 13 tao0; Bowen, 35 taO0; I)eerfield, 26 tao;,Austin, 21 taO0. and ,Fenger, 4ô: ta O. Promise Good Bâttie On the basis of comparative scores I and the. records' of the two teams thus far,.Oak Park is decidedly sup- erior a New. Trier, but the north shore boys. who) triuiiphëd over Mar- shali, 2o taO0, last Saturday, arc de- ter.mined ta show one of the leading' contenders for the Suhurban league' champfioiiship that they still know how to p1à:. football. New' Trie r bals wpi two gaines in five starts this seasan.I.aG'raîige. Whi cho'Iost ta Oak Park, 13 'tao,6.tefeated Néw Trier., 32 to 13. T-%wo of thec four touchidowns scored by XNeN Trier against Marshall Iast Saturday .wert .imade bv, Clarence' I)ahl, w~ho has beeui playiing an ont-I Standing 'gaine ai the left haïfbackl position. l)ahl plunige<l over fromdthe; three-yard Iine for duvç first score of the gaine iii tliv firsýt quarter afterI he hiad takeii a 25-yard pas, frorn Bob) HaIlquist, fiullback. vh i c hi brouglit the hall to tlue three-yard mark. Iii the third <quarter Nem trier scored agaiti whien Dlal inte a:Marshall pass andraced sixi for a touchidowln. I lalqit the extra polint. erceî) s, Penalties HeIp New Trier counited two morc touch1- downls Ili the final. quarter. The firsti came after a steady iinarch 1froi ts Own 3-vard Iiue. Two pealis against.,M arslîall, îotaing twventy yards, also helped thie Newv Trier boys. MfcFad(zeani. Nem Trier right halfback, carried th.e hall ovr fromi.1 the I-yard lhue. The last New Trier touchdowý%n came shrtIv after Marshall furn- TWILIGHT MUSICi W. viii h. gIed f. show Our for wlner occupency. In the starting lineu Trier were: Coamnbs, O'Leary. Ieft tackle; guard; Brown, center; guard ; Byrne, rigbt ta right end; MacKinnon, Dahi, Ieft balfback; right halfback, alid..Ha back. 58 Liervc ýcFadzean, uist, fufi- The gaine between t he New Trier and Oak -Park varsity this Saturday will bepreceded by a battie between the. freshman'-sop hâmore' elevens of thé two schools. This gaine will start at 12 o'clocknon I Lets TaIk AboutTaxtation (Continued fromi Page 22), rate above referred to., even though the law normally would permit. a rate- of $1.375. Inasmutch as the bidn rate is flot affected by this law and. the Schoot's building levy of $210,O is flot impaired, the total rate fo r the high school would seem to be nearly ~$1.22. . There, is a possibility that the new law hiaving been passed since the 1932 levy was certified by theý HihSchool district, the four-year averag e nay nOt apply tili next year, ill which 'event 'the high school rate would be near $1.28. The purpose of thes'e calculationls i ta bring home the point that utitil1 the maximum rate is exhausted, re- nium ratestailthteui the cuL in1as- sessed valuations does cut and cnt deeply. It is the arnount spent by taxing b:odies that eventually affect-s your taxes. 0f course, ail the fore- going m discuission does not tell the full story, even in respect ta the school expen ses 1ini the township, for, as has been. reiterated in previous articles, curren t tax levies are'flot the same as budgets of expeiises of the taxing bodies. Just so long* as all taxes are. lin arrears for one full year, and in oor Sundmys 5 f. 6 d kitchenettes àt special rates A. DEWEY. Moneginq Direcfor WOMEN OPFr OTARY MEET The North Shore group of the Ro- tary Cub of Chicago held their monthly meeting at the Shawnee club on Monday afternoon. -The occasionc was a bridge luncheon., Mrs. Frank Burpee of Wilmette, Mrs. W. Stein-j er of E vaniston and: Mrs. Paul I.î Aldrich of Winnetka were. hostesses. Mrs. L. D. MeShiane of Kenilowrth, is chairman. TO. ADDRESS OPTIMISTS R. L. F. Biesemeier, supervising en- ginýeer and head of the mantial edu- cati on department et New Trier High > school, w il give a talk at the weekiy luncheon, meeting of the Wilmette Optiniist club Tuesday, October. 31. Mr. Biesemeier. wilI discuss the ad- vancement of aviation in the last few years. and, its prospects, for the future. %0 m -mvr cw M- - A REAL UNIVERSITY 0F ART THREE UNITS IN ONE CO#mNURÇlUL ART UCHOO. UNS.C VOe ux CHtooL OF VAuHI@ ART RAY cHfOOL OF AUVUTIBRNO A bmIwe-Ike, piactical 1iation - WgcIuintmgl the prefessionsi, rnmqrmtm. c..meiclai 'AI% Dreas bdsulmd SWUDm, Advntoir4n, Ph.toup&t aimedreDecordom, Vumshluo Iuwd.m, adustda Art. Incozpi>ate bdon aMmd itbe mbjecté pertai.. lng te Art and Adv«eriIala lnLumry. Entranee Datem.--O.t. 80, Nov. 8.18 lTes e s eeideas Loeudes En*lroun n isurpase4. 116.So. Michigeq SIvd, Ch.1cege, Dep. S LaIrnvi.ew BIcIg. Opposite M. lautum, WlWIAM F. SA?, Pr.. Sur. WAA ts. n.. Read theýWantiAds enjoy tif, aifts bes . .. live EORýGIAN Hinman ,a+ Davis E VA NS TON, e e e s Tiiose accustomed to *v.ry essentiel of fine living have discovered tlhe Geor- gian-Evansfon's exclusive residenfil thatel-th. ample fulfiUliiwt of their desires. Hioman and Davis Street Greleaf 4100 Evegsfon à iiodejojp~

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