Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1933, p. 22

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'r township, of which there areI bess than eighteen. -It is a pretty guess that some meniber of every roon FY5 W go Comaa 'niicipal board ere this lias been C. P.DAUNG,. Pro>. cfoi*mg some heavy work with lead WhIinU. 111. pencil or calculating machine to as- Pbo mua : 15 - 63W4Z certain jus t what may or may. xot (7 d..wes 4if Geucs) happen to the income accout.- For, BUTTE, ROCS AND 'POULlT although the 1932. tax 1evies were DRESSR TO DEE ertified last summner, no tax exten- siffnis* have been.> recorded by the côunty clerk and ît wilI be. several mOntlis before actual. 1932 buis are Sent- to property 'owners. Therefore. when the assessed valuation of ail beal estate is ord'ered, cut>25 percent a iiI.means that the multiplicanid,- against tf which geparat e tax rates are 'muiti- plued in our famous- tax, multiplica- tion problenilbas 'b)een sharply, re-ý duced. R AI 2What lit Meansto. New,.Trier First let us see, what it- means to the- entire township.' The total as- sessed valuation ùf ail taxable prop- erty h-as thî'ee dîiioinsý .eal estate; personal property, and railroad prop- erty. We ail know how real estate has been ont the toboggan siide thèse past, few yeàrs. In the assessed val- LYON & IIEALY Servi.. uatfon lor 1930, however, tbis was not Men have @peneuit o a b a refIected, for the total real estate studyitg and testing in Ou value in New Trier township was Radio- LaIoralorles til t tey then $75,680,790. There was a 1big kmow nearly every symptonu slash in 1931 realty values, whic h eOmunon te ailing radios were recorded ut $62,070,050. Reduc-i 1 . aud an IScure hem. ing this last figure 25 percent brins j total ilwu b e considered in' roundo numbers of $57,000,000, though, due to increased perscrnal property assess- nients, the figure nmay be ùearer $60,000,00 when it is published. 'Wbile 'tbis figure most spectacu- larly shows the decline in propert3' values and implies the problemn of al taxing> bodies, as a matter of fact there are qon!y two strictly local serv- ices covering the whole toWnship that might 'be adveesely affected by the rdcin These are the Town- ship proper, and- the, High Schooi. We *cani perhaps dismiss the ToWn- ship with the brief rema nrk that its 1931 rate was.oniy .03, and that white several years> ago it levi d, as hiîgh1 as $30,000, subsequent levies have rap- idly declinedto the present level oi $7,500. Hence there is no trouble there about adequate funds. Ini theý case. of, New :Trier High school, the normal. maximum.,rate.,for. educational' purposes is, $1 an& for, building purposes, .375/2, or a total of $1.37'/2. In order to prodtite the sarne levy as last year the rates. needed against the new valuations1 under normal circumstances %voul have been .921 and nearly .36, respec- tiveiy, or about $1.28 on the next billing, conpared with $1.65 paid or heing paid this year. New Law Changesz'Matters But a new law affecting school dis- tricts was passed last spring which throws a .monkey-wrench into this zalculationl., More will be said of that NSo-, thle valuation is cut tq, $11,590,- 900. wliicli even at the maximum of $2 %vill 1roduce only $231,819, or a de- hecit of over $37,000. if the 1931 coin- biniation is a criterion. (O.f course,. ail throughi this discussioni we art forgetting for the time being that nOthitng like these total amopunts hiave been or %vill be collected, because oi h eav v:delinquencies.) lii the case of the Winnetka ,Schiooi lisîrict the. 1931 tax rate of $1.71 used ag a iins t that year's valuation oi $z512359lwouid normally Produce $429,t)13. This year the valuationi will ie. cut t o about $19,858,784.,,i 0o.rder to ecînal last year's total~ thé raite would. le shove d ulpto This wouild not ie, lawful. Applying the fulil $2, rate cati produce,-onlvý $397,175, leaving a deficit of $32,438 Iit)n greater levy than 1931 as shown. litre silould lie needed. A, year ago Districts No, 39 and 40> In Winette were nierged .into ontxýc "flits slightly comiplicates our' calcu- iatiot it "'e atteiipt to c.oubinç >,g lires and niake them actually coin- parable. 'rlerefore we are using onlv thedcaia thiat applied to District Nf. 39. ilhe major 'vîimnettc systein. lTht total. assesse(l valuation .in, 193[ - was cuit f rom $24,4,45,0J3, to $ï9.M82,023. On the latter valuaàtioln the tax rate applied was $1.(0, w'hiclh .norunally would produce $314,912 (thet levy thiat year %vas actually $300,M»0. Thit new valuation, more rougll approxi1 - mated thaü for the other districts, Ï: about $13,550,000. To produce the ILYO N& HEALY: New. assessment roll. It is acknowledged that the per- sonal property assessînents will lie greatly increased. This item was $4,17'3,320 in 1929; $5204,213 in .1930; $9,202,612 in. 1931. and, goodniess knows what 'for 1932.* We do Iknow that GeorgeR Harbaugh, our lonig- time local assessor, quit his-job.after aý fresh re-election 'to it just because he wanted to consider hiiself an honest mail and would not accept Assessor Jacobs' method of forcing Ilere to give an idea of what. norin- aily happens. That is, if the assessed valuation is cut and the taxing body bas a suficient and pei2haps unused Maximum rate, the county clerk upon receiving the certificate -of the. tax- ing body calling for a certain arnount of taxes needed in dollars. simplv as- certains what rate within the maxi- mium allowed. that taxing body by iaw, is needed to provide the amiount of taxes asked for.' and then pro- mette sctiools cut their 1ev>' to $250,000 and their budget to ixear $2W0000. In order to produce the levy amouint the rate would be' roughly $1 .84.. Thus there is margin to spart e venl for a slightly larger levy. This, year, the 1933'levy vrteaeas 01 Districts 39.and 40 is $300,000. but t(l produce this levy a larger assesscd valuation than indicafed for NÔ.: 39 ) alote' is. available, thoughi eveîu at that it is possible the rate îuighrt have to go a little higher in tht ýcol- lections, made year after next, or hl,umore tian the 1931comlnmn u- 'lliii l y or ne<asLJt twLVo atinn. years hias been $525,000 each, but the' Thbe Glencoe School 'district last, average levied during the prcvious vear had an assessed valuation of four years was $483,000. Thus the $14.812.1319. against wbich. the rate counity clerk cannot extend th e $1.28 ;t used ($1.82) would produce $6,8. (Continued on Page 31) roi ppe eider IWHEEUING FAR1M 1, ie asses eu ýas

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