Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1933, p. 1

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Let's George L. Dick, Traveler-Lec- turer, to Show- Motion Pic- turcs of Bible Lands Plans have, been completed by W. Frank McClure. president, of the Wil-. mette 'Suniday Uvening club and bis 1executive- committee. for the inaugura- tion ofthe, 19t1i Sseason of Sunday club p.rog ram.s. Sunday,- October i 29, in the auditori-, uni of -the First C Con g-re gational Schurch. SThe opening pro- gram promises to be unusually enter- taining- a nd i- Il. A.AtweII f>hot<' George , L DiÉk, George L. Dick world-famned e c- turer-photographer presenting bis motion pictures with sourid, represeutinig a* traved revicv on1 Egypt, Palestine, Syria aiid Greece. Ilis subj ect will be, "'he story of Religi,- on.t 1'ictures M4 Sound These, pictures. will depict sen"es. of l3blical. hiistory froin Genesis to Rev-, elations. Sound equiptnent wvilt bring to thiea;udienice for the first tinle the "wvail- Ing wall of -the Jews," the sound of the )e 1!s in the Chiurch of the Nativity ini Bçtblehiem, the calling of the faithful to prayer by a Mohailinedan prîest on the Mouiit of Olives, and iany other fascinating f catures of especial' interest to students of Bible and bistorical lore. Tbis year's progranis of the Sunday Eiveni.ng club promise to equal in quai- ity .the superlative prograins presented unlder the club's, sponsorship during the past 18 yeas,w when outstaliditng nation'-. al and international figures bave made, f requtent appearances hefore niorth' shore audiences. The club enjoys the, cooperation of seven local churches. Its seasoni will' continue up to the Lenten season late in February. By Observer T HE Supreme Court of the state of Illinois last Saturday handed, down two very significant orders.,. One was theý *finding. in contempt of court a so-called "tax1 strikers" association, for practicinhglawwithout authority. This would seem to make it of doubtful, value for itidividual real estate owners. iii the future to join. 1arge groups to get tax relief,, instead of making com- plaints -direct to,*the assessor. The other decision, reversed an order of the county tax .Board . of Appeals given. last M arch to cut horizontally. by 15 percent the building valuations of ail homes and- -smail apartnients. This cut was planned to beeffective on the current tax bills of:every property owner Nvho had-flot paid bis taxes, but no provisi .on was made to. rebate those who had promptly paid their taxes. Something like 430,000 buildings. in Cook county- were aff.ected. Eipect Rush to Pay Up Not ail owvners had stood aloof,- but such a larg percentage were waiting for the, decision that the taxes in question, together *with other types of delinquencies for the saine year of 1931, resulted in about 44 percent of ail the taxes ini the county for that year remaining uinpaid. While there is a1 considerable number of owîiers who are said to have filed objections to their assessments legally, there is no longer a legal leg to stand on for 'blanket reductions for that year. There fore, itis expected. that there will be a rush to pay the 1931 taxes of those who have been awaiting the decision, for County Treasurer McDonough has set December 1, just five weeks away, for the date when he will begin to charge ail delinquents onie percent per *month penalty for further delay. By a coincidence, December 4 is set as the day when properties forfeited for back taxes will be put on the auction block and. sold to satisfy tax dlaims.. ites Several Reaulte Tiiere are several 'results of the major court decision of significance Lo citizens of New Trier town'ship: There is probably More than $1l,750,OOO, of- 1931 taxes unpaid ini tbis township. 0f ,tbis amount nearl% three-fourtb (say $1, 300,000) isowed such. local institutions as villages, schools, parks, libraries, etc. These taxing bodies iii most instances bave been living wholly on borrowed' Now that the lavv suit is settied and County Assessor Jacobs bas an- nounced that thie real estate assess- ments for 1932 will be 25 percentý lower. than for 1931, the big obstacle to selling 1933 tax _warrants is ap- parenti removed. Taxing,,bodies shortlv shoùld..be able to borrow more funds to pay teachers, police- mnt, firemen, etc. Whlat is more proinising, there is likelilhood of collections of taxes in Village Officiais> Confidient of Winning Case Despite Su- perior Court Setback, The reent 'interlocutory decree entered by Judge John P. McGoorty in Superior court in the case of.Ben- jamhin Ehrlich against the village o Minmette to: compel, issuance .of .a permit to build an apartment' build- ing on bis property at Fourth street. and Laurel avenue, bas'been the sub- ject of widespread discussion tbrougb- out the village. Inasmnuch as the de- cree reverses the decision of Master in Cbancery Sydney Pollock, and bolds agaînst. the. zoning law, the question in miany minds is, "What is to become of thezoning law?" While President'bubbs, and other Village autborities recognize that the decree is a setback for the Village, they do flot take a defeatist attitude, but -express confidente that the ordi- nance will be upheld in the higher courts. A few years ago, it is pointed out, the courts wére prone to hold that the property owner had a right te use it as hie saw fit, so long as bis use of it did net constitute a nuisance. More recently they bave leaned toward the rigbts of a muni- cipality te govern, within reasonable bounds, the use to which property could ibe put, and this bas led te judicial recogfnition of the' ,aniniz Wifi Figlit to Làitn Tbe future course of the Village has also been a subject of much speculation. The alleged higb cost of litigation has been given by some as a reason for abandoning the defense of tbe zoning ordinance, but tbis, President Dubbs asserts, will not be done. The administration recognizes tbat final loss of the case would de- stroy the zoniiw law and rernove al *Peter J. Huerter Post, Unit 669 fiscal year hiave not been able to ili ceived from Washington of the American i egion auixiliary, (duIce finiancial institutions to buy postmaster. These are i will h ave a bakery sale at 821 Ridge their new 1933 warrants because Of names previously publisl avenue Wednesday, Noveinher 1, for tliis litigation andi also becaise, of Tea company, Phillip- the benefit of the Scbool Cbildreti's [lie uncertaimty as to botb the prôup- company, Matbew Fra Milk f wid. *ieii.fttex collections and the amount The Gathercoal.-Awning *UUltitolu rc£4&rx :National the Unjonch Petroleum 29. The re is Studio, church, the E Vice. forthp, gi*vlng or of the v. Leland Hot ce sermon on

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